I Make Games To Restore Chinese Civilization

242: Solve The Puzzle, Thanks To The Ghost Of The Uncle

Teacher Park is in a dilemma.

Now he really wants to go to the website and ask what it feels like to be caught in the middle of three ghosts.

"Master, you are not giving me a way out!"

He had no choice but to confront a paper man and two uncles passionately.

Suddenly he had an idea, and tentatively touched his bracelet. If he remembered correctly, this bracelet has the effect of exorcising demons.

Strangely, Hitomi didn't respond.

Could it be that... the bracelet didn't work?

Mr. Park was a little strange. He mustered up his courage and took a step forward.

He was going to try it out, the paper man seemed the best to deal with.

The paper figurine didn't move.

He stretched out his hand tremblingly, and tried to touch it with his hand.

"Hey, still not moving?"

He waited for a while, but there was still no response from the paper man. So I went up boldly and picked up the paper figurine.

Holding the paper figurine in his hand, he discovered that it turned out to be a prop!

Props that can be used.

The moment he picked up the paper figurine, the avatar 410 of the uncle next to him disappeared instantly.

Seeing Lao Pu's astonishing behavior, Shuiyou was shocked.

"When did Sao Zhu become so brave!"

"No way, could it be that he was possessed by a ghost?"

"Do you want to call the police?"

After Teacher Park found that the figure of the old man disappeared from the stairs, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Perhaps the paper figurine props obtained just now can be used to burn.

Holding the paper figurine in his hand, he rushed out of the stairs all the way.

Came to the spiritual shed downstairs.

This trip went very smoothly, and no weird incidents were encountered.

The wind went smoothly, and Lao Pu was worried all the way in vain, but he didn't encounter any danger.

He put the paper man into the brazier in front of the altar, took out a match and lit the paper man.

In an instant, the paper figurine turned into fly ash and was scattered with the wind.

There is a strange beauty.

"Master, all the beauties are burned to you, so don't rush me with your ass!"

"Thank you very much." (dacg) Lao Pu rambled in his mouth, and had already entered it.


There was a soft sound next to his ear, and when he looked back, he found that one of the drawers under the altar had been opened.

[Ding! Obtained props: telephone receiver]


He immediately picked up the receiver in the drawer curiously.

"Uncle also knows how to return gifts, pay attention to people!"

He put away the microphone, looked up at the photo of the uncle, and suddenly froze.

On the original posthumous photo, there was an extra figure, it was the paper figurine he burned just now!

A chill ran down his spine.

Could it be that the paper figurine he brought back just now is actually a ghost.

What is the relationship with the uncle to be burned?

Compared with the frightening scene of face-to-face killing, it seems that such a horror plot with hidden meaning makes him feel even more horrified.

He shook his head, shaking these messy thoughts out of his mind.

On the desk in the reception room, there seemed to be an empty landline.

He glanced at the microphone in his hand, it should be used there.

In the reception room, Mr. Park tiptoed over cautiously.

He looked left and right, afraid that something would come out again, and he would kill him in the face.

I have suffered enough tonight.

"Ding ding ding ding..."

A burst of rapid phone ringing suddenly rang.

"Damn it, scare daddy!"

"Could it be uncle's thank you call?"

"The sound is so piercing and annoying."

He picked up the phone, and there was a rustling sound, and an old voice came out.

"The elevator...is yours!"

He finally breathed a sigh of relief and unlocked a new route.

At this time, he unexpectedly found that he had a sense of accomplishment.

He hurriedly threw this strange thought out of his mind, what's going on, is he addicted to being abused?

Absolutely impossible!

With a hint of excitement, he returned to the building.

"This time, I should be able to take the elevator home directly, I don't want to climb stairs again!"

"I still remember that the home should be on the ninth floor"

He froze when he fixed his eyes on the elevator buttons.

The number nine on the key was actually deducted, leaving only a dark hole!

"Damn it, you're kidding me again!"

"Okay, I'm on the horse with you, even if it's climbing stairs, I will climb up!"

He was just about to get out of the stairs, when he glanced unconsciously, he suddenly found that the elevator panel seemed to have changed from before.

The original B18 has become B1.

"Huh? Brothers, this basement floor seems to have become normal."

"Shall we go down and see?"

He pressed the B1 elevator, and with a strange creaking sound, he quickly came to the negative floor.

After getting out of the elevator, I found that it was an underground parking lot, and only a few cars were parked.

After some searching, he quickly found a paper horse, an antique clock, and a sticker book.

"The horse that I promised my uncle should be this one, but what is this clock for? Why is there a pointer missing.

He remembered the metal needle he had picked up before, and tried to fit it into the clock, but nothing changed.

"Forget it, put this clock away first. Brothers, take a look at the sticker book first."

The system prompts [Sticker book: ancient character stickers, which contain stickers of various characters and strokes. 】


"This game is so funny!"

Teacher Park instantly figured out what this sticker was for, so he took out the ghost talisman and the blank talisman paper to compare and paste them.

The water friends were stunned.

"Old Pu Xi!"

"The reaction is really fast, cow!"

"Haha, the kindergarten handicraft class has started."

"This operation is okay, I can't see that Old Pu still has this ability!"

When he finished all the textures, a system prompt sounded in his ears. .

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