In the palace.

Fang Ze asked to see the White Emperor as a lower-class traveler, and waited for a long time before the White Emperor they wanted to see came.

But to be honest, the White Emperor was very different from what they imagined.

In their imagination, the White Emperor should be an upright and selfless emperor who represented justice, handsome and mighty, and opposed to the Black Emperor.

But in fact, in the above speculations.

The White Emperor only occupies the one that is opposed to the Black Emperor. The

White Emperor is a blond man with a big belly. He is so fat that even his clothes can't fit him. He has a very sloppy beard.

When meeting Fang Ze and others, the White Emperor still had a hint of drunkenness in the corners of his eyes, and he looked like he was still drunk.

"You... travelers, travelers again, what on earth do you want to do?"

After hearing Bai Huang's words, Fang Ze did not intend to beat around the bush and said simply and clearly:"As the king of this country, have you ever considered this country?"

Bai Huang frowned,"So, you are here to criticize me?"

Fang Ze sighed,"In my opinion, it won't take long for Black Emperor to...���The call will come, what are you going to do then?"

"Excuse me for being blunt, but your soldiers are just as drunk as you are, and have lost all their will to resist." Then surrender, what else can you do?" Fang Ze was stunned. Is this the Bai Huang? There is nothing to say, this country is really finished. Fang Ze took a deep breath and did not intend to persuade Bai Huang anymore."Since you have your own ideas, I will not waste words.


"I want to ask you, where is the guardian of this floor?"


Upon hearing this, Bai Huang suddenly crossed his legs,"Guardian, I am."

This... this pig is the guardian?

Ahem, sorry, I lost my composure.

Should I say that this king who is as fat as a pig is the guardian?

Fang Ze and the others looked at each other,"It seems that this level is very simple."

Zhang Qingyan said nothing and directly took out the Bingpo Bow!

And Fly was the first to step on the shadow and hide, and directly put the dagger across Bai Huang's neck!

Bai Huang was shocked when he saw this,"Wait, wait, what are you going to do, I'm the guardian!"

Fly grinned,"We are fighting the guardian!"

Bai Huang was stunned for a moment, as if he understood something,"Wait, you, you guys listen to me first, it's useless to kill me!"

"I know what you are here for. You want to unlock the seal, right? In fact, you don’t need to kill me to unlock the seal!"

"To unlock the seal, only one key is enough!"

As he said this, Bai Huang took out half of the key from his greasy arms,"This, this is the key to unlock the seal!"

"But the key I have is not enough, this key is incomplete, and the other half is in the hands of the Black Emperor!"

"I can help you open the seal, but the Black Emperor will never help you!"

"No, how about this, you help me kill the Black Emperor, as long as you get his half of the key, I will help... help you open the door!"

Everyone looked at each other, and saw Fang Ze suddenly came forward with a magic wand,"In other words, the Black Emperor is the real guardian?"

The White Emperor suddenly shook his head,"No, no, we are all guardians, and each of us keeps half of the key!"

Two guardians?

But it seems that this White Emperor is just a good-for-nothing.

That is to say, the real guardian is still the Black Emperor.

Ye Qiu was not surprised to see this, he just walked forward and took out the Yanyao Greatsword,"This guy is Dracar XII"

"That is, the 12th White Emperor, who had lived under the stalemate agreement since childhood, had not suffered from the pain of war."

"So he became a good-for-nothing, am I right?"

Bai Huang nodded repeatedly,"Yes, yes, I just want to live a peaceful life, there is no need for us to be enemies!"

"You, what do you need? I can help you with anything except money. If you want a title, I can give it to you too!"

Fang Ze sighed,"It seems that we can only rely on ourselves."

Ye Qiu suddenly laughed,"Don't sigh in a hurry. Bai Huang is actually beneficial to us. We don't need him to show up. It's enough to just lend him a name."

Fang Ze seemed to have thought of something,"Do you want to...package Bai Huang and gather players to deal with Hei Huang together?"

Ye Qiu nodded,"Yes, he just doesn't show up. We will rewrite his history and make it a passionate story."

"Just like packaging an artist, he doesn't need to do anything, we will reshape his personality!"

Fly:"Hehe, then I have an idea."

Watermelon:"That is, support a puppet emperor?"

Zhang Qingyan:"Correct answer, we don't need Bai Huang, we use his soldiers and his name to recruit soldiers!"

Du Yuan:"Holding the emperor to command the princes?"

Bai Huang looked at the people with bad intentions and suddenly felt a chill on his back,"You, what are you going to do?"

Fly showed a sly smile,"Don't worry, we will definitely not kill you, but you have a lot of meat on your body, which is not easy to package, so why not cut some!"

Fang Ze directly opened the guild channel,"Call all the guild members, this matter is not easy to handle by just a few of us."

Fang Ze's guild now has more than 40 people, all of whom are carefully selected experts.

And at this moment, a soldier suddenly broke in!

"Oh no, Your Majesty……"

The soldier froze in the middle of his speech, looking at Bai Huang who was threatened by numerous weapons.

He suddenly felt that... it seemed that there was nothing wrong.

Bai Huang was furious,"A bunch of rubbish, saying this is not good, that is not good, look at me now, am I good?!"

""Can't you see I'm not in the mood to care about you? Get lost!"

The soldier's shoulders trembled and he was about to retreat, but at this moment, a pale hand suddenly patted his shoulder.

On that pale hand was a bird gold ring.

"Bad? Why bad? I think it should be a good thing."

After he finished speaking, a group of mysterious people in black robes suddenly broke into the hall!

Fang Ze immediately turned around and saw that all the visitors were players!

The ID of the leader was called Yan Wang.

And under the ID of this group of people were the three words, Blasphemy Temple!

A rough glance showed that there were about eighty people on the other side, or even more.

Yan Wang walked in front,"Oh, what a coincidence, you are here too, President Shengguang, it seems that we have a chance to cooperate again."

Ye Qiu frowned, this guy didn't come earlier or later, but he followed them as soon as they came?

It's a coincidence, is it possible?

In Ye Qiu's opinion, this guy is probably following their choice.

Whichever side they choose, Yan Wang will choose that side.

If nothing unexpected happens, he should be here for the divine test.

Fang Ze stepped down and approached Yan Wang,"Do you also want to assist Bai Huang?"

Yan Wang smiled.

"I only stand on the side of justice. After all, I have no sympathy with evil. Of course, I can't stand on the side of the Black Emperor."

"But it seems that you already have a plan. This time, I will rely on President Shengguang."


Today is still the fourth update. The group was full yesterday, so the author expanded it overnight....( _ _)ノ|

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