In reality.

In the bedroom of an old-style apartment, a young man was rubbing his newly acquired login device.

"This is the login device!"

The young man's name is Zhou Li, and he is an ordinary high school student.

His academic performance is average, and he is not going to college.

After graduation, he found a part-time job, but he quit after just one month.

The purpose of his part-time job is to buy the login device for the Sealed Land.

Of course, this is not only to keep up with the times and experience the most popular cross-era game Sealed Land.

He came to the game to make money!

According to a friend, there have always been players who specialize in recycling currency in the game.

The recycling price of 1 copper coin in the current version is 67 yuan.

This number fluctuates every once in a while. It is said that when the version was just revised, it was once hyped to a sky-high price of 1:276!

Now The price has started to drop continuously, but there is still money to be made.

As long as you can earn 10 copper coins a day, it is easy to earn over 10,000 a month.

His friend sells currency in the game, and it is said that he has now made over 50,000 a month!

Zhou Li has heard of the name of the Sealed Land for a long time, and he also wants to play this so-called epoch-making game.

But the family has a lot of loans to pay off, and his parents are too busy every day to go home.

Zhou Li originally wanted to go to work to reduce the burden on his family.

But now it seems that the answer to making money quickly is the Sealed Land.

Zhou Li put on the device, and then tapped the start button on the right.

The next second, his consciousness was cut off from his physical body.


When he opened his eyes again, he found himself in a sea of stars."Is this a holographic game?"

Zhou Li's mind moved, and he saw a lot of information suddenly flashing in front of him.

And there was an agreement that had to be checked. Zhou Li didn't think much and jumped directly to the character creation interface.

He thought about it, and finally created a white-haired young man with delicate features, and adjusted the toughness of the body to be a little higher.

There is no need for exaggerated muscles, just a little bit. As for the height, the template of the real world is still applied. The overall character tends to be tall and thin. It is said that this is more agile.

Zhou Li also read a lot of posts about character creation. Although he didn't understand it very well, he got it roughly right.

Finally, after the character was created, it was time to enter the ID.

"The ID is... Xingyue"

【This ID is already in use】

"Star Moon 123?"

【This ID is already in use】

"Star and moon 123453789?"

【This ID is already in use】

"Star Moon 46427?"

【This ID is already in use】

"No, there are people who would criticize me for just talking nonsense, it shouldn’t be that serious, right?"

"Is that called a mountain ghost?"

【ID registration successful】

【File creation completed】

【Wish you a happy game】

"No, I was just kidding. Wait.……"

Without waiting for Zhou Li to say anything, his consciousness had already traveled through the endless sea of stars like a spot of light and landed on one of the planets!


Zhou Li slowly opened his eyes, and saw a huge circular altar.

Many players like him were resurrected on the altar, and were busy wiping their bodies.

"Yes, we really have the goods!"

"This gaming pod is worth buying!"

"Damn, brother, can you take it off and let me see?"

"Come and have a look"

"Uh...why is it a mosaic?"

"Damn, if you don't have the game console module, you can't see anything. Only those who have installed the module can see it."

"Damn, can't even take a look?!"

Everyone was disappointed.

The place they were at was a rebirth point built by the players themselves.

But it was not the only rebirth point.

Players would be thrown here by default, but if it was full, they would be randomly thrown nearby.

But if the nearby area was also full, they would be thrown further away.

At most, they would be thrown to the border to rebirth.

Fortunately, there were not many new players online during this period, only a few hundred per minute, so Zhou Li was not squeezed out.

At this moment, an old player in armor suddenly walked over.

"Don't stay at the respawn point all the time, otherwise it will delay other players' resurrection and logging into the game. If you don't know what to do, you can come to me. I have a new team here."

"It includes digging teams, combat teams, and production teams."

"You don't have to pay to get on the bus, but you will be charged afterwards. If anyone in the combat team disobeys orders and dies, the consequences will be at their own risk."

There are many such players next to the resurrection point. They all claim to help newcomers get started quickly.

But in fact, they are just looking for free labor.

Of course, it's not just free labor. These newbies who join the team have to pay them afterwards.

What's the difference between this and paid work? It's a pure pitfall for newbies.

Zhou Li had no intention of joining these teams. He had already read the posts in advance. These people are just a bunch of blood-sucking scammers!

Zhou Li quickly left the rebirth point and saw countless buildings in the city. Those were all houses built by the players themselves. They were really wild and imaginative.

Zhou Li looked at these buildings and turned his head to look at the high walls in the distance,"They are so big, are these all built by the players themselves?"

"It's incredible"

"Although the online post has been posted too much, I still want to say that this game is so realistic that it is almost indistinguishable from reality."

Zhou Li was sighing to himself, but he didn't see the legendary Sealed Tower.

Because the birth point is far away from the Sealed Tower, you could barely see it from a distance before.

But now that there are too many players' houses, you can't see anything.

But it doesn't matter. There are four avenues in the city. As long as you walk along the avenues, you will definitely find the Sealed Tower.

But... it seems useless for him to enter the Sealed Tower now.

He has no weapons and no equipment. Even if he is lucky enough to see the monsters on the first floor, he can't beat them.

Besides, the first floor has been killed by players.

Almost all the players are chasing monsters.

It is really not easy to find a few monsters now.

Some players want to defend the points and kill monsters, and divide them into resource points to occupy them.

But unfortunately, the position of the monsters is randomly refreshed, and there is no fixed refresh position.

This directly eliminates the possibility of players monopolizing monsters at the source.

Although the value of copper coins is not high now, there are too many monks and too little meat.

Therefore, the purchase price of copper coins has never fallen below 1:50.

As a newbie, Zhou Li was a little confused for a while,"So what should I do now?"

"By the way, it seems that a big guy said that newbies can directly go to various schools to accept tasks. Those tasks are all collection tasks and are easy to do."

"Completing the mission will earn you clothes, potion recipes, and even weapons and tools required by the school."

Zhou Li swiped out of the system interface and went directly to the forum to look through the post he had saved."The player who completed the first turn the fastest……"

"It only took 51 hours in the game, isn't that amazing?"


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