Fly:"Is this really reliable?"

Fang Ze:"Although Brother Watermelon has a shorter life, few can compare with him in terms of toughness and flesh."

Fly:"Indeed, after all, Brother Watermelon can run very fast with his intestines dragging."

Du Yuan seemed to remember something while listening to the conversation between the two,"Ah, the person you are talking about, is he the one who committed suicide ten times at the beginning of the game I love eating watermelon?"

Fang Ze was a little surprised,"Even you know about it?"

Du Yuan laughed twice,"I accidentally saw it when I was browsing the forum before, I think this person should be very interesting."

The corner of the fly's mouth twitched,"That's indeed"

"Are you guys talking about me?"

At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly came from a distance.

Fang Ze greeted him with a smile,"Brother Watermelon, I finally waited for you. I wonder what you think about what I said to you last night?"

Brother Watermelon's game image is also a strong man.

He looks very energetic with a short haircut, and at first glance, he is suitable for going up to resist damage.

"It's not that it's impossible,��…Is there only four of us in our team?"Brother Xigua asked with some concern.

Brother Xigua cherishes his life very much.

After committing suicide ten times, he now values his life very much.

He dares not to commit suicide again.

He even starts to become more stable in doing things.

In other words, when he saw that Fang Ze's team only had three people, he had an ominous premonition.

It was the breath of death.

"Even a fully armed team of ten can't guarantee that we can escape unscathed after killing a low-level monster, let alone there are only four of us. Isn't this a joke?"

Hearing Brother Watermelon's concerns, Fang Ze lowered his head and laughed twice,"First of all, we are not a team of four, but a team of five."

"Two of them are top players in real life. As long as the team can work well together, the effect will definitely not be worse than that of a ten-man team."

"I told you yesterday about the specific fighting arrangement. Two tanks, one ranged tank. This is the optimal configuration I have summarized."

"Not only is the mobility far better than that of a ten-man team, but there will also be no problems with people crowding and formation being easily disrupted."

"Besides, you and I both know the reward mechanism for the ten-man team."

"The soul origin is not discussed for now. The income of a low-level monster is 10 copper coins plus 10 reputation."

"If a team of ten people were to share the rewards, each person could only get one-tenth. You and I can all see how inefficient that is."

"But if it is a five-person team, our average profit from killing monsters will be doubled!"

"Think about it carefully. In the same time, we can buy land one step ahead of others. When others just buy a piece of land, we can already open the second piece of land."

"In the future, the land in front of the sealed tower will be extremely valuable. Buying a piece of land now is better than anything else."

"It can be said that now is the gold rush era in the game!"

"As the saying goes, the brave will die of overeating, while the timid will die of starvation. If you don't take a chance now, you will never have a chance to take a chance in the future."

"Brother Watermelon, what do you think?"

Brother Watermelon was silent for a moment,"Well... it's not impossible, but you have to promise me one thing."

Fang Ze smiled,"You say."

Brother Watermelon:"Give me another chance, and eat my barbecue again tonight!"


Fang Ze:"Yeah……"

Fly:"How about we change someone?"

Fang Ze:"I think it's worth considering."

Brother Watermelon:"Fuck, do you guys really not trust me? I really studied cooking. The last time was just an accident!"

Fang Ze glanced at Du Yuan,"Old Du, I'll treat you to barbecue tonight."

Du Yuan was stunned when he heard this,"In the game?"

Fang Ze patted Du Yuan on the shoulder,"Brother Watermelon will cook for you personally. He studied cooking. Eat more tonight."

Although this game doesn't require excretion, it can still upset your stomach!

Fly had a deep experience of this last night.

He had a stomachache all night yesterday!

That kind of stomachache is like a stomachache.

Although the game isolates half of the pain, the stomachache is always painful, not just over!

Last night really made Fly feel the feeling of being surrounded by flies in summer.

It really doesn't bite people, but it just irritates people!

And it's not just Fly, several other players have some experience.

Therefore, the food made by Brother Watermelon has been on their blacklist!

After that, everyone talked about some other things, and they didn't start to enter the tower until Zhang Qingyan returned with a homemade wooden bow.

The other old players were naturally not idle, and they all pulled some new players with good potential to join the tower.

As for those players who were not good at fighting, or those who liked farming, they all stayed outside the tower to open up wasteland.

Some of them were processing fur, some were burning bricks, some were making tools, some were cutting trees, and some were catching fish...

Almost every player had something to do, or they had already thought about what to do from the beginning.

Influenced by Fang Ze's post, they also knew that killing monsters was not the whole gameplay of this game.

Life players are also very popular!

In this way, everyone was busy with their own things, fighting when they should fight, and surviving when they should survive.

Until the evening.

Fang Ze and others dragged their tired bodies back to the tower, but their faces were full of excitement and excitement!

Because they had gained too much that day!

At the beginning, because they were not familiar with each other, they ran in for nearly three battles before gradually getting on the right track.

During this period, under Fang Ze's command, everyone advanced and retreated in moderation.

With the bone weapons with stronger penetration, it is much easier to deal with low-level monsters than yesterday!

In the whole day, they only died once, but that was his own death.

They are few in number and highly mobile, so when pulling monsters, they will not pull too many monsters at once like yesterday.

Of course, we have to thank Zhang Qingyan.

The bow and arrows Zhang Qingyan made by himself are quite powerful, and with the arrows he cut himself, they can easily pierce into the monsters!

It was because of the material problem that Zhang Qingyan's bowstring kept breaking during the archery, which was very annoying.

Fortunately, he had anticipated it and picked up a lot of materials before entering the tower, which could be used to repair the bowstring.

Although the effect is not very ideal, at least it can be used.

Zhang Qingyan's archery is indeed accurate and fast, and he can shoot the weaknesses of those monsters with one arrow without almost aiming.

It can be said that thanks to Zhang Qingyan, killing monsters and pulling monsters have become extremely easy.

And Du Yuan is also really capable. He can fight a primary monster on equal terms with himself!

This was only his first time to encounter a monster, and he didn't know the attack methods and weaknesses of these creatures.

Even Fang Ze had to admire him.

Du Yuan's muscles combined with his skills really maximized his advantages!


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