Three days after the new player went online, everything began to become orderly. Most of the players who entered the tower had already changed into leather equipment.

Various strategies for beating low-level monsters have also been common on the forum.

The five-man team's fighting method has also spread, but other players have always found it difficult to surpass the progress of Fang Ze and others.

In other words, the efficiency of killing monsters formed by other players' five-man teams is far inferior to that of Fang Ze's team.

So far, only Fang Ze's team can kill intermediate monsters without casualties.

In Chen Ye's setting, the income of a low-level monster is 10 copper coins, 10 points of reputation, and a complete ordinary soul essence.

The income of an intermediate monster is 20 copper coins, 20 points of reputation and a complete ordinary soul essence. The income of a high-level monster is 30 copper coins, 30 reputation and a complete ordinary soul essence.

It seems that the income of monsters is increasing layer by layer, but the income of soul essence remains unchanged.

This is because the soul life of these monsters is ten years regardless of high or low level.

The level of a monster depends only on the concentration of magic energy on its body.

The higher the concentration of magic energy, the stronger the monster's abilities will be, and thus it is divided into high-level and low-level monsters.

The magic energy comes from the boss that was sealed on the first floor.

The original monster Fenrir.

The closer to the center area, the stronger the magic energy Fenrir emits, and the monsters in the center will become stronger.

The place where the player is initially teleported to is only the edge of the first floor, where there are only some low-level monsters with thin magic energy.

Similar to a series of small monsters such as demonized hounds and demonized snakes.

The size of the intermediate monsters is much larger, including a series of medium-sized monsters such as demonized vultures and demonized lions.

Among the high-level monsters, there are a series of monsters such as demonized bears and demonized pythons.

Going up, there are two elite monsters, but players can't encounter them at present.

Including the boss Fenrir who was sealed on this floor, players can't encounter them.

Because they are not bosses in the open.

The boss on the first floor is a human named Larik, who is the guardian of this floor.

That is, the human who sealed Fenrir in the setting.

At the beginning, the gravekeeper explained that this is a sealed tower.

And there will be a guardian (inheritor) on each floor.

If the player kills the guardian, the boss sealed on the corresponding floor will be released.

In other words, if the player kills the guardian of the first floor.

Then Fenrir will be unsealed, escape from the sealed tower and become the boss outside the tower!

All this started with Chen Ye's bad taste. The gravekeeper is not actually a manager, but a cultist.

He was cursed by an ancient existence in the tower and gained eternal life, but he could never leave here forever.

Only when that existence lifts the seal can he get rid of the curse of immortality and gain true freedom.

So the gravekeeper will guide and encourage players to enter the sealed tower.

And deceive the player to defeat the guardian of the sealed tower!

As he said at the beginning.

There are countless opportunities and ancient heritage hidden in this tower, waiting for players to explore and discover!

But in fact, every time a player defeats a guardian, a sealed boss will escape from here!

Naturally, the territory outside the tower will also expand.

If this continues, the world will eventually become extremely chaotic!

Those ancient disasters sealed in the tower will return to this continent!

And in the end, this series of settings will be applied to reality!

If no one enters the tower and pushes down the guardian, then the world will not be invaded by heretics, and at the same time.

Of course, no extraordinary people will be born.

So, the player's starting point is wrong from the beginning.

They are not treasure hunters who enter the tower to look for opportunities, let alone adventurers who explore unknown places.

They are a group of culprits who opened the seal of the evil god and caused the world to collapse!

All this is naturally guided by Chen Ye!

He just wants the players to open Pandora's box by themselves. This is not to blame anyone, but the word greed!

But, what if someone realizes the truth of the game during the game?

Since they already know the truth about the Sealed Tower, they will naturally make the news public after the game comes out. In that case, won’t anyone enter the tower?

Actually, that’s not the case. You know, there must be a man who takes a big reward!

In the Sealed Tower, there are several ways for players to ascend to become gods!

No one can refuse that level of power!

Simply put, those who are determined will act at the first opportunity.

They don’t care how chaotic the real world is, they just want to gain the power of God and dominate everything themselves!

And as long as there is one person who thinks so, there will definitely be a second one!

Human greed is endless. Even if they know it is wrong, they will still take that step without hesitation!

Chen Ye, who witnessed everything in the sky, thought about it.

"The index is almost high again, but it's not good for the number of players to increase too quickly, let's wait a few days"

"These players are making progress at a fast pace. In less than ten days, they have already conquered the edge of the first floor."

"If they continue like this, once they discover the mines and weapons depot on the first floor, they can attack the core area of the first floor."

"However, it is not so easy to enter the core area of the first floor."

"They have a puzzle to solve."

"The man locked up the wolf, so the dwarf tamed three wild animals to protect him. He let the wolf guard the man, the snake entangled the wolf's body, and the owl grabbed the snake's tail."

"Only by solving this puzzle can the player enter the core area of the first floor and meet the guardian."

In Chen Ye's setting, each floor of the Sealed Tower is actually equivalent to a small world in its own space.

And the ecological community of each floor is different.

The first floor is mainly distributed with mineral resources.

There are not only copper, iron, coal, and a series of real-life ores, but also ores created by Chen Ye himself!

Among them is violet gold with a hardness comparable to diamond.

There are magic-breeding ores that have their own magic conductivity, and there are magic crystals containing a large amount of magic energy.

If players want to deal with these special ores by themselves, it is definitely impossible.

Players can only deal with those special ores after awakening the legendary dwarf craftsman in the first floor of the Sealed Tower.

And the dwarf craftsman will tell the player about this puzzle.

Only by solving the puzzle can the player go deep into the core area.

Because Chen Ye knows that if this dwarf craftsman appears, the player's equipment level will instantly prompt a level.

At that time, they can easily kill into the core area of the first floor.

So in order to temporarily slow down the progress of the game, Chen Ye deliberately set up this puzzle.

"And even if someone can solve the puzzle in the fastest time, it doesn't matter"

"Anyway, the boss of the fifth floor has been dealt with, and there are so many exponents, so I can try to transform the items."

Chen Ye had already thought about what to transform, but before the transformation, he must first make one thing clear.

That is, the transformed items or abilities cannot have absolute characteristics!

As for what is an absolute characteristic, simply put, it is to directly execute the result without being interfered by any factors!

For example, an arrow that will definitely hit the target as long as it is fired, and bread that will directly destroy the universe as long as it touches the ground!

Once something created by Chen Ye has an absolute characteristic, the exponential cost of creating this thing will become a sky-high number.

The same is true for some characteristics that ignore the rules of physics, such as stone statues that are not affected by force, and fire that can be mixed with water!

The exponential cost of creating these things will not be small.

Unless Chen Ye specially writes a physical Physical properties, for example, water can actually be mixed with fire.

But this is equivalent to directly modifying the laws of reality.

In other words, the rules of the real world will be directly tampered with!

Just like Chen Ye wants to cultivate immortality, he must first define what an immortal is.

What abilities does an immortal have?

These must be set out first.

Then he must set up a medium, for example, as long as a person does not eat or drink for a certain period of time, he can become an immortal.

This is a direct modification of the laws of reality.

And not only Chen Ye, everyone can become an immortal through this method!

So the best way is to create a small object, as long as you carry this small object, you can gain special abilities.

In other words, create a bottle of potion!

As long as you drink this bottle of potion, you can gain abilities!


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