Inside the rental house.

Chen Ye is writing a copy."There is no Jackie Chan Adventure in this world. I haven't watched it for more than 30 years. I have forgotten many things."

"But I still remember some of the outstanding settings, the twelve spells, the eight demons, the ten masks."

"I originally wanted to add this part of the setting to the game, but unfortunately now is not the time."

"I'd rather let myself experience it first."

"Just choose the ability of the mask"

"System, build a bottle of potion, as long as the user drinks this bottle of potion, the physical strength of the user will be doubled"

"At the same time, it will have the ability to summon shadow soldiers. Shadow soldiers have physical fitness ten times that of ordinary people and have the ability to shuttle through the shadows."

"The rest is up to you to figure out."

【Confirm that the framework is complete】

【System automatic chemical completion starts】






【System evolution completed]

In the game space.

As a bottle of black potion appeared out of thin air, Chen Ye's���The knowledge also directly entered the game space

"Let me see."

Chen Ye reached out and grabbed the potion.

【Shadow Blood]

Type: Potion/Consumable.

Quality: Undefined.

Introduction: Taking Shadow Blood will give you the ability to communicate with the Shadow Empire, and you can use the Ghost Shadow Corps for your own benefit. You can walk in the shadows, hide in the shadows, and be unpredictable.

【Withdrawal index: 480】


As Chen Ye opened his eyes again, a bottle of black glass medicine appeared in his hand.

Chen Ye did not hesitate and drank the medicine directly.

Suddenly, layers of black air burst out from his body.

"Hmm... no taste"

"I forgot to add the seasoning. Never mind. It's not important."

Chen Ye said as he raised his right hand.

""Ghost Shadow Corps." As Chen

Ye finished speaking, countless black air suddenly surged out from the shadows and instantly transformed into countless shadow soldiers!

They were either lying on the roof, squatting by the window, or kneeling on the ground, and they filled the house in an instant!

"Is this the shadow soldier?"

Chen Ye looked up and down at the shadow soldiers in front of him.

He saw that these shadow soldiers were completely black, and they were constantly emitting strange black air, as if they had no entity.

Their eyes were red, and their clothes could change at will.

Chen Ye's thoughts emerged, and he saw that these shadow soldiers instantly changed into black suits.


Chen Ye just had this thought, and a group of shadow soldiers rushed out instantly.

Not long after that, they rushed back one after another.

When they returned, each shadow soldier held a drink in his hand.

There were boiled water, coffee juice and other drinks. There was even a glass of unfinished lemon juice?

Hey, did you go and rob them directly?

Then you have to let them finish it before you take it back!

Chen Ye thought so, and saw the shadow soldier turned around and picked up a rolling pin to mash the lemon himself.

This really made Chen Ye laugh.

"Yes, this index is well spent."

These shadow soldiers move very fast.

In addition, because they can shuttle through shadows, they can almost travel around the world in an instant!

In addition, they are absolutely loyal and tireless. As long as Chen Ye has an idea, they will act.

In a sense, they are a group of tireless servants who don't need to rest!

And Chen Ye doesn't need to specifically instruct them, because Chen Ye's cognition is their cognition, and their thoughts are interoperable!

"Next, it's time to test their combat capabilities."

Chen Ye thought, and saw a shadow soldier directly picked up Chen Ye's phone and clicked on a message to show him.

On the phone was a wanted poster, saying that the Donghai Public Security Department was looking for a drug dealer, and attached a photo.

Below was also a variety of information about the criminal.

Chen Ye was a little surprised when he saw this. He didn't even notice this information, but they noticed it.

"Good, find this person, and come back to inform me as soon as possible."

The shadow soldiers lowered their heads instantly after hearing this, and then they all disappeared into the shadows in front of Chen Ye!

"System, system, let me see how far the ghost army you evolved can go."


One day later.

In Donghai City, in an alley outside an abandoned building.

A figure was slowly rising in the shadows, and with it appeared countless shadow soldiers in black suits.

Chen Ye twisted his neck as he looked at his gradually brightening vision,"Is it here?"

A shadow soldier nodded, then directly took out a structural diagram of the abandoned building and marked a location.

There were also five red dots drawn in it, indicating that there were five people.

Chen Ye looked at the map in front of him and nodded,"You go first and hold those five people down for me."

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Countless black shadows flashed and shuttled, and disappeared in front of Chen Ye in an instant.

"With the Ghost Corps, I no longer need to show up myself, and everything can be left to them."

"Of course, in addition to blind dates"


In an abandoned building, four middle-aged men gathered together and smoked cigarettes silently.

Their brows were furrowed, their clothes were tattered, and they looked very embarrassed.

"The police have issued a wanted order, so we can only wait for Lao Si to pick us up."

"But it has been two days and there is still no news from Lao Si.……"

"What are you afraid of? We still have a hostage. If the police come, we can use him as a shield. Will the hostage hold a gun?!"

The four men looked aside.

They saw a young man with his eyes covered by a black cloth and his hands and feet bound, tied to a chair.


The young man's lips were cracked and his voice was as thin as a mosquito. Seeing this, a middle-aged man stood up and walked to the young man.


The young man nodded immediately. The middle-aged man tore off his blindfold and smiled maliciously.

"Don't worry, I'll give you a hot drink."

The man was about to untie his belt. The young man's eyes widened and he struggled."No, no, I'm not thirsty anymore, I don't want it!"

The middle-aged man smiled fiercely. The more the young man struggled, the more excited he became.

It was because they were too bored, and torturing the hostages they tied up became their only means of entertainment.

"Hahaha, don't worry, grandpa will definitely let you drink……"


There was a crisp sound, and a figure suddenly jumped out from the shadows!

He grabbed the middle-aged man's neck immediately!

Before the middle-aged man could fight back, he was pressed to the ground in the next second!

""Who are you?" the middle-aged man shouted, and countless men in black attacked from all directions in an instant, directly suppressing the other three people with the force of thunder!

Their movements were incredibly fast, and there was no sound of footsteps at all, just like... ghosts!

Could it be the police?

The middle-aged man's heart tightened, but when he looked at the person who attacked, he was stunned!

"Ghost... there is a ghost!"


As soon as the middle-aged man finished speaking, his head was pressed to the ground by a shadow soldier!

Soon, a steady sound of footsteps echoed in the building!

"It seems that I think too highly of you."


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