As the footsteps disappeared.

A black-haired man in a black coat appeared in front of everyone.

He looked at the four people on the ground calmly, then slowly took out his mobile phone,"Yeah, exactly the same, are you the fugitive drug dealer?"

The middle-aged man who was pressed to the ground was shocked when he saw Chen Ye,"You, who are you, a cop?"

Chen Ye stepped on his head directly,"Who are you, I'm just a Kamen Rider who happened to pass by."

Kamen Rider?

Is he kidding me?

Although he felt that Chen Ye was teasing him, the middle-aged man didn't have the slightest thought of resistance in his heart!

He only felt endless fear and gravity surging like a tide, pressing him to the point of difficulty breathing!

"Brother, I don't think I have ever provoked you. Since you are not a cop, why……"

Before the middle-aged man could finish speaking, Chen Ye interrupted him.

"I just used you to do an experiment. Now, my experiment is done."

The middle-aged man said quickly:"That's right.……"

"Yeah." Chen Ye spoke again,"It's no use keeping you, so... just kill them all."

"A bunch of termites."

Puff puff puff!!!

Almost at the moment when Chen Ye finished speaking, the shadow soldiers all started to wipe the necks of the four people!

The method was clean and neat, without any drag!

Just like a professional killer!

The four drug dealers were dead, and Chen Ye's attention was directly transferred to the hostage.

Seeing this, the hostage hurriedly explained excitedly:"I, I am not in the same group with them, I am innocent!"

"My name is Lu Qing, I’m a student at Donghai No. 2 High School, I was captured by them!"

Chen Ye looked Lu Qing up and down, then suddenly moved closer,"But... you saw everything, right?"!!!

Lu Qing’s heart was suddenly filled with horror,"No, I, I can’t see anything, I’m blind!"

Upon seeing this, Chen Ye stretched out a finger and stabbed it into Lu Qing’s eyes!

Lu Qing subconsciously closed his eyes, but Chen Ye’s finger stopped directly in front of his eyes,"Then there’s nothing I can do, you know too much."

Lu Qing opened his eyes again, and the whole person felt like falling into an ice cave in an instant.

"No, don't, don't kill me, I won't tell anyone, I promise, I swear, I will do anything you ask me to do!"

"As long as you don't kill me!"

Chen Ye was silent for a moment,"Really? But I still firmly believe that only the dead can keep secrets."

"But I'm not a cruel murderer after all."

"So I can give you a chance, how should I put it, give you a chance to be reborn."

After saying that, Chen Ye turned around and left.

The next second, the Ghost Corps killed Lu Qing in an instant!

At this time, Chen Ye communicated with the system,"System, import his consciousness into the game, create a soul body and throw it into the Hall of Echoes."

【Consciousness introduction successful]

Seeing the improvement of the system, Chen Ye waved his hand and said,"Clean this place up, don't leave any traces."

After saying that, Chen Ye walked directly to the shadow on the side.


On the other side, in the game space.

Chen Ye created such a space.

This space is not on the mainland, but in an independent dimension.

It is called the Hall of Echoes. On the surface, it is the home of souls, which is similar to the underworld or hell.

But in fact, Chen Ye has always used it as an experimental site.

It is used to create souls and train souls, that is, to create AI and train AI.

There is no sky here, only endless darkness, and all living things can only exist in the form of transparent spirits.

The only light source here is the strange lines on the ground flashing green light, and some spirits emitting light.


Lu Qing didn't realize what had just happened. He only felt a piercing pain rushing straight to the top of his head.

The next second, he appeared here. He turned into a transparent green spirit.

"Am I... dead?"

"Is this hell?"

Before Lu Qing could react, a figure emitting endless holy light appeared directly above the dark sky!

The figure was tall and majestic, wearing a white robe with intricate patterns and gold edges. His face could not be seen clearly, like a god!

It was none other than Chen Ye's image in this land.

The moment Chen Ye appeared, countless spirits instantly gathered under him and praised him devoutly!

"Almighty Creator, I have engraved your knowledge into the depths of my soul as you requested. Can I leave this place of death now?"

"Lord, your figure is still so majestic. Lord, you are so merciful. May there still be a place for us in your kingdom.……"

"Lord, who transcends all, you are the light that lasts forever in the future, and the darkness that devours the past. You have the power to create the world.……"

"The Supreme Lord……"

Seeing those souls worshipping Chen Ye, Lu Qing, although he hadn't figured out the situation, still mixed in.

And he also shouted with the souls.

He didn't know what he was saying, because his brain was completely down at the moment!

Where is this place?

Where am I, am I dead, is the existence in front of me the Creator?

This is too magical!

Or... have I traveled through time?!

Just when Lu Qing was stunned, a soul was already held high by Chen Ye's huge palm!

"Tell me, what have you learned in these years?"

The flow of time in the Hall of Echoes is different from that in the outside world. The time ratio between here and the real world is 1:1095!

In other words, one day in reality is three years here!

Chen Ye opened the server for ten days, which is equivalent to thirty years here!

Therefore, these souls have really lived here for many years!

Chen Ye created a unique soul system, and allowed these souls to engrave some knowledge into their souls and become instincts!

After that, some particularly outstanding souls will enter the bodies of some bosses and become the bosses of the game!

This is the supreme honor for them!

Although they will forget everything here after reincarnation, and will be given a brand new memory.

But this will not affect their fanatical determination to become the boss!

The soul held up by Chen Ye knelt down hurriedly, and then replied in a very pious voice:"Supreme Lord, thank you for listening to our humble echoes."

"I have mastered the use of most weapons and magic. When I see those creatures called players, I will rush up and kill them immediately!"

"If there is any sign of trouble while on patrol, I will immediately sound the alarm and call my companions!"

"When facing players who are far weaker than me, I will not underestimate them, nor will I let them win. I will kill those players with one blow!"

"I will also use elements, venues, and various factors that are favorable to me to change my playing style and try my best to kill the players!"

Chen Ye heard and chuckled,"Yes, your efforts have won my praise, and you will be reborn in the fifth floor of Axe City"

"And become the elite monster of Axe City."

The soul cried out immediately after hearing this,"Thank you Lord, praise your greatness, praise your generosity, I swear I will never meet your expectations!"


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