When Fang Ze said this, the man next to him was shocked."Fuck, brother, you know games!"

Fang Ze looked at the man. They all had names on their heads.

The ID of the man in front of him was"Flies Don't Bite Seamless Eggs"

""Brother, what's your name?"

The man smiled and said,"Just call me Fly. That...Brother, I see from your ID that you are a fellow traveler."

"Why don't you go out and create a female character, so that we can discuss the game mechanism in depth together?" Fang Ze couldn't help but have a few black lines on his forehead when he heard this.

Seeing this, Fly coughed twice,"Ahem, just kidding, if this game allows creating female characters, I would have created one a long time ago. How can I treat my brothers unfairly, right?"

Fang Ze subconsciously pushed up his glasses on the bridge of his nose, but found that he touched nothing.

"It's nothing, after all, it's a pity not to pay tribute to the craftsmanship of China with this technology."

Fly heard this and laughed,"Brother Guang, you understand games. You see, we are all like-minded people. Why don't you add a friend to play together?"

Although Fly is a bit self-acquainted and has an indescribable coquettishness, Fang Ze doesn't dislike this kind of person.

After all, in the game world, it's good to have someone to team up with.

"Well, I see there seems to be a building in the east, shall we go take a look together?"

The fly nodded,"Okay, that's what I was thinking!"


After a while, the players went to explore the map in twos and threes.

This game does not have a guide for beginners, and there is no one to be seen at the place where they were born.

They are like a handful of stones casually scattered by the Creator, and they don’t know where to go after they land.

But the ten people present have played games without guides for beginners, so they are not completely in the dark.

After all, it is a cross-era game!

The fact that they can enter the game and explore freely is enough to make them excited for a few days!

And Chen Ye was looking down at this group of first internal test players from the sky.

These players were all carefully selected by him, or they are bloggers who have their own traffic to promote the game.

Or they are masters in a certain field, used by Chen Ye to test the game mechanism

"However, it is definitely impossible for these ten players to defeat the first-level BOSS of the Sealed Tower in a short period of time."

Chen Ye set the difficulty of the game very high, and this world also directly applies the rules of reality.

Characters will be thirsty and hungry. If they don't eat or drink, they will starve to death. If they sleep outside at night, they will easily freeze to death.

If they are sick and not treated, they will die. And so on, all the mechanisms in reality are here! Except for not having to excrete, all the mechanisms here are completely copied from reality!

It's not for laziness, we just want to pursue the ultimate reality!

Players can even destroy all terrains except the Sealed Tower, so it's not a problem to build a house by themselves

"Anyway, no one will get through the first floor of the Sealed Tower for the time being, so let them mess around for a few days."

Chen Ye thought about it and directly cut off the connection with the game, and returned to reality and went to sleep.


On the other side, Fang Ze and his companions who were exploring towards the east made a surprising discovery!

They were in a plain surrounded by forests, and in the center of the plain, they found a huge black tower!

It was a huge black tower that stretched as far as the eye could see. The top of the tower reached the sky, and it was unknown how high it was.

It stood there like an Optimus Prime.

The two gates in front of the tower alone were nearly 100 meters high, like a palace where giants lived!

Because the tower was too huge, other players naturally discovered the black tower.

At this time, seven or eight players had gathered in front of the black tower.

A player walked to the gate curiously, and was about to reach out to push open the two gates, but was suddenly grabbed by an old hand!

"Young man, don't be too impatient."

As an old and hoarse voice came, an old man in a black robe and hunched over suddenly appeared in front of everyone!

The old man's eyes were purple, his old face had many spots and wrinkles, and his long gray hair fluttered in the wind.

Looking at the purple eyes, the young man who had just stretched out his hand was suddenly frightened,"Fuck!"

The old man's sudden appearance was indeed a bit scary, or was it that the old man's gloomy eyes and appearance itself made people uncomfortable?

The other players' reactions to the old man were to step back subconsciously, but Fang Ze didn't care so much and walked up boldly.

This was the first NPC they met, and he wanted to try the AI intelligence of this NPC.

Can it communicate normally with the players, or are all the conversations already set in advance?

""Senior, hello, what's your name?"

The old man glanced at Fang Ze, then slowly loosened his right hand,"Senior? Haha, I'm the manager of this tower, you can call me the gravekeeper."


Fang Ze pondered for a moment and saw that other players didn't express their opinions, so he continued to ask:

"Do you know the origin of this tower?"

The gravekeeper's purple eyes flashed,"This is the place where the heroes of our race are passed down. It contains endless wealth and the most original source of power in this world."

"This place is called the Sealed Tower, and all those ancient powers are sealed here"

"Those who are destined can enter the tower to seek opportunities. This is your good fortune. If you defeat the inheritor in the tower, you will get the corresponding reward from the inheritor."

"Of course, there are more monsters in the tower than just the inheritors. There are also countless traps and puzzles hidden in the tower."

"But don't be afraid, because risks often coexist with benefits. The more dangerous it is, the greater the benefits behind it."

"So, adventurers, please let me see your golden spirit. I look forward to the moment when you reach the top of the tower."

At this time, a player came over and said,"Hello, how can we upgrade? Can we kill monsters to upgrade?"

Hearing this, the gravekeeper's actions suddenly paused.

At this moment, the attention of the players present was focused on the gravekeeper!

The gravekeeper suddenly grinned and said,"Haha, I didn't expect that in this era, there are still people who remember this taboo knowledge."

"Our souls are all made up of the original source, but the Creator distributed the original source to all living beings in an unequal way."

"Therefore, if we want to improve our soul essence, there is only one way out."

"That is the original source of devouring other creatures, that is, the soul. This is the eternal and inconvenient law of devouring in this world."

"After a life dies, 10% of its soul essence will be devoured by its predator, 20% will return to heaven and earth, and the remaining 70% will return to the Hall of Sound!"


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