After some conversation, the players have summarized several game mechanisms!

First, the NPC has a high level of intelligence. Some players even suspect that the NPC is played by a human!

The NPC can communicate and interact with the player normally, and he can answer all the questions raised by the player.

He can even understand the meaning of the game, but the NPC firmly believes that the world they are in is not the game world.

Second, the player has a special information bar that the NPC cannot see.

In this information bar, the player can see a total of four pieces of information.

The first piece of information is the soul lifespan. Each player has a 10-year soul lifespan at the beginning, and the purpose is currently unknown. The second piece of information is the backpack. Players can store items in it at will, but the weight of the items will be imposed on the player.

In other words, if the player carries too many items in the backpack, he will be pressed and unable to walk!

The third piece of information is the map. The map that the player can see is limited to the road he has walked.

Some players have already taken the time to walk around the map!

That's right, there is an invisible air wall in the forest. After the players walked around the air wall, they found that the map they can move on is exactly a circle!

And the center point of this circle is the seal tower!

The fourth piece of information is the Internet.

Players can browse the web, watch videos, log in to chat software and chat with others in the game, and even browse the official website of the game!

Nowadays, many players are browsing the official website of the game.

And on the official website, they learned the name of this game for the first time!

Yes, they only know what this game is called after playing it now!

《The official website of the game"Sealed Land 0.1" has very little information, only a reservation function and a forum function.

The rest of the encyclopedia is empty, and it seems that players are required to upload relevant information to serve as the encyclopedia.

Fang Ze is also browsing the official website of the game,"We can't see the health bar and experience bar in the game. It seems that the upgrade system of this game is different from that of traditional online games."

"According to the gravekeeper, the concept of upgrading in the game is to devour the souls of other creatures."

"The only information about our soul is its life span."

Fly was also browsing the forum, but suddenly found someone had posted a message.

That's right, a message suddenly appeared in the empty game forum.

This immediately attracted the attention of most players!

Now that the game has just been launched for less than half a day, everyone is basically still in the dark.

Even if you want to post a strategy post, you have to wait until you understand most of the game's mechanisms.

Of course, if it is a post praising the game or someone casually posts it, that's another matter.

Fang Ze also clicked on this post. This was a post from a brother with the ID I love eating watermelon.

The post had no title, just a few lines of words hastily written.

Fang Ze glanced at it and was dumbfounded,"Fuck!"

"Oh shit!"

"Oh shit!"

"Brother Watermelon is so awesome!"

"Damn, what a ruthless person!"

"One minute of silence for Brother Xigua."

Other players who saw the post also shouted like Fang Ze!

So what did this post say?

In fact, the content is very simple. The brother named Xigua committed suicide!


It means literally that in order to test the game mechanism, he directly found a stone and smashed himself to death!

One of the posts clearly stated that the pain in the game accounts for 50%!

And when the pain is so great that the player cannot bear it, the player will be forced to cut off the connection with the character, that is, directly disconnected.

But this does not mean that you are dead!

You may just fainted from the pain!

During the period of fainting from the pain, the player cannot log in to the game again. It is even more impossible to open a small account!

In other words, a player can only have one account!

After that, Brother Xigua successfully survived the huge pain and logged into the game again, and then picked up the stone to make up for himself again. In a moment!

This time, he died completely.

But he was resurrected soon!

However, his soul lifespan was reduced by 1 year, leaving only 9 years.

Later, in order to further test the mechanism of the game, Brother Watermelon committed suicide nine times in a row, completely exhausting his soul lifespan!

Then... he was forced to log out of the game.

The good news is that the account is still there.

The bad news is that he has to wait 24 hours in reality before he can log into the game again!

At present, this Brother Watermelon is crazy about it outside the forum, and the players in the game are also interacting with him passionately.

This Brother Watermelon is indeed a first-class ruthless person!

He used up all the resurrection coins on the first day of the service opening, and directly turned into a big enemy and waited outside the game for 24 hours.

Fang Ze couldn't help but smile when he saw it,"It seems that the soul lifespan is the resurrection coin in the game, but we don't know if it has other uses yet."

Fly was comforting Brother Watermelon in the forum, and said bluntly, don't worry, I will experience the content that you can't experience for you!

Brother Watermelon was so angry that he vomited three liters of blood.

Not being able to go online for 24 hours right after the server was launched was even more painful than killing him!

Now Brother Watermelon is posting frantically in the comment section.

Most of them are begging the planner dad, saying things like I was wrong, I will never commit suicide again, and exempt him from the death penalty this time, etc.

But unfortunately, the game officials ignored him.

Or rather, the planner dad he mentioned may be sleeping now.

Retracting his thoughts, several players have already entered the Sealed Tower.

Seeing this, Fly also greeted,"Brother Guang, someone has already entered, why don't you go and take a look, we can't let them take all the benefits!"

Fang Ze thought about it,"Okay."

The two of them hit it off and stepped into the Sealed Tower.

Now the door of the Sealed Tower has been opened. According to the gravekeeper, they can enter and exit the Sealed Tower at will.

But the Sealed Tower is full of dangers, and if the player dies accidentally, the consequences will be at their own risk.

After explaining these things, the gravekeeper disappeared. In his words, players cannot summon him under normal circumstances.

Unless he voluntarily shows up, no one can find him.

This made many players who wanted to strip the gravekeeper's clothes regretful.

After all, the clothes they wore at the beginning were all coarse linen clothes. Whether they were comfortable or not is one thing, but the main thing is that they were not good-looking! On the other hand, the gravekeeper, wearing an exquisite black robe, gave people the visual sense of an ancient black magician.

It can be said that when the gravekeeper appeared, those players were thinking about how to strip his clothes off!

And Mosquito was one of them,"You said that if I had hit the gravekeeper directly with a club at that time, would I have been wearing the first set of costumes in the whole server now?"

Fang Ze found it a little funny when he heard it.

"I don't know about the rest, but if you had hit the gravekeeper with a club, then Brother Watermelon would not be the first person to sacrifice himself for the players."


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