In this world, Xu Fu has never appeared in history.

Even many people don't know what happened during the Qin Dynasty.

Not to mention Xu Fu.

But Cheng Haixing is different.

Or rather, the Zero Investigation Bureau they are in is different.

This Zero Investigation Bureau was first established by a Taoist priest.

Everything started from here, and the Taoist priest told them a story like Chen Ye.

He said that Xu Fu was the origin of the disaster, and the world was full of evil spirits and countless evil spirits, all thanks to him!

When it comes to what Xu Fu did specifically, the Taoist priest seemed to be hiding something and did not elaborate.

It was just that the magic left by Xu Fu did help the magicians of later generations.

Until the Taoist priest passed away, no one could find out any news about Xu Fu from his mouth.

But unexpectedly, today.

Cheng Haixing heard this name again!

Xu Fu.

Who is this young man in front of him?

Why does he know this story?

Is this story made up?

No, just now, an expert has verified the allusions in Chen Ye's words.

Finally, they came to a very surprising conclusion!

The allusions in Chen Ye's words are true!

They only have some fragmentary fragments of history, and there are large gaps in the middle that they don't know.

And Chen Ye's story happened to be interspersed in this blank history!

For example, why did Qin Shihuang summon the world's sorcerers and value them so much?

This has become an eternal mystery in this world.

But I didn't expect it to be filled by a young man who was less than 30 years old?

And why did Qin Shihuang call himself the First Emperor, and why?

It was only when they heard Chen Ye say that Qin Shihuang believed that his achievements surpassed the Three Sovereigns and his virtues surpassed the Five Emperors that they suddenly realized it.

In this world where history is broken, but ghosts exist.

The true and false story told by Chen Ye really makes it difficult for them to distinguish.

Finally, they finally reached a unified opinion.

And asked through Cheng Haixing:

"Who are you?"

Facing Cheng Haixing's question, Chen Ye smiled,"Chen Ye, an ordinary game planner."

Cheng Haixing also smiled,"An ordinary game planner, who has the power to drive the super ghost plague, and knows a history that even we don't know."

"To borrow your story, since your ability comes from the mask, how did you get this mask?"

"Could it be that someone bought you some groceries as a gift, and happened to tell you a piece of history?"

Chen Ye hesitated for a moment,"This explanation is good, I agree."

You agree with it!

Cheng Haixing took a deep breath,"Indeed, judging from the abilities you have shown, we really can't keep you, let alone do anything with you."

"But if you want to fight against the entire country alone, your ability is far from enough."

"You also have parents, relatives, and friends. I think there are always a few people in this world who are worth your care. You can take this as a threat."

Chen Ye smiled,"But what if I don't care at all?"

Cheng Haixing stared at Chen Ye for about thirty seconds. He seemed to want to find a flaw in Chen Ye's eyes, but unfortunately he didn't find it.

Cheng Haixing:"Well, in that case, then I really have nothing to say."

"Let's change the subject. For example, you have the ability to leave here, but you choose to stay here and tell us this story."

"What is your purpose?"

Chen Ye thought for a moment,"You won't believe me if I say I have no purpose, so let's just make a deal. I'll help you find twelve masks, and you help me find someone."

After hearing Chen Ye's proposal, Cheng Haixing put on his headphones and whispered to the person behind the scenes.

After a while, Cheng Haixing sat back down.

"We can accept your transaction, but the content of the transaction needs to be changed"

"First, we need to know all the information about the mask and Xu Fu. Second, you need to stay and help us find the mask."

"After the matter is done, we will help you find the person you want to find."

Chen Ye:"What if we can't find him?"

Cheng Haixing:"Unless he is not on Earth, there is no one we can't find, even if he is a virtual character."

Chen Ye smiled:"Then I really want to see your methods. The person I want to find is called Lu Qing."!!!

Cheng Haixing's eyes narrowed when he heard it,"Which Lu Qing are you talking about?"

Chen Ye:"The one you and I both know."

Cheng Haixing:"He is dead, and died in your hands. Do you want to see his body?"

Chen Ye:"Are you sure?"

Cheng Haixing:"I can take you to see his body now."

Chen Ye:"But he is still alive, just alive in another way. Do you still dare to say that you can find him now?"

Cheng Haixing's brows frowned instantly,"Then I need to know more information, for example, why he didn't die?"

"How is he alive?"

Chen Ye smiled,"If I knew this, would I still need you to look for him?"

Cheng Haixing thought for a moment,"I can agree to your request. Although we cannot guarantee that we will find him, we will do our best, but the premise is that he is really alive and on Earth."

"Now, I need to know, how are you going to find those masks?"

Chen Ye smiled,"It's very simple, mask holders can sense each other. Although I lost the mask, I can still feel the location of other masks."

"I have good news. All twelve masks are in China."

After hearing what Chen Ye said, the people behind Cheng Haixing began to take notes.

After receiving the news, Cheng Haixing asked another question,"You said before that the Mausoleum of the First Emperor had been robbed. What is the specific situation?"

Chen Ye twisted his neck,"You shouldn't have found the coffin of the First Emperor in the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, right?"

Cheng Haixing nodded,"Indeed not, could it be that the body and coffin of the First Emperor have been stolen?"

Chen Ye:"No, there is indeed no coffin of the First Emperor in this imperial mausoleum, and the body of Ying Zheng is not buried here."

"In another imperial tomb, but only one person knows where this imperial tomb is, and that is Xu Fu."

"Xu Fu sealed the last mask together with the body of the First Emperor in another imperial mausoleum. The imperial mausoleum you see is just an empty shell."

"The most precious thing among them is the twelve masks of the ghost generals under the imperial mausoleum."

"However, as early as 20 years ago, someone discovered this tomb of the First Qin Emperor, but they only took away 12 masks."

Cheng Haixing pondered:"Then from what perspective do you tell this story, as a participant?"


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