"You know so much about the robbery of the Qin Shi Huang’s Mausoleum. May I ask, from what perspective did you tell this story?"

"As a participant?"

Chen Ye smiled,"Please be rational. I was only four years old at that time."

"In fact, all of this is what I heard from an old man in my early years."

"The old man was one of the tomb robbers. After putting on the masks, their minds were affected by the masks, and they randomly distributed the remaining masks to several children."

"And I am one of them"

"To date, several masks have changed hands countless times, and the original owners of some of the masks have long since died."

Cheng Haixing:"As long as you wear the mask, you will have the same power as you, able to drive evil spirits?"

Chen Ye:"I am a special case, please don't consider me as a target."

Cheng Haixing nodded,"Okay, I trust you for now, but now we need you to provide the location of one of the masks"

"Only when we really see the mask can we believe what you say."

Chen Ye grinned,"Okay.""

Since you are so anxious...

I don't mind releasing the mask earlier.

"The system begins to evolve"


Donghai City.

On the highway.

Jiang Quan, who was patrolling on the road as usual, suddenly received a call.


A clear female voice suddenly came from the phone:"Where were you last night? You didn't answer the phone or reply to messages?"

Jiang Quan was stunned for a moment when he heard the woman's voice."Didn't your mother tell me yesterday to go see grandpa?"

"I left in such a hurry that I forgot to bring my cell phone."

The woman's voice came again,"Did you go? My mother waited for you in the hospital all night?"

Jiang Quan seemed to think of something,"Ah, in the hospital?"

"What else?" the woman on the phone asked.

"Damn, I spent the night in the back mountain yesterday." Jiang Quan was speechless and said,"So that wasn't your grandpa?"

The woman:"……"

Woman:"Come back home happily!"

Jiang Quan:"I'm on a mission. We'll talk to you tonight."


Jiang Quan hung up the phone before the woman finished speaking.

He stroked the small peach wood sword at his waist and threw the urn in his hand away.

"Damn, I worked all night for nothing."

Just then, Jiang Quan received another call on his phone.


A calm male voice came on the phone,"Zhengyi, where are you?"

Jiang Quan:"I'm on patrol, what's the matter, Master?"

"Put aside the task at hand. From today on, I will give you a new task. Come back to the bureau and tell them about it."

Jiang Quan:"What task is it?""

"It's the type you're good at."


At night, in an alley in Donghai City, a young man was surrounded by five big men and beaten with blood all over his face."Remember, if you can't pay the money within three days, we will cut off one of your arms next time!"

After saying these harsh words, the five big and strong men left the alley.

The young man was left leaning against the wall with a look of despair on his face."These idiots... it would be better if they could die."

"Stupid reality……"

The young man stood up slowly, holding the wall with one hand, and staggered like a cripple.

There was no life in the young man's eyes, and he was determined to die.

But he didn't dare to fight with those people, because those people would not kill him, but would just beat and torture him.

Rather than being tortured endlessly by them... it would be better to commit suicide and put an end to it all.

As the young man was thinking this, a mask suddenly fell from the sky and hit him directly on the top of his head!

"Damn... Even God is against me, right?!"

The young man's eyes turned red, and he kicked the mask out with force!

And the next second, a strange low hum suddenly echoed in his ears!

"The little baby is so angry"

"Who made you so angry?"

Hearing the low murmur, the young man immediately exploded,"Who!"

""Who is talking?!"

The low humming voice came again,"Are you looking for me, little kid? Didn't you just push me away?"

Hearing this, the young man reacted,"Mask?"

The mask made a strange low hum again,"Hehe, it's me, little kid, why are you so distressed, is someone bullying you?"

Is the thing that is talking a human or a ghost?

Or is someone pretending to be a ghost?

The young man only felt a nameless anger surging in his heart, and he didn't want to pay attention to these things at all.

"You are here to laugh at me too, right? You, a half-human, half-ghost thing, are going to laugh at me?!"

The young man was about to step on the mask, but the mask's next words stopped him.

"Haha, you are being laughed at. You might as well think about why you are being laughed at. Isn’t it because you are weak?"

"The winner is the king, the loser is the enemy, and there has never been an exception from ancient times to the present."

The young man's eyes turned red,"What can I do? After graduation, everything in the world is not going well. Those people are all a bunch of idiots!"

"They look down on me and exclude me everywhere. My stupid boss also makes things difficult for me, just because he thinks I'm easy to bully!"

Mask:"Have you ever thought about why they bully you?"

"When they face their king, will they treat him the same way as they treat you? In the final analysis, it's just that you are not strong enough."

"Young man, if you don't claim the throne, hundreds of kings will rise up, and you can only be at the mercy of others, serving as a slave and being driven around."

"Then why don't you become king?"

"If you have the heart, I am willing to assist you. I wish you can become king."

Become king?

The young man's eyes suddenly became dazed."Can you help me become king?"

Mask:"Of course, it depends on whether you have the ambition."

The young man slowly picked up the mask."What should I do?"

Mask:"What's your name?"

The young man replied:"Wang Chan."

Mask:"Wang Chan, humph, that's right, put me on your face, I will borrow your strength to help you……"

"Become the king!"

Become the king!"

Wang Chan's eyes turned red, and he slammed the mask on his face!

The next second, countless black air suddenly released from the mask and poured directly into his body!

His body began to swell, his size was expanding, his bones were growing, and his muscles were surging!

In a short while, Wang Chan's height rose to two meters!

His size and muscles became extremely developed, and they burst through his clothes!

Even his hair grew to his waist!

He was like a madman with his hair disheveled!

At this moment, Wang Chan felt an unprecedented power filling his limbs!


"This power?!"

"This feeling... I feel like I can rule everything!"

"Haha, hahahaha!"

"Heaven has eyes, I will return all the grievances I have suffered before to them doubled!"

Wang Chan's eyes were blood red, and his skin was gradually turning pale, like a dead person.

But he didn't care at all!

At this moment, countless men in black suddenly walked out of the shadows!

They also had blood red eyes, and their bodies seemed to be made of black mist, looking illusory.

The right arm of these men in black was a huge gate knife, which looked extremely broad, and the left arm was extremely small, as if it was stunted.

"Who are these?"

The masked voice came again,"The Ghost Corps, they are your soldiers and your sharp blades, and can help the new king achieve his hegemony."

"Remember, the secret to driving them is to form alliances"


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