"What a poor boy"

"This is a beating for someone."

Chen Ye, who was in God Mode, witnessed Nocturne being beaten to a pulp, and then being beheaded by Ye Qiu with a sword.

This is not his fault, after all, the abilities of the schools in the early stage are not very strong.

And he has not learned the active skills of the relevant schools.

It can be said that Nocturne has almost no advantages at present except that he turned one level earlier than others.

After all, everyone's equipment level has come up, who doesn't have a metal weapon and armor?

But the passive of death is still very strong, at least it is very strong against players. It's also Nocturne's bad luck. Why not pick someone else to attack, but go head-to-head with the reborn?

Isn't this just a stepping stone for others?

Chen Ye was still very optimistic about this kid, after all, he was the only player who got the inheritance of the necromancy school outside the tower.

Now it seems that he can't beat the reborn he created himself.

"But this is more interesting, Ye Qiu, don't let me down, I look forward to the day when you reach the top of the tower."

After that, Chen Ye closed his eyes and returned to reality.

Everything on the island is running normally, and the Ghost Corps is always busy.

At this moment, a shadow soldier suddenly picked up a mobile phone and handed it to Chen Ye.

Chen Ye took the phone and saw a video on it.

The content of the video is that a masked man unified the underground mafia forces in San Francisco.

Obviously, this video was recorded by the Ghost Corps with a mobile phone.

Chen Ye didn't care too much about it,"Don't pay attention to it, just keep an eye on the guys from the Investigation Bureau, and remind me after they take this mask."

"I'll throw another mask at them."

The shadow soldier beside him raised his hands and gestured.

Chen Ye frowned and said,"You said I was worrying too much. According to your observation, the combined strength of those people is not as strong as the power brought by Bai Qi's mask?"

"And Old Man Hai is now staying in the bureau playing games every day?"

"Hahaha, it seems I really overestimated them."

"Well, if they stop here, then bring me the host of Bai Qi's mask."

"It's time for me to support some puppets."


Donghai City.

Inside Investigation Bureau No. 0.

Cheng Haixing slowly took off his glasses and asked the man beside him,"How long did I stay in the game this time?"

The man replied,"2 hours and 25 minutes."

Cheng Haixing frowned,"But I felt like 24 hours had passed. This technology that can accelerate consciousness is really terrifying.……"

"If this is really a game launched by an alien civilization, it is enough to show that we are vulnerable in front of them!"

"In other words, if this civilization wants to go to war with us, we won't even be able to resist."

"If the enemy can control time, then our most proud weapon will be nothing more than a pile of motionless scrap metal in their eyes."

"Including us, in their eyes, everything in our world is static and dead."

"I really hope that this game is not the product of some alien civilization, but that we have mastered this technology ourselves……"


"Just think of it as a daydream."

Seeing Cheng Haixing shaking his head, the middle-aged man beside him smiled and said,"During the time you have been in the game, our experts have calculated many possibilities for this game."

"The good news is that our experts agree that this is not a game created by any alien civilization."

"For more specific conclusions, you can read this report"

"Our experts believe that this game is likely to be a game from another real world."

"Someone has connected these two worlds, using this login device as a bridge to allow our consciousness to enter the other world."

"Because the two worlds are in different dimensions and have different parameters, the speed of time will naturally be faster than our world."

Cheng Haixing looked at the report in front of him and nodded thoughtfully,"If this is the case, it makes sense."

"This is a better conclusion."

"Because the opponent has not mastered the technology to control time, even though our technology is backward, we are not completely powerless."

"Well, continuing with this assumption, I don't think they have the technology to jump through wormholes and travel through time and space."

"The reason why this game can connect to our world is probably that people in our world have established bridges with each other."

"It is still unknown who this person is. Although this is just a hypothesis... it is very likely."

"I don't know what their purpose is yet. I can only wait until I continue to explore more information in the game before making the next conclusion."

"By the way, has the whereabouts of Bai Qi's mask been found?"

The man beside him nodded,"According to the frontline investigators, the owner of Bai Qi's mask has left the country."



"We don't have the power to enforce the law across borders. Let those foreigners worry about the masks themselves. You guys keep watching. If you find other masks, wake me up immediately."

"By the way, call Jiang Quan back."

Just then, a young man suddenly pushed the door and walked in,"I just came back, did you miss me so much, Master?"

Cheng Haixing looked at Jiang Quan and smiled,"I have a new task for you."

Jiang Quan was a little puzzled,"What task?"

Cheng Haixing:"Find a group of investigators to go to the official website of the game in the Sealed Land to make an appointment for the internal test."

Jiang Quan:"Uh... Master, are you finally not doing your job properly?"

Cheng Haixing:"This is a task."

Jiang Quan:"The task is to play games?"

Cheng Haixing:"It's not playing games, we are investigating information about unknown civilizations."

Jiang Quan:"What about the mask?"

Cheng Haixing:"Can you find other masks by wandering around like this?"

"When the mask hosts want to come out, they will come out naturally. We are just wasting time searching aimlessly like this."

Jiang Quan:"So, playing games is not a waste of time?"

Cheng Haixing:"Haha, you are right. When we play games, we are actually making use of our time."

"After our tests, the time flow rate in the game of Sealed Land is 1:10 compared to the time flow rate in our world."

"In other words, we can use this game to buy more time to think, or even learn."

Jiang Quan:"But we don't know the other party's purpose yet. If we use their technology to gain convenience for ourselves, won't it cause irreversible consequences?"

Cheng Haixing:"Do you know where the Qi we use comes from?"

Jiang Quan:"I don't know."

Cheng Haixing:"Then do you know if Qi will bring any irreversible consequences?"

Jiang Quan:"Probably not. Anyway, no one has found any negative effects so far."

Cheng Haixing:"Yes, since there is no problem at present, then Qi and this game are the same."

"As long as it can be used by us and bring us convenience and help, then we should take advantage of this convenience."

Jiang Quan:"This... okay"


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