In the game, in a wilderness,

Nocturne held up the broken iron sword with a ferocious look on his face,"Damn it, why is this happening? What kind of weapon did that guy use?"

"I had clearly already turned around, and had the passive Death Energy ability and Death Energy weapon, but in the end I was powerless to fight back in front of him!"

"Not strong enough, still not strong enough!"

Nocturne's eyes turned red, he still had too little death energy.

And there was only one way to increase the death energy.

That was to keep killing lives!

This included players, as well as monsters in various towers.

Before, Nocturne had spent a long time using death energy to kill monsters, and finally condensed the death energy to the point where it could completely cover both hands.

With this level of death energy, ordinary players were no match for him at all, and they would definitely die if they were injured by him!

But that guy was different!

"Bu Qi Shixuan, I have remembered your ID. You are going to kill me until I quit the game, right? Let's wait and see!"

As he said that, Nocturne took out a black torn page from his backpack.

There were many strange blood-red words on the torn page. This was not any kind of language in the real world.

But it was not like a string of garbled characters.

It was a brand new language generated by the system.

Nocturne once asked the guide Lu Qing to help identify this torn page. I remember that Lu Qing's expression was very wonderful at that time.

It was as if he had seen something incredible.

Then, Lu Qing translated the entire torn page for Nocturne.

The general meaning was very simple.

This is really a torn page, which should have been torn off from a book.

Lu Qing relied on He used the Eye of Truth to see which book the fragment came from, but he did not tell Nocturne.

Because he felt that this might be his chance!

Because this book was defined as the supreme heresy with nine taboos!

Its name is"Book of the Dead"!

According to the introduction of the Eye of Truth, this book records many ancient beings that existed in the old days.

They have the power to kill gods, and this power is recorded in the"Book of the Dead"!

But the content of this fragment is very little, only a monster and an ancient and evil secret technique.

According to the record, the monster is a A huge eyeball wandering in the night.

Evil, chaotic, blindly watching the madness and obsession in people's hearts.

He is a follower of some indescribable ancient existence, and acts as the eyes of that ancient existence to monitor this continent.

His name is Chaos Watcher.

The summoning method of this follower is recorded on the pages of the book.

It is to take a human eyeball as a sacrifice, and with the formation drawn with lamb blood mentioned in the picture above, pray to some unknown evil god to summon it.

This monster itself has incredible magic power!

As long as you eat the lens in his pupil, you can practice the evil eye technique mentioned in the book.

This evil eye technique is an active skill. After it is activated, anyone who is stared at by the evil eye will have a brief hallucination.

This depends on whether a person's willpower is strong.

If the willpower is weak, the illusion will last longer.

If the willpower is strong, the illusion will last shorter, or simply have no effect.

The strength of this ability depends on the soul power of the caster.

The stronger the soul power of the caster, the stronger the power of the evil eye.

Nocturne looked at the magic circle mentioned on the torn page and narrowed his eyes,"Human eyeballs can be seen everywhere, but sheep blood... I don't know if demonized sheep can be used for summoning."

"Humph, when I get the evil eye skill, I'll see who kills whom and makes them quit the game!"

This fragment was found by Nocturne in Malthus's tomb.

Obviously, Malthus must have mastered more knowledge of the Book of the Dead.

It's a pity that Malthus has disappeared. If Nocturne wants to find him, he can only wait for him to show up.

However, there is a sentence that Lu Qing actually translated wrong.

That is the lamb mentioned in the fragment.

The so-called lamb's blood does not actually refer to a real sheep. It refers to the lost lamb, that is, human beings themselves.

However, Lu Qing was not completely wrong, but Nocturne's own understanding was problematic.


At the other end.

In a brick house in front of the Sealed Tower, Old Man Hai was sitting on a chair, having just been linked back.

Seeing this, Ye Qiu did not pay much attention, but turned to look at the Immortal who was crushing plants with a stone stick.

"Brother Xian, I want to buy some plants from you. Do you have any here?"

Chengxian glanced at the two of them and said,"Buy hemostatic grass or swallowtail grass? Why don't you try my new potion?" Chengxian took out a wooden container and handed it to Ye Qiu.

After Ye Qiu took it, he slowly pulled out the wooden stopper of the container and saw a burst of green liquid in front of him.

There were also many plant residues in it, which looked like mashed celery soup.

"This smell, this color, is this Liushen Flower Dew?"

Hearing this, Chengxian snorted coldly,"What Liushen Flower Dew? This is the primary healing potion version 1.0 that I configured!" The so-called healing potion version 1.0 is actually the product that Chengxian crushed the swallowtail grass and then sieved it with water.

"After my preliminary test, crushing the swallowtail grass and mixing it with water makes it more absorbent and the therapeutic effect takes effect faster."

"Then I increased the dose and added four or five swallowtail plants to the potion."

"The current effect can be said to be just like the healing potion in the game, the effect is immediate!"

"As long as you drink it, within a minute, some minor injuries on your body will heal quickly."

"But in terms of taste, it is no different from eating grass directly, and may even be a little more sour."

"But it is better to have a short pain than a long one. You can drink the medicine in one gulp and it will be done. You have to chew the grass again and again."

Chengxian is worthy of being the top alchemist in his previous life. He made this most classic version of the healing potion so quickly.

Although some players also call him the master of dark cuisine.

Ye Qiu still remembers that when he logged into the game, the healing potion had been upgraded to version 3.0 by Chengxian.

The healing potion at that time was no longer green.

Instead, it was blood red like in other games.

But it was still hard to drink.

Brother Chengxian is not like other alchemists. When pursuing effects, he also pursues taste and flavor.

He almost never pursues taste. In his words, good medicine tastes bitter but is good for the disease.

Since there is a word"medicine" in the healing potion, do you think this potion can taste good?

"How do I buy this healing potion 1.0?"

Brother Chengxian held up three fingers and said,"30 copper coins, no bargaining, I'll give it to you together with the container. If you want to buy it again later, just bring the container and I'll give you a 50% discount."

Ye Qiu smiled,"I can see that you know how to do business. I'll take this bottle. How many times can I use it?"

Chengxian calculated,"For minor injuries, you can drink it in small sips for seven or eight times. If you have broken bones and skin, I suggest you just fill yourself up."

"In that situation, even if you drink the whole bottle in one gulp, it won't have much effect. After all, this is not some magic pill that can revive the dead."


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