Because the mountain is there?

What does that mean?

Some people didn't quite understand what Ye Qiu meant. It was also the first time they heard this sentence.

Because this sentence did not exist in this world. It was told by an NPC in the game in the previous life of Ye Qiu!

It was a climber who climbed the boundless Ancient God Peak every day.

Other players said that this NPC was useless and only knew how to climb mountains.

Many players laughed at this NPC who climbed the mountain, saying that guides were more useful than him.

You know, guides will be a unit of measurement in the future!

What, this NPC is more useless than a guide.

And, this NPC is much more useful than a guide!

Also, this NPC is only half a guide, no more.

What's more, this NPC is awesome, it can replace three guides!

And if a player says that an NPC is even less useful than a guide, then it is definitely the biggest insult to this NPC!

But the climber never paid attention to the players' ridicule, and continued to climb the so-called Ancient God Peak over and over again.

Although he fell every time, he never gave up climbing.

Even if some players advised him.

Even if you climb to the top, what can you do? You will get nothing, but you will risk falling to your death every day!

Is it really worth it?

What is the point of climbing a mountain?


But there are so many ways to exercise, why do you have to choose the most dangerous one?

The players don't understand, let alone understand.

The original Ye Qiu was the same, until one day he came down from the upper level and met the old man again.

He was a little curious at the time, what would happen if he took the old man to the top?

So Ye Qiu flew all the way to the top of the mountain with the old man. But when he reached the top of the mountain, the old man shook his head and immediately went down the mountain to start climbing again.

Ye Qiu was puzzled, so he questioned the old man, saying that I have taken you to the top, what else are you not satisfied with?

But the old man smiled and responded to him,"If the road under your feet is not walked out by yourself, then when you look back, you will find that there is a cliff behind you."

Ye Qiu didn't understand, so he questioned the old man again, saying why do you want to climb the mountain?

"Why climb mountains?"

"Because the mountain is right there."

"The meaning of climbing has never been complicated, but it has become my lifelong mission and belief."

"Young man, you and I are the same, we are both climbing up, you have your battlefield to go to, and I have my mountain road to go"

"You don't need to waste your time on me, just as I can't bring you any help"

"I can only give you a solid suggestion."

"Young man, climb one mountain and you will be higher than the next. One day, a great climber will reach the real top."

"If you are willing to climb for this, why can't that person be you?"


Thinking about it now, what Ye Qiu saw in the old man... wasn't it an unwavering belief?

What's the meaning of climbing?

There is no meaning. What about the universe? It also has no meaning.

Meaning is found by people themselves. It

's actually very simple to make something meaningful. Do you see the trash can in front of you?

Throw the paper ball in your hand into it through the air, and you'll be awesome if you throw it in.

Is this meaningful? Of course it is!

As long as you think so, it is meaningful.

Then, look at Ye Qiu now.

Knowing that you can't beat the boss, why do you still want to fight the boss?

It's very simple, because the boss is there.

The challenge itself does not need any meaning!

Since the birth of mankind, it has been challenging nature and all things!

Survival of the fittest, the faith of mankind is courage and challenge!

Is the Chaos Watcher terrible? But this is just the beginning.

In the future, there will be many monsters more terrible than the Chaos Watcher!

When they wantonly destroy your home and kill your loved ones and friends, will you still escape? This time.

You only have one life left.

Run away, after all, if you can run away once, you can run away forever.

It is easy to escape from something, but it is difficult to face it again.

After living a new life, Ye Qiu suddenly understood the climber's obsession.

To borrow the words of the climber, you can only be higher than a mountain if you climb over a mountain!

Even if this is a seemingly impossible goal.

But has the climber ever said to give up?

"What is a player? It means to persevere and become more courageous as time goes by, like bamboo shoots after the spring, one after another, like a spark that can start a prairie fire!"

"How do you know that a mantis arm cannot stop a car if you have never used it to block it?"

"If you have never seen a mayfly trying to shake a tree, how do you know that a mayfly cannot shake a tree?"

"This is the player"

"As the gravekeeper says the golden spirit"

"The hymn of mankind is the hymn of courage, and the greatness of mankind is the greatness of courage!"

"And I have the courage to swing my sword at the invincible god with my mortal body!"

This is the golden spirit that Ye Qiu has realized!

Even if the golden spirit is the biggest scam in this game, so what?

The ancient gods once laughed at us. Not only did we have no faith, but we also lost our beliefs. All that was left was greed and arrogance in our hearts.

The meaning of the climber's existence seems to be to awaken the initial faith and courage in the players' hearts!

Players will never be defeated by dozens or hundreds of deaths!

Even if I die thousands or tens of thousands of times, as long as I beat Him once, it will be enough!

"Why can't a mantis stop a car? Why can't a floating creature shake a tree? How can you know if you don't try?"

After saying that, Ye Qiu picked up his sword and walked towards the Sealed Tower resolutely.

The other players looked at each other, and then smiled.

"Then... let's try a billion more times."

"Suddenly I don’t feel tired anymore. One big eye is too few. I want to kill a hundred!"

"Let the planners see the power of the players!"

"Turning the impossible into possible and transforming decay into magic is the power of our Fourth Disaster!"

"I like this sentence: Dare to swing the sword at God with your mortal body. It’s crazy enough. I’ll accompany you!"

"When you are young, you have to go crazy once or twice!"

Seeing all the players regain their faith and walk towards the Sealed Tower again.

Fang Ze suddenly remembered a sentence.

When he is old, he will not regret what he did when he was young.

He will only regret not doing anything when he was young!

As a person, if you don't do something when you are young, it will be too late when you are old!

Cheng Haixing in the crowd fell into deep thought after seeing this scene.

He understood too well the various powerlessness of people when they are old.

Looking back on the past, there were too many things he didn't dare to do when he was young, which became his lifelong regret. Is n't this game giving him a second life?

Perhaps, he can make up for all the regrets of his youth here.

"Well, I will go crazy with you guys for once!"

Cheng Haixing said as he strode towards the Sealed Tower!

From this moment on, the meaning of the game has changed!

In other words, the meaning of challenging the boss has changed!

Players no longer fight for the first kill, but to defeat the boss, without any interests involved!

Just as Cheng Haixing had heard before.

A group of soldiers who fight purely for their beliefs are the most terrible soldiers in the world!


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