Challenges don't need meaning!

Because the challenge itself is a meaning!

When the players challenged the Chaos Watcher again with this belief, the atmosphere on the battlefield changed instantly!

The players no longer thought about how to save their lives, nor did they think about taking advantage of the situation to see if they could get the first kill!

As long as the Chaos Watcher dared to come down, they would not dodge, and would give it a knife even if they risked their lives!

As long as the knife could be stabbed out, their sacrifice would be valuable!

Under this kind of sacrifice-free, one after another fighting style, Da Yan's body was stabbed by the players countless times in a blink of an eye!

And Ye Qiu set an example by always taking the lead and rushing to the front!

As a reborn, he certainly knew the weakness of the Chaos Watcher!

There were two points in total!

One was the flesh behind its pupil, where there was no protection from the lens shield.

The other was the weakness that Da Yan would only expose in the second form!


With a loud bang, the Chaos Watcher swooped down again, directly creating a huge gully on the ground!

Hundreds of players were knocked to the ground in an instant!

But they all held their swords high, refusing to let go even if they died!

If it dared to come down, they would fight to the death to let Big Eye take a blow!

"Take your grandfather's tetanus blade!"

"Hahaha, I hit it, this life was worth it!"

"Puff... Brothers, wait for me, I'll be back soon!"

Under this desperate fighting style, even if the player's damage is not high, Big Eyes will be worn down to a low health!

But Ye Qiu knows that this is just the beginning!

Soon, as Du Yuan replaced his axe and hit Big Eyes' right flesh head-on, the Chaos Watcher immediately trembled!

"You are bugs!"


【Chaos Monitor has entered the second form! 】


There was a sound of flesh being torn apart, and the pupil of the big eye was torn apart instantly, and a bloody mouth was directly split open!

Suddenly, the speed of the Chaos Monitor increased by double!

And the sprint became more frequent!


There was a continuous sound of the Chaos Monitor hitting the ground, and a large number of players died in an instant!

"The boss actually has a second form, I'm so surprised?!"

"Then kill it again!"

"Don’t care about life or death, just fight if you don’t agree. I will do the same to him if he has a third form!"

"Brothers, charge!"

"Let's go together, I don't believe he has no health bar!"

Puff puff puff!!

The big eyes in the second stage are completely crazy, and wherever they pass, there is a bloody storm!

But at the same time, its defense has also dropped significantly!

Instead, it is faster!

Ye Qiu seized the opportunity and instantly activated the ring of the deceiving wolf lord!

""Thousands of phantom bodies!"

Ye Qiu shouted, and his body was split into two!

The phantom body picked up the violet gold long sword and rushed out!

Seeing this, Da Yan circled in the air and dived down, while the phantom body did not dodge, and swung the sword directly to meet the Chaos Watcher!


With a loud bang, Ye Qiu's phantom body was instantly crushed into powder!

Ye Qiu took this opportunity to jump from behind and jump onto the head of the Chaos Watcher!

The Chaos Watcher reacted and opened his bloody mouth to bite him!

Seeing this, Ye Qiu jumped up, and when the Chaos Watcher chased him, he stepped directly on the Chaos Watcher's teeth and continued to jump up!

Just like that, under the gaze of everyone!

Ye Qiu actually stepped on the Chaos Watcher directly to the sky?!

"This... is this the legendary method of stepping on the right foot with the left foot?"

""What the hell, there is such a thing?!"

The other players were stunned!

"Then the question is, how is he going to get down?"

"Good question, don't ask it next time."

Just like that, under the gaze of all the players, Ye Qiu stepped on the Chaos Watcher and jumped into the clouds!


The Chaos Watcher roared, and then dived down instantly. It seemed that it didn't want to care about Ye Qiu!

Because even if he didn't care, this height was enough to kill ten Ye Qius!

And Ye Qiu was waiting for this opportunity!

At this time, the bright moon was overhead!

The hatred of the cheating wolf lord also bloomed with bright blue moonlight!

Obviously, the increase in the hatred of the cheating wolf lord has reached the critical point tonight!

Seeing this, Ye Qiu grinned!

Right now!

He suddenly pointed the tip of the sword at the bottom of his body, and then leaned down to speed up his own descent!

At this moment, he swooped down like a sharp sword!

"You are not wrong when you say we are bugs!"

"But don't forget, bugs, have never been truly defeated!"

The next second, Ye Qiu instantly activated the active skill of the hatred of the deceiving wolf master!

Thousands of phantom bodies!

This time he directly separated three!

Of course, because it has no magic power, the price of activating this ability is the life of the soul!

The three phantom bodies moved quickly, directly emerged on the ground, and instantly besieged the Chaos Monitor from three directions!

Seeing this, other players also surrounded them from all directions!

The Chaos Monitor paused in the air at this moment,"As I see, all life disintegrates!" As soon as the words fell, a purple beam of light suddenly shot out of the eyes of the Chaos Monitor!

This is a continuous skill!

The purple beam of light shot out, and all the players who touched the beam of light were annihilated in an instant!

And the Void Monitor also began to circle in place, and with just a sweep, it directly cleared the players from all directions!

At this moment, Ye Qiu, who was rapidly descending in the sky, had also killed!

"I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of a sword technique that descends from the sky!"

The Chaos Watcher seemed to realize something, but it was too late!

The next second, Ye Qiu, who was wrapped in endless hot air waves, descended directly on the Chaos Watcher's head!

"Who allowed you to be so high and mighty? Kneel down!!!"


There was a loud bang, and the sword in Ye Qiu's hand instantly pierced through the body of the Chaos Monitor!

The terrible force directly pressed the huge body of the Chaos Monitor to the ground!


A large wave of air mixed with dust instantly rose on the ground!

The Chaos Monitor fell to the ground suddenly!

Its deformed flesh and blood body was also crushed beyond recognition, and turned directly into an oval shape! At this moment, Ye Qiu's bones all over his body were broken, and his flesh was also shaken into a pool of meat mud at the moment of impact feedback!

But it was worth it!

At this moment, all players received a message!

【The Chaos Watcher has been defeated!】

【Server Announcement】

【Congratulations to the player: Don't pray for ten spins】

【Get your first kill on a Chaos Watcher!】

"The followers of the ancient dark existence have been defeated, and this pride belongs to all of you."

Seeing this scene, all the players put down their weapons and laughed out loud!


"we won!!"

"Shixuan boss is awesome——!!"

At this moment, no player was interested in the first kill.

It was no longer important!

Because, as long as the player won in the end, it was enough!

This was not a victory for one person, but a victory for all players!

"We make the impossible possible"

"We are players!"


There are five updates today, and there will be more later.

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