In the game.

Molten Armory.

Hobbit was stunned for a moment when he saw the giant lens carried by a group of players,"This thing... where did you get it from?"

If he was not mistaken, how come this thing looked so much like the cornea of an Outer God?

Did these people kill the gods?

Just a bunch of mortals like them?

Are you kidding me?

Fang Ze walked in front,"Can you see if this thing can be processed?"

Hobbit looked at the huge cornea and fell into deep thought,"It can be processed, but it's not easy to process."

"The processing fee is this amount."

Looking at the five fingers that Hobbit stretched out, Fang Ze turned his head and looked at everyone,"I think we should be able to afford it."

Hobbit shrugged,"This thing looks relatively complete. If it is made into a small round shield, it should be able to make 17 or 18 of them."

"What do you want to do?"

After discussing for a while, the players finally decided to make a small round shield.

As for how to divide it after it is made, they will just auction it and the highest bidder will win. The auction will be held by the group that pays the processing fee.

Even if they don't want the round shield, they can take this opportunity to earn some copper coins.

"How long will it take to finish it?"

Hearing this question, Hobbit couldn't help twisting his beard,"If it's fast, it will take a month, if it's slow, it will take two months."

At this time, a player named Zhang San suddenly walked out of the crowd.

"Master, I will help you with the processing!"

Hobbit glanced at him and said,"You can't do it, you are still too young, wait until you become a first-class master craftsman."

At this moment, Fang Ze reached out and took out a turbid ore that was purple all over.

"Do you know what kind of ore this is?"

Hobbit picked up the ore and looked at it carefully."Magic ore is a kind of ore with magical conductivity, which can be used to make magic wands."

Magic wand?

The players were all stunned when they heard this,"Doesn't that mean that we can change our job to become wizards?"

Hobbit laughed when he heard this,"Hahaha, my God, how stupid are humans to think that they can use magic just by getting a magic wand?"

"To use a magic wand, you must first have magic power."

"The magic wand only serves as a conductor of magic power. Of course, a magic wand cannot be without a magic core."

"Only with the magic core can the magic power inside be transferred into the corresponding magic energy and emitted."

Hearing this, the players immediately began to ask:

"So how do you get the magic core?"

"How to obtain magic power?"

"What's the difference between magic and wand-released attacks?"

"How can I use magic?"


As Hobbit listened to their endless chatter, more and more black lines appeared on his forehead.

"Do you think I'm the triple great Hermes? I'm just a blacksmith, get out of here!" Hobbit directly ordered them to leave, and everyone had no choice but to leave.

But one person did not leave.

This person was not a player. He was a guide, Lu Qing!

Hobbit looked at Lu Qing curiously,"You are not quite the same as them, but you seem to be not much different. Who are you?"

Lu Qing took out a small colorless crystal ball from his backpack.

This was a magic core, the one that Chengxian had found and sold to Lu Qing before.

"Do you have a way to inject magic power back into this magic core?"

Lu Qing said as he handed the magic core directly to Hobbit.

Hobbit took the magic core and weighed it for a few times."A blank magic core without magic power is not a rare item, but you found the wrong person."

"Although I know the rune forging technique, I am not a professional rune mage and cannot give this magic core an arcane inscription."

"Moreover, in my opinion, this magic core can only engrave some small magic at most."

Lu Qing took back the magic core in disappointment, and then turned around and was about to leave,"Thank you for your advice."

But Hobbit said something meaningful

"In my opinion, what is inside you is more terrifying than magic. It is a hundred times more terrifying than magic."

"It is a chaotic and evil force, between disorder and order, between controllable and uncontrollable, which is very similar to the highest concept of the imbalance school."

"Perhaps, you can learn how to use this power from the Imbalance School."

Imbalance School?

If Lu Qing remembered correctly, the Imbalance School seemed to be one of the nine forbidden schools, right?

The nine forbidden schools included the Undead, Scarlet, Transfiguration, Curse, Cemetery, Ghost, Old Days, Hades, and Imbalance. But in the memory of this body, there was very little memory of the nine forbidden schools.

He only knew that these schools did not have an open inheritance, but were all passed down one-on-one in secret. Just like Malthus taught the Necromancer School to Nocturne.

"Thank you."

After that, Lu Qing left.

But Hobbit's eyes were very strange,"There is a problem... He clearly has the vibration of the ancient seal on his body."

"Obviously, his family must have passed down this seal from generation to generation, which means that his ancestor was one of the eight sacred sages who had sealed the gods."

"But why does he exude an indescribable divinity?"

"Only those who hold the laws of divine power will have fluctuations of divinity. Is there a god behind him?"


In this game world, the system has evolved a complete world background.

Although Chen Ye has not made the following content, the system has already completed the entire world view according to his ideas.

Every NPC is a real soul and has a real life.

They have their own way of thinking and will think in the context of this world in combination with their own memories.

In Hobbit's view, players are a group of people who broke in here for unknown reasons to unlock the seal.

But Lu Qing is different from the players.

He came here with the background of this world.

The outline of this story was decided by Chen Ye, and various details and content were filled in by the system.

Therefore, Chen Ye asked him to find the truth of this body.

And when he discovered the truth, he had to be pushed into hell by the players.

This setting originated from a game that Chen Ye played in his previous life.

Of course, the settings he applied in his own game are far more than that.

There are many games included in it, and he crushed and integrated all these things and gave them new concepts.

Although it doesn't matter even if he doesn't integrate them, the players in this world can't tell the difference anyway.

No one will sue him for infringement.

But in order to make all this more in line with the world view and background he has set, some small changes are naturally inevitable.

Some of them combine myths from various countries, and some use various settings and stories from other games.


Five more(_ _ヘ)

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