In Ye Qiu's memory, Chaos Watcher had appeared countless times in his previous life.

However, the previous few times, it was just the players who were slaughtered unilaterally.

The stats of this boss are very exaggerated. It is not easy to kill him even if all the players are in one turn.

Therefore, after repeated defeats, the players started to think.

Does Big Eye have any weaknesses?

The answer is yes, but this weakness is difficult to break.

To kill Big Eye in the early stage, you must cooperate with other players, and at least have a violet gold long sword.

Because violet gold is the only high-level ore that can be dug in the early stage.

As for Ye Qiu's sword with intermediate sharp runes, it is already equivalent to the best among violet gold weapons.

And this game has a mechanism, that is, the high-altitude falling mechanism.

If a player falls from the sky holding a violet gold long sword weighing 25 kilograms, the damage of the object hit will increase exponentially!

But the early players can't fly at all, and it is impossible to fly to the sky.

But the second stage Big Eye has a mechanism!

That is, after the second stage, Big Eye will keep chasing and biting the player!

At this time, as long as the player's body movement is good enough, he can jump directly to the top of Big Eye's head, and Big Eye's hatred will be directly transferred to the nearest player.

In this way, as long as the player keeps stepping on Big Eye's teeth and jumping up, he can show the left foot stepping on the right foot to go up.

After reaching a certain height, Big Eye will directly give up attacking the player.

At this time, it is time to break Big Eye!

But there is another problem, that is, if Big Eye attacks other players when the player falls, then this attack will definitely fail!

This is the biggest flaw of this play.

Because the pre-swing is too long, it is difficult to hit!

Big Eye has many skills, one of which will be triggered when the player is surrounded from all directions!

It is a continuous ray skill. Once this skill is turned on, Big Eye will circle in place.

Ye Qiu actually wanted to use this play from the beginning.

But at that time, the players were fighting on their own, and there was no idea of surrounding him in groups.

And it is impossible for him to grind Big Eye to the second stage by himself.

Therefore, Ye Qiu had to encourage everyone to fight to the death and create opportunities for himself!

After several attempts, Ye Qiu finally climbed to the top of Big Eye.

When he fell, he first split into three clones and restrained Big Eye from three directions.

Then other players surrounded him and directly triggered the judgment condition for Big Eye to release skills in place!

In the second stage, Big Eye's defense dropped significantly. As long as Ye Qiu could hit it with this attack, Big Eye would almost certainly die!

But this style of play actually has a disadvantage.

That is, the attacker will also die after landing!

Not killed by the recoil, but by falling!

Ye Qiu and Big Eye died together, and when he came back, many players were digging Big Eye's body.

And Nocturne was among them. He directly took away Big Eye's core crystal while other players were not paying attention.

When Ye Qiu went to dissect Big Eye, there was not much good stuff left.

Although he got the boss's kill reward and reputation reward, it was only silver coins and soul life.

Ye Qiu naturally wanted the Evil Eye skill, after all, it was known as the strongest control skill in the early stage of the Sealed Land!

At this time, Nocturne had already taken the core lens of the Chaos Watcher.

His right pupil instantly turned purple, with countless bloodshot eyes all over it, evil and weird.

Ye Qiu and Nocturne were enemies in their previous lives, although this life has not yet developed into the time when the two major forces were hostile to each other in the previous life.

But the two still had a grudge.

Because for Ye Qiu, even if he was reborn, Nocturne was still Nocturne!

The red-named player who had killed him countless times!

But for Nocturne, Ye Qiu was just a player who was not easy to mess with, but that was only at this stage.

Later, he would definitely get back what he had eaten before!

So in general, Ye Qiu's killing of the Chaos Watcher this time was actually a wedding dress for Nocturne.


After that, several days passed.

Players were very enthusiastic, claiming that they had never fought such a great battle before!

Some even recorded it as a video and uploaded it to the Internet, which once again set off a wave of enthusiasm for the Sealed Land on the Internet!

And Chen Ye also released the update announcement for version 0.5 at this time!

【Announcement of the 0.5 version update of the Sealed Land! 】

1: Major update. After this update, the game will directly open 10,000 internal test quotas, and random draws are still used!

2: The game mechanism has undergone major adjustments!

Starting from this update, the monetary income of all monsters will be reduced by half, and the number of monsters refreshed per day will also be limited.

3: The currency exchange function will be opened at the gravekeeper. Are you troubled by the inconvenience of carrying too many copper coins?

Now, you don’t have to worry about it anymore!

Because we have introduced the setting of silver coins and gold coins, 100 copper coins are equal to 1 silver coin.

100 silver coins are equal to 1 gold coin!

Players can exchange them at the gravekeeper by themselves.

4: Fixed some bugs in the enclosure function, and players can now enclose land more freely.

If a player’s territory only has a border, other players can directly enclose the territory in the border!

5: Further expansion of the title function!

So far, the role of the title is limited to enclosure, which is indeed a bit too tasteless.

After our continuous improvement, the title system now has new content!

After players have the title of bronze adventurer, if they engage in a certain job for a long time, they will accumulate a progress.

For example, mining, when the progress of mining is accumulated, the player will get the title of junior miner.

If you have the title of silver adventurer, you can unlock the title of intermediate miner after the progress is accumulated.

This title can make your various jobs more convenient, and you can also receive some special tasks for exclusive titles from NPCs.

From then on, players can set whether to display their titles.

If it is set to display, other players can better know your profession and form a team better.

Of course, the changes to the title function are far more than that.

We have also added various discounts to the title function, such as bronze adventurers will enjoy a 95% discount at NPCs.

The silver level is a 90% discount, including buying land.

I guess some players are about to reach the threshold of silver adventurers, right?

It doesn't matter, we have updated the subsequent titles!

Gold adventurer!

Have the right to circle 250 square meters of territory, and enjoy an 80% discount at NPCs. You can even upgrade various professional titles to advanced!

The cost of advancing to a gold-level adventurer is 250 silver coins plus 25,000 reputation!

6: Fixed a few bugs


Sorry, the author got up late today, so the update may be a little later.(_ _ヘ)

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