After seeing the version update, many players were so scared that they immediately went online to circle the center of their territory!

Fang Ze and others did the same. What if someone else circled it?

After this battle, the currency in the hands of the players was directly reduced by half!

After seeing that the currency income was cut, many players burst into tears!

"Shit, the official cut directly hit my aorta!"

"Half, damn!"

"Is there still justice, is there still law?"

"Ahem, is there anyone who recycles currency? The recycling price should be increased now."

"Yes, the monetary benefits have decreased, and the price of beef skewers should also increase."

"Damn it, buddy, can you please be a human being? I can’t afford to eat anymore!"

"If you think it’s too expensive, why don’t you go to the wild vegetable stall next door?"

"Yes, yes, come to me, I won’t raise the price!"


"Fortunately, I stocked up some currency, hehe"

"If I had known earlier, I would have stocked up some too, damn!"

"The official is very generous this time and directly opened 10,000 places for the internal test?"

"I estimate that the next time it will be 100,000. As I said, there is hope for the public beta!"

"There are only five more updates?"

"1.0 is definitely the public beta, I can’t wait to torture some of my classmates, hehe!"

"Good fellow, brother, you are good at fighting among your own people."

"Oh shit!"

"Who circled the gate of my brick factory?"

"Come on, come out, I promise I won’t beat you to death!"

"Damn, someone has circled my corner!"

"Fortunately, I acted quickly"

"You have already circled everyone in your family, where do you get so much money?"

"No, I circled someone else's house."


"When I find the original owner of this house and extort some money from him, I will have enough money to buy my own house."

"It can be seen that you are good at business."

"You circled my house, brother."

"Hey, I'll make an offer."

"Don’t make an offer yet. Go back and see if you can still get into your house."

"Damn, you blocked my door!"

"Give them what they want you to give to them, 6!"


The same scene is still playing out. Fortunately, Fang Ze and his friends are rich so they didn't let the same scene play out on them.

They have been exploring the volcano and looking for the snake master for the past ten days.

Do you remember the two paths in the Molten Fire Armory that Ye Qiu mentioned at the beginning?

One of them leads to the armor room, and the other leads to the forging room.

But in the path in the armor room, there are actually several forks leading to the inside of the volcano!

The inside of the volcano is like a huge underground maze. Everyone has been wandering around for several days without finding the exit. Fang Ze used the right-hand rule and walked along the right side, but ended up going around to the entrance again.

This is very puzzling. If there is a maze that cannot be solved by the left-right hand rule.

There is only one situation!

The so-called exit is not an obvious exit, but hidden in the maze!

Around this idea, they started exploring again.

Every time they were from morning to dark, not to mention, they really found a place that was suspected to be the entrance to the snake master's palace.

But it was already dark at that time. Since they had determined the location, they decided to come back tomorrow.

But when they came back the next day, they were dumbfounded!

The entrance to the palace disappeared!

No, it wasn't disappeared, but the location of the entrance to the palace changed!

They suddenly realized that the entrance to the Snake Lord's palace was changing every hour!

But this change was not random!

Instead, there was a certain pattern!

The specific change pattern seemed to change as the sun reached different positions.

In other words, if there was a concept of planetary rotation in the game.

Then this law would change with the rotation of the planet under their feet!

In fact, their guess was correct.

During this period, they also met a player.

The player had been running to the volcano these days, but he was not looking for Hobbits, but to dig sulfur at the volcano!

I have to say, this guy is also one of those people who is very harsh when he opens his mouth!

"I already have potassium nitrate, and I only need sulfur, so I can make black powder by hand!"

It's a punishment. It

's too cruel. My life is getting more and more difficult.

I don't know how the brother's black powder is doing.

Fang Ze and others also thought about climbing the technology tree, but finally gave up. Let those brothers who look very cruel come!

"Let’s go. Today we will continue to look for the Snake Lord’s palace. This time we won’t look for any patterns. Let’s just go in directly!"

"How to say?"

"Pass it in one go!"

"Pass it in one go?"

"Must go through it once!"

"The stats of the Snake Master and the Wolf Master should be similar. Once we get familiar with each other, it shouldn't be a problem to defeat the Snake Master."

"Let’s do it!"

"Set off!"


Everyone entered the volcano maze again, but this time there were many people in the volcano.

It seemed that the server-wide announcement by the Wolf Lord had attracted the attention of many players.

They speculated that Fang Ze and others had already found the clues, so they had been following Fang Ze's team.

Now, Fang Ze's team has been staying near the volcano for a long time.

Obviously, there must be something hidden in the volcano.

Many players came to the volcano to search together after hearing the news.

Fang Ze and his friends didn't care. After groping for the entrance to the underground palace in the volcano, they walked directly into the underground palace.

The group of players who followed them naturally discovered the underground palace, so they followed them into the underground palace of the Snake Lord.

Like the underground palace of the Wolf Lord, the underground palace of the Snake Lord also has stairs leading down.

There are also murals on all sides, and this time Fang Ze observed them carefully.

The murals of the Snake Lord and the murals of the Wolf Lord are similar in nature, except that there is a sun behind the Snake Lord.

"Could it be that... the closer it gets to night, the weaker the Snake Lord becomes?"

Thinking this way, everyone was no longer in a hurry to attack the Snake Lord's palace.

Seeing this, the other players did not hesitate and all rushed into the Snake Lord's palace.


With a loud noise, the door of the Snake Lord's palace closed instantly!

Then it opened again not long after.

Obviously, all the players inside were wiped out.

After that, several teams of players came one after another, but they still couldn't escape the fate of being wiped out.

But not long after, these people ran back again, although they were wiped out again later...

Just like that, until sunset, Fang Ze and others chose to step into the palace!

This place is different from the Wolf Lord's palace. The Wolf Lord's palace is a circular arena with four huge pillars around it.

After everyone discovered, The pillars are actually used to hide from the Wolf Lord's black fire.

The Snake Lord's side is full of pillars!

In other words, there is no ground at all on the Snake Lord's side!

Under the entire palace is an endless abyss, with only countless huge pillars as fulcrums!

Some of these pillars are high, and some are low. The ground pillars are level with the ground, and there are huge platforms on them for players to stand on.

The tall pillars lead directly to the top of the palace!

The Wolf Lord's palace is illuminated by ghost lights, while the Snake Lord's palace is all lit by flaming red rocks, so it looks very dim. The entire palace is made up of volcanic rocks and a kind of stone that emits a blazing fire.

Everyone jumped onto the pillars, and the next second, the door behind them closed tightly!


———You woke up the snake.———

【The Chaos Serpent Lord has awakened!】

"The Chaos Serpent Lord floats quietly on the ground, moving like a dragon that has escaped from its cage. With his eyes, he sees everything as if it is still. Even in darkness, he can still see as if it were daytime."

"Only the light of morning can destroy their eyes!"


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