In the game, the homeless Lu Qing found the gravekeeper in the black tower.

The gravekeeper's eyes were purple, and his face was full of wrinkles and white hair, making him look very old, but the black robe he was wearing was exquisitely composed and very in line with the player's aesthetic taste.

"Gravekeeper... Mr. Administrator, you gave land to those people, can you also give me some land?"

Lu Qing tried his best to make his tone respectful.

Speaking of which, the identity of the gravekeeper is actually more mysterious than him.

According to the current game background, this black tower has existed for who knows how many centuries.

But the gravekeeper has always been guarding here, which means that he is also immortal.

So why does he have to guard this huge black tower all the time?

If you look at it from a player's perspective, this is the setting.

But if you consider it from a real-world perspective, there must be a reason why he has been staying here.

For example... he can't leave here?

The gravekeeper's purple eyes flashed when he heard this,"It's not safe outside the tower. Don't look at it as being comfortable now. One day, the world outside the tower will be like the inside of the tower."

"By then, the tower will be a real paradise."

"Go find a place to stay in the tower, where you can be protected from the darkness of the future."

It's not safe outside the tower?

It's safer inside the tower where monsters are everywhere? That's it...

Never mind. The gravekeeper must know something, so let's just listen to him for now.

"Thank you."

Lu Qing nodded and was about to leave, but the gravekeeper suddenly laughed,"This is the first time we meet, right?"

Hearing this, Lu Qing stopped immediately,"Yes, do you have anything to tell me?"

The gravekeeper smiled,"You and I are the same. If you trace your ancestors, your ancestor must be a great and holy sage."

Holy sage?"

Lu Qing recalled that this word seemed to have been mentioned in his memory.

At that time, Lu Qing was still wondering how the original owner of this body got the ancient book about the Sealed Tower?

The name of that book was called The Sealed Record of the Eight Sages.

According to the records, the Eight Sages were not natives of the Green Dragon Continent.

Instead, they were eight powerful men from the mysterious continent in the far east.

They showed their magical powers on the sea and came to this sealed land alone across the boundless Sea of Chaos.

They killed countless ancient disasters and sealed countless beings comparable to gods.

They were selfless and sealed all kinds of unsuppressible disasters in the bodies of their descendants, so that the protection would be passed down from generation to generation.

At first, Lu Qing did not think that this was related to the monster in his body. After all, his ability was given by the God of Creation.

How could it be related to the sealed monster?

But now it seems that this is the truth.

The original owner of this body is probably one of the descendants of the eight sages in the story.

"Are you... also a descendant of the eight holy sages?"

Lu Qing looked at the gravekeeper and asked.

The gravekeeper smiled,"Yes, my ancestors can be traced back to the sixth sage, but I have no descendants, so I have been guarding the seal alone and sleeping here forever."

"Make good use of this gift from our ancestors."

After that, the gravekeeper disappeared directly into the tower.

Seeing this, Lu Qing came back to his senses. The gravekeeper said that he could trace back to the sixth sage.

What about himself?

Which sage did he correspond to?

Lu Qing recalled the contents of his memory. The eight sages finally sealed the eight demons who once ruled the most prosperous continent in the world.

They each controlled different powers of heaven and earth, some of which were the ocean, some of which were fire, some of which were the earth, some of which were storms, and some of which were thunder.

Some even controlled the phases of the moon and even the sky!

The demon who ruled the most humans and was the most powerful was the demon who controlled fire.

According to the records, He alone can beat the other seven demons!

His name is written in the ancient divine language, which literally means the Kingdom of God.

Also called, Holy Lord!

According to the records, he was sealed by the strongest of the eight sages, the First Sage, and his power was divided into twelve!

If Lu Qing guessed correctly, the ancestor of this body of his.

Is the First Sage.

Because only the First Sage has ever sealed anything that has no record.

The existence of the seals of the other seven sages is all recorded in the Eight Sages Sealing Record!

The records did not mention the monster in Lu Qing's body, so it is very likely that this monster was sealed by the First Sage!


In a blink of an eye, several days have passed, and Fang Ze and others are making progress in conquering the Snake Lord.

Of course, there are other teams coming to challenge the Snake Lord.

The location of the Snake Lord has been made public, and anyone with an idea can come here to challenge the Snake Lord.

But unfortunately, no one has been able to use the Snake Lord's second form so far.

Because the Snake Lord's dark skill is too unsolvable.

So far, no one has come up with a good solution.

Until today, when Fang Ze and others came to the volcano again, they met the brother who was digging sulfur in the volcano again.

It seems that his previous experiment seems to have failed.

Everyone chatted with him for a while out of habit, but they didn't expect that this brother actually showed them a kind of stone.

"Look at this. At first, I didn't care when I dug up this stone. Later, the stone became brighter and brighter, and hotter and hotter!"

"This stone seems to absorb ultraviolet rays. The longer it is exposed to the sun, the brighter and hotter it becomes!"

Fang Ze and the others were stunned when they saw this, and saw that the brother was holding a piece of black stone in his hand.

At first, the stone was pure black and cold, but as the stone was exposed to the sun, it began to change from black to red!

Seeing this scene, Fang Ze directly and decisively said that he would buy the stone!

What is this? Isn't this the light source they are looking for?!

There is a saying that where snakes appear, there must be herbs that can remove their snake venom!

And the antidote for the volcano snake is this stone!

Thinking of this, Fang Ze and others decisively took the stone to do experiments.

After a day of sun exposure, the stone first turned from black to red, and then from red to light gold!

At this point, the stone was so hot that it could make people peel off a layer of skin!

Ye Qiu didn't want to burn his gloves, so he chose to take it with his bare hands.

He directly put the stone into his backpack despite the severe pain of burning flesh and blood, and at the same time decisively took out the treatment potion of Chengxian brother and drank a few gulps.

"Tsk... it's still as unpalatable as before."

As long as the oxalic acid can't be removed, the healing potion will not taste good.

However, although Chengxian's healing potion tastes a bit harder, the effect is still very significant.

About a minute after he took the potion, the burning sensation on his hand disappeared.

The roasted meat was squeezed out, and countless blood clots re-condensed.

At this stage, Chengxian's healing potion has become a must-have for every combat player.

"But what exactly is this stone?"

"I'm not sure, why not ask the guide?"

"Didn’t the guide chase us away?"

"There shouldn't be a need to find a guide. Can't we just ask the Hobbit directly at the rock next to the volcano?"

"Can he tell us, his temper"

"It's ok, just add"forge master" in front of the question."

"6 of"


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