Inside the Molten Armory

"The great forging master, the legendary dwarf craftsman, the almighty smelter, Lord Hobbit, may I ask what kind of stone this is?"

Ye Qiu said as he took out a piece of stone that had not been exposed to the sun from his backpack and handed it to Hobbit.

Hobbit obviously enjoyed the flattery of others,"This is a glacial stone, a kind of stone unique to volcanoes."

"This stone is also regarded as a sacred object by the Sun School. They call it Fire Essence, also known as Sun Stone."

"It can absorb the energy emitted by the sun and is often used by the Fiery Sun School to store energy so as to restore magic power at night."

The Fiery Sun School?

Lu Qing has already told Fang Ze and the others about the twelve schools, but it seems that the Fiery Sun School is not among the twelve schools, right?

""May I ask the great legendary blacksmith, Lord Hobbit, what kind of school is the Fiery Sun School?"

Fang Ze asked curiously.

Hobbit threw the shining stone back and said,"Nothing, it's just a school whose inheritance has been broken for a long time."

"There are many lost schools of thought in history."

"For example, the Silver Moon School, which has the same origin as the Fiery Sun School, was originally one school, formerly known as the Sun and Moon School."

"It was the mainstream school in the Star Faction. Later, due to some conflict, the two factions split into the Fiery Sun and Silver Moon schools."

"The two schools of thought had a long-lasting war because of their different ideas."

"After a fierce fight, in the end, no one was left in either school."

"And their inheritance conditions are very harsh. Most people find it difficult to enter these two schools, and over time they are lost."

Sun-Moon School...

Even Ye Qiu heard of this school for the first time.

He knew a lot of hidden schools in his previous life, but he had never heard of the so-called Sun-Moon School.

Maybe this is really just a school that exists in the background?

After all, Ye Qiu has never seen any player transfer to the Sun-Moon School, so he didn't care when he thought of this.

Hobbit seemed to realize something,"Wait, are you going to use the Yaoshi to……"

Before the Hobbit could finish, the fly interrupted him and said,"Wait, don't say anything yet, let me guess what you are going to say."

"Are you planning to use the Shining Stone to deal with the Chaos Serpent Lord? You think too simply. How could I leave you this loophole?"

"What kind of stupid creatures are humans? They just like to be smart."

It must be said that the fly's actions are indeed interesting.

Because from the tone of the Hobbit, it seems that he really wants to say that!

Everyone has been brushing up the Hobbit's favorability for so long that they have even figured out how the Hobbit speaks.

But the Hobbit laughed,"Smart idiot, who gave you such a brain? I am the snake master who was imprisoned by the shining stone."

"The Yaoshi can indeed restrain the snake master and split it into two, and the energy absorbed in it will be released."

"This energy is enough to make the snake master's eyes blind for a period of time."


Humans are such stupid creatures that they just like to be smart."……"

Ye Qiu:"……"

Du Yuan:"……" watermelon:"……"

Zhang Qingyan:"……"

Fly:"At least I guessed the ending!"

Yes, at least I guessed the ending.

Fang Ze sighed, then pulled Fly away.

"Let's go dig for Yaoshi"


The new title function has been updated in the game for a few days.

Some players have already opened the corresponding titles, such as Junior Miner, Junior Lumberjack, Junior Fisherman, etc.

After their demonstration, the players also learned that these titles are indeed useful!

Take the Junior Miner as an example. This title can increase the probability of players finding rare ores by 1%.

The lumberjack has a 1% logging efficiency, which includes the physical strength consumed when cutting trees and the speed of cutting trees.

The fishing man is very simple, just add 1% to the fish bite rate.

And the combat profession also has it. Fang Ze and his friends have opened the junior titles one after another after fighting the snake master for a few days.

They are Junior Warrior and Junior Archer.

Except for Zhang Qingyan, everyone else has unlocked the title of Junior Warrior.

This unlocking condition is the simplest, just hold a melee weapon and fight monsters.

The bonus provided by the junior warrior is a 1% increase in physical strength.

Simply put, if you have this title, your physical strength will increase.

But unfortunately, 1% is useless.

At present, it seems to be useless, and it can only be said that it is better than nothing.

Of course, except for the collectors.

The primary archer unlocked by Zhang Qingyan is different. It adds... 1% of reaction power!

Reaction power!

At first, they doubted whether such a thing could be done!

But when they thought that the speed of time could be changed, adding reaction power seemed to be nothing, right?

After all, the official of this game is a cross-era talent who can fight the Trisolarans on equal terms in technology.

Of course, this is just a joke.

In the next few days, Fang Ze and others were mining in the volcano.

In total, more than 70 pieces of Yaoshi were dug up, some of which were left in the union warehouse.

Another part was placed on the second floor of the union to supplement solar energy.

In this way, after the Yaoshi was fully charged, everyone launched a crusade against the Snake Master again!

It is worth mentioning that they guessed wrong about one thing.

The Snake Master is not weaker as it approaches night!

On the contrary, the closer it approaches night, the more violent it becomes!

Its weakest moment is actually in the early morning!

At that time, the Snake Master was very calm and would think about various information from the players, but the values were low.

At night, the snake master will abandon thinking and go completely crazy. He will rush at the player as soon as he sees him, but the values are very high! It can be said that the closer it gets to night, the more violent the snake master will be!

Therefore, the best time to attack is at dawn every day!

Everyone took this time to regroup and directly took the Yaoshi to challenge the snake master again!

【Chaos Serpent Master has awakened! 】

It was the same thing again, everyone chose to skip it directly, and then each person stood on a pillar!

As expected, with such a separate position, the daytime Serpent Master would generally consider using a sweeping skill!

This is the experience summed up by everyone after countless deaths!

Just as they thought, after seeing everyone's position, the Serpent Master directly swung his tail and swept away!


Fang Ze shouted, and everyone seized the opportunity to squat and dodge the sweep!

This feeling is just like playing skipping rope when you were a kid.

Seeing that the attack missed, the snake master did not waste any words and directly activated the dark skill!

But Fang Ze and others had expected it. They saw Du Yuan wearing an iron glove and throwing out a light golden shining stone!

""Ye Qiu!"

Du Yuan shouted, and then he saw Ye Qiu rushing out with a sword and slashing at the Yaoshi!


The Yaoshi instantly split into two, and suddenly a dazzling light burst out directly in the entire palace!

The light was extremely dazzling, as if it could swallow everything!

"Close your eyes!"


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