


Fang Ze counted down to three, and everyone opened their eyes at the same time, and saw that the bright light had dissipated.

This feeling was the same as a flash bomb, but it lasted a little longer.

Three seconds was the safest time.

At this moment, the Chaos Serpent Master had been blinded by the flash, and immediately fell into a painful struggle!


Everyone was extremely excited when they heard the snake master's roar!

"Sure enough, the snake master has no eyelids!"

Zhang Qingyan said as he bent his bow and shot the snake at the snake master's eyes!


One of the snake master's eyes was instantly pierced by the arrow!

Seeing this, the other people moved around on the pillars, dodging the snake master's random attacks while taking the opportunity to stab their weapons into the snake's body!

It's a pity that Ye Qiu's ring can't provide amplification during the day.

Otherwise, even if they could only hear the sound of the wind in the darkness, they could barely play the second form of the Chaos Snake Master!

Unlike the Wolf Master, the Snake Master has a higher defense.

The scales on its body can block the attacks of most weapons, and once a piece is broken, its defense is far less than that of the Wolf Master. Lord!

But the snake master will not stay in this blinding state forever, it will recover after a while.

Zhang Qingyan was not willing to give it a chance, and took the opportunity to shoot the snake master's two eyes blind!

In this way, the snake master can't release the dark skill!

Because that ability is released through the snake master's eyes!

So, after a lot of attacks!

The snake master's huge body finally couldn't support it, and it collapsed directly on the pillar and fell into the abyss!

Seeing this scene, everyone didn't have the slightest fluke.

They knew the lesson of the wolf master and knew that the snake master must have a second form!

Sure enough, an echo came from the abyss instantly!

"Can you really trust your eyes?!" As soon as he finished speaking, a huge monster suddenly jumped out of the abyss!

The body of the monster shrank rapidly, and two arms grew out of its upper body, as well as a head that looked like a human but not a human and a snake!

Its lower body was still a snake tail, but it was much smaller, but it could still hover on the pillar!

And his chest, like the Wolf Lord, turned into a huge snake head!

Two blood-red fangs extended from its shoulders, shining with a terrifying light!

【The Chaos Serpent Master has entered the second form! 】

Seeing this, Fly threw out two Shining Stones!


Ye Qiu's mouth twitched when he heard this, and he rushed out directly,"Fuck flashbang, and can't you just throw one?!"

Ye Qiu complained, but his hands were not slow, and the whole person spun in the air and leaped!

At the same time, the sword in his hand swung and cut off two pieces of shining stones with one sword!

The dazzling light burst out in an instant,"Close your eyes!"

Everyone closed their eyes together, and then counted to three seconds silently.

But this time it was a bit strange, because they didn't hear the screams of the snake master.

And when everyone opened their eyes, they were stunned!

"Shit, so that's how the snake master uses his hands?!"

Xigua really couldn't hold it together. The snake master really didn't have eyelids, even in the second stage, he still didn't have eyelids!

But he had hands!

He actually used his hands to cover his eyes!

Everyone shouted,"Shit, so the hands in the second stage are used to cover the eyes!"

The production team is too cool!

As the snake master put his hand down, he rushed out and grabbed Ye Qiu who was closest to him with his right claw!



The Chaos Serpent Lord instantly released the blinding skill, and everyone fell into darkness and stopped in place!

It's not that they don't want to move, but they dare not move!

There is a bottomless abyss all around, they can't see anything, and they will fall directly into the abyss if they are not careful!

Ye Qiu naturally stopped and closed his eyes on the spot!

What to do in the dark state?

There is only one way to solve it, that is to listen to the wind!

Ye Qiu listened to the whistling wind in his ears and swung his sword in advance!


There was a sound of flesh and blood being torn, and the snake master's claws were hit directly by Ye Qiu and cut off instantly. The two fingers of the snake master were hit!


Ye Qiu thought so, and then quickly consumed the life of his soul to activate his clone, and directly let the clone drag him up!

The second attack of the snake master came suddenly, but it hit the fake body and directly crushed the fake body!

Ye Qiu continued to chop out a sword in the air based on his feeling!


This sword directly chopped on the shoulder of the snake master, but got stuck on the bone of the snake master's shoulder!

Damn it!

The scarlet eyes of the snake master immediately appeared in front of Ye Qiu, and the snake head on the chest of the snake master suddenly opened its bloody mouth! It directly bit one of Ye Qiu's arms!



Ye Qiu's arm was broken, so he gritted his teeth and threw the weapon back into his backpack, and at the same time jumped hard in a direction in the darkness!

If he remembered correctly, there seemed to be a platform there!

Take a gamble!

If he bet wrong, he would fall to his death!


Ye Qiu fell heavily to the ground, and rolled back two steps!

He won the bet!

Ye Qiu quickly took out the healing potion, bit off the lid with his teeth, and drank a gulp!


Drinking the immortality potion is even more painful than cutting off one of his arms!

In the words of other players, if you drink his potion, you really have to thank the immortal!

As Ye Qiu swallowed a few gulps, blood clotted on the broken end of his right arm, but it wasn't long before it tore again!

This is the drawback of the current healing potion. If the injured area is too large, the healing effect will be greatly reduced!

Ye Qiu threw the potion back, and then drew his sword again!

He saw that the snake master had already killed him!

But the weird thing is that the snake master's wounds have healed, and even the severed fingers have grown out!

Ye Qiu seemed to understand something when he saw this,"If the snake master eats the player's body, he can recover from his injuries!"

"Damn it!

How disgusting is a boss with recovery and control? How disgusting, how disgusting!

Ye Qiu, who had one hand, could not block the attack of the snake master, and was pierced through the chest by a claw, taking away his heart!

Ye Qiu, perished!

The others were even worse. Fang Ze and Du Yuan were directly knocked into the abyss by the tail that the snake master pulled out in the dark!

The fly was attacked from behind by the snake master and had its head bitten off!

""Is he really a headless fly?!"

Xigua, who was standing next to him, shouted when he saw this scene, and then suddenly jumped into the darkness!

He didn't want to die!

Run, even if it means running hard! He couldn't just sit there and wait for death! But just as he took a step forward, he stepped on nothing and fell straight down!


Hearing a scream from the abyss, Zhang Qingyan took a deep breath.

If he guessed correctly, he should be the only one left now.

But at this moment, the darkness effect was suddenly lifted!

Zhang Qingyan's vision was restored, but the scene in front of him made him unbelievable!

The snake master did not attack him, but was gnawing on the player's body!

And every time it gnawed a corpse, its body would become a little bigger, and the snake's tail would also become longer!

"A second-stage snake master can grow?!"


Today is the fourth update(_ _ヘ)

Attached is a photo of the protagonist drawn by AI. There is no other way, please forgive me for the mentally retarded AI that can only draw it like this.

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