The first thing Chen Ye did when he woke up was to log into the game to check the situation in the game, but as soon as he entered the game, he was dumbfounded.

"What is this?"

Chen Ye looked around and saw that the originally empty plain suddenly had several houses made of mud and sticks.

There was a fire burning around the houses, and several gutted grass carps were roasting next to the fire.

But these were nothing. What really puzzled Chen Ye was the small mud kilns on the ground that were emitting thick smoke.

"What is burning here... charcoal?"

What are these players doing?

Chen Ye saw this and sensed the movements of the ten players, but found that no one entered the tower to kill monsters!

Some of the players were catching fish by the lake, and some were picking branches and wild vegetables in the woods... and chopping trees?

Chopping trees?

Is this what you first test players should do?

Chen Ye looked around and saw that the forest was almost full of players chopping trees with stones!

They sharpened the stones, and without tying anything, they just held a not-so-thick tree and started to dig!

The key is that they are getting more and more excited?

"Are you kidding me? None of you beta testers are fighting monsters, but are all here doing infrastructure construction?"

Chen Ye was helpless. He still underestimated the enthusiasm of domestic players for infrastructure construction.

If he had known this, he might as well have made a survival and construction game directly!

However, it doesn't seem too late now.

How about just demolishing the Sealed Tower to open up more land for players?

"No, if it's just a survival and construction game, then there's no point in it descending. What's there to descend?"

"The survival and construction content is not prepared for you. You ten first test players are not killing monsters to advance, but are just retiring here and farming. Is that appropriate?"

"If the top beam is not straight, the bottom beam will be crooked too. We can't let them lead the rhythm of the game astray. I must get these players back on track!"

"But how to break it?……"

"Otherwise, weaken the monsters, reduce the difficulty of the game, and optimize the game combat experience."

"Otherwise, increase the rewards for killing monsters to stimulate players' desire to fight."

"Or, to be brazen, both?"

"No, there are too many things to change."

"As a planner, how can you make trouble for yourself because of a small matter? You should start from the aspects that are simple and easy to implement."

"Got it!"

"Since you like farming so much, I will sell the land!"

"100 copper coins for 1 square meter of land, with a height limit of 50 meters above and below the land."

"The land is the player's private domain and no one else can take away the items inside. No one else can enter the land without the player's permission."

"Then add the friend function and team function……"

"It's done"

"But we can't let players buy land at will. We need to consider the later players and also add a title system to promote players' fighting."

"Ordinary adventurers can only buy a territory of 10 square meters at most, while bronze adventurers can buy a territory of 50 square meters."

"Silver adventurers can buy a 100 square meter territory. For the time being, we will set up these three levels:"

"How to get promoted?……"

"It takes 1,000 copper coins plus 1,000 reputation for an ordinary adventurer to advance to bronze level."

"It takes 5,000 copper coins and 5,000 reputation for a bronze adventurer to advance to the silver level."

"As for how to get copper coins and fame, of course, they are dropped by killing monsters!"


Five days later.

The ten first test players were still immersed in the joy of farming and opening up wasteland.

No one chose to enter the Sealed Tower.

They even went to the Internet to look up a lot of information, and even consulted professionals!

Among them, there were how to burn earth bricks, how to make fish traps, how to build a simple shelter for wilderness survival, etc.

After three days of fermentation, some players have already promoted this game to the outside world.

Fang Ze is one of them. He wrote a post by hand and even recorded the actual game screen!

In both the video and the post, he repeatedly emphasized that this is real and he is not crazy!

Because most netizens’ first reaction to hearing a 100% real game is disbelief.

This is normal, after all, Fang Ze’s first reaction at the time was also disbelief.

And those who said he was crazy and a liar in private messages, he ignored it. He just quietly started a live broadcast.

But even so, there are still people who say that this is just Fang Ze and his friends posing in the wild!

But when they saw the Sealed Tower, all the rumors were broken in an instant!

The Sealed Tower is not something that humans can build, let alone a special effect!

What's more, Fang Ze also started a live broadcast in real life, directly live-streaming the game login in front of everyone!

At this moment, everyone was silent.

The next day, overwhelming posts directly swept the headlines and forums!

《What a shock! A blogger accepted an invitation, but ended up entering……》

《Is the cross-era game finally here?》

《Sealed Land, a game of reformation!》

《Humankind has now entered the era of virtual reality!》

《Is the brain in a vat no longer a warning? 》

100% real!

Fully immersive holographic games!

Virtual reality, no longer a dream!

Seeing these posts and news, almost the entire world is in an unprecedented riot at the same time!

"I don’t care, I don’t believe it unless you let me play it!"

"As long as I haven't played the game, then this game is fake!"

"Isn’t this just a staged photo? Don’t try to deceive me with reality!"

"Does anyone know what reality show this is?"

"Reality show bullshit! Didn’t you see that the blogger in the video had two cameras, one for his real life, and one for his game situation!"

"But the blogger has done this in real life?"

"Because this game is entered with consciousness, and does not require the body to control"

"The principle I speculate is probably similar to dreaming."

"How can there be honest people? It's funny.jpg"


"Why make this kind of game when we have this kind of technology? Shouldn't we be doing it to achieve justice?"

"You know the game,"

"Ahem, brother upstairs, please spare me a moment"

"Do you want to listen to what you are saying?"

"By the way, can I create a female character in this game?"

"Oh shit!"

"Oh shit!"




"The 6th floor upstairs has turned over"

"Vulgar, pay attention, dog head jpg"


As the news of the sealed land spread, some domestic and foreign companies became greedy in an instant!

"Check, check which company made the game, and invest in it. Tencent must invest in it, and the price is not an issue!"

"This kind of technology is impossible, absolutely impossible. We can't do it, so how can they do it?!"

"Find me where their server base station is!"

"This kind of technology must be developed by the United States. I want to get all the other party's information within five minutes!"


The Internet was in turmoil for a while, but Chen Ye paid no attention to it.

Let these people investigate, anyway, no matter what means they use, they can't find Chen Ye.

Chen Ye specially made the game connect to the Internet.

The main reason is to let himself contact the outside world through the IP address that can never be found in the game.

Chen Ye used this method to contact Fang Ze and others before.

"It's time to release an update announcement"


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