Thanks to the efforts of these ten first-test players, Chen Ye's index finally broke through 1,000!

I have to say that these ten players are really awesome!

They even sleep in the game at night. Except for eating and going to the toilet, they are online almost 24 hours a day!

What is a liver emperor? This is a liver emperor!

However, although the index is enough, Chen Ye is not in a hurry to transform the ability in the game into reality, because he is not in a hurry for the time being.

He doesn't need these now, what he needs is more index.

Only more players can bring more index benefits, so the primary goal is to open more equipment to snowball.

Chen Ye didn't expect that these players would be so liver.

They can actually get him a thousand indexes in just five days!

This has greatly exceeded his expectations!

Aren't these people afraid of sudden death?

But that's the case, in fact, this situation does not exist.

Players entering the game is actually equivalent to sleeping. When they get up the next morning, nothing is delayed, and they are still refreshed.

Playing games is like dreaming, and it hardly has any impact on the spirit. Who can not love this?

It's just that if you sleep too long, there will inevitably be some problems.

For example, the head is swollen, and the real body has not eaten for a long time, which causes a series of chain reactions.

But this is not a big problem, at least not a big problem at present.

Chen Ye sorted out the information a little, and then released an update announcement on the game's official website!

【Announcement of the 0.2 version update of the Sealed Land! 】

1: The official will open one hundred beta test places again for this update. We will randomly draw and issue beta test places from the players who have already made reservations!

2: This game beta test adopts the non-delete beta test mode!

3: New update of private territory function, players can buy land from the gravekeeper and enclose their own land!

4: New update of team function and friend function, you can invite your friends to enter your territory, or you can team up with your friends to adventure!

In the team state, the monster killing reward will be divided equally among each teammate!

Currently, it supports a maximum of ten people in a team!

Of course, you can also choose to be a lone wolf player and enjoy all the rewards!

5: New update of the reputation system. From now on, some achievements completed by players or killing monsters will gain reputation!

At the same time, the game will also launch the Hall of Fame function for you to show your achievements to other players!

6: New update of the title system, players can spend reputation and copper coins to upgrade their titles. The higher the title level, the larger the land the player can hold!

More features about titles are still under development, so please look forward to the subsequent updates of the game.

7: The guild system is expected to be updated in the official version of Sealed Land 1.0!

At that time, the land merging function will be opened, and players can merge land to build guilds and all the buildings you want to create!

8: The game is about to enter the rainy season, so players should make corresponding preparations in advance to avoid getting wet and catching a cold!

9: The gravekeeper becomes a summonable unit, and players can summon the gravekeeper in the Sealed Tower at any time.

10: Fixed a few bugs


Fang Ze naturally read the update announcement as soon as possible,"Guild system... land system"

"Judging from the current situation, if we can grab a good piece of land and open a store there, the guild's operating funds will be settled."

"But it is too early to say this. The current priority is to grab land."

"The area in front of the Sealed Tower is undoubtedly a prime location, and every inch of land will be worth a lot of money in the future."

"Now that new players are pouring in and the team system is open, these are all updates made by the official to promote player combat.……"

"It seems that we can no longer have a big pot of rice, and now we can only go the guild route."

Thinking of this, Fang Ze directly picked up his phone and sent a message to Cangying.

Fang Ze:"Have you seen the updated version this time?"

Cangying:"I have seen it, and I have already started to think about how to buy land!"

Fang Ze:"Based on the content of this game update, the official obviously wants to promote cooperation and competition among players, and is also encouraging players to fight"

"As the first batch of players, we still have some appeal. Simply put, now is a great time to build a guild!"

Fly:"But hasn't the guild content been updated yet?"

Fang Ze:"The game officials haven't updated the guild system, but it doesn't prevent us from building our own guild."

"We will create a group now, and then promote it among new players, and try to bring most people into the group."

"When the guild version arrives, this group will be our guild group, and the people in the group will naturally be guild members."

Fly:"Fuck, great, I'll go create a group now!"

In fact, it's not just Fang Ze who thought of this, the ten players who are also in the internal test with them also thought of this! The old players here have different thoughts, and the players who are not qualified for the internal test are praying that they can be drawn!

Some even worship Buddha and burn incense all night, and some are crazy about licking the official in the comment area.

Those who read the official dad really want to shout with them.

What if the official maybe buys this?

These people really took great pains to be drawn.

After all, this game is really conscientious!

Not only are the mechanisms and gameplay complex and diverse, but the actual game pictures are absolutely real!

There are even real five senses!

Such a game is free for you to play, and even the game login device is given to you for free. This is simply charity!

The game officials are really conscientious!


Watching the waves of controversy on the Internet, Chen Ye calmly took a sip of coffee.

The content of this update seems to be a lot, but in fact it is not much.

Almost all of them are Chen Ye's templates, and then let the system complete them by itself.

In fact, it didn't take much effort.

As for the guild system, Chen Ye has not yet planned to do it.

After all, there must be guild wars and guild resource wars when opening a guild system. There are too many things to do. As for why he said it now?

Isn't it simple?

Draw a big pie!

As a qualified game manufacturer, how can you not draw a big pie?

However, the big pie is the big pie, and the player's online time is the main thing.

So Chen Ye's current selection criteria are only two points.

The first point is that you have time to play the game, and the second point is that you are willing to invest time in the game!

Only by ensuring these two points can the game link equipment invested by Chen Ye be maximized!

Unlike in reality, many players buy VR just for the sake of novelty.

After the novelty, VR will be left to gather dust, and it is really hard to bring up the interest in playing.

Although Genesis is a game that inspires interest, it is hard to guarantee that some players will not want to play after two days of freshness.

This may not be a big deal in the future.

But now, Chen Ye needs a group of game fanatics who can devote themselves to the game, rather than a group of collectors who do nothing.

Only in this way can he quickly accumulate indexes!

So the first thing Chen Ye has to ensure is that the equipment invested must be used by someone!

"110 people. If we calculate based on the average player being online for 12 hours a day, I will be able to produce another 1,300 devices in ten days!"

"If the situation keeps snowballing, it won't be long before the linking equipment will be popular in China!"

But if it develops to that point, someone must stand up.

As an official on the surface of the Sealed Land, and as the general planner of the game, the mastermind behind all this, Chen Ye cannot stand up.

After all, he is the final boss of this game!


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