In the game, in front of the Sealed Tower,

Fang Ze and his ten companions summoned the Gravekeeper and learned from him the cost of buying the land.

"This game actually has currency"

"Isn't it reasonable to get currency by killing monsters?"

"I'm speechless"

"Copper coins...copper coins. If copper coins have substance, can we melt them and cast them into copper swords?"

"Shit, that makes sense!"

"Is there anyone who wants to team up with me to kill monsters? I'm wearing wooden armor and can be the tank!"

"Take me with you, I’m really good at using a stick!"

"I throw stones very accurately, I can pull monsters and do long-range OB!"

The new players have not yet come online, and there are only ten of them in the first test, so the ten of them quickly reached a tacit understanding and formed a team together.

After five days of development, they burned charcoal, made the simplest earth bricks, and made a lot of homemade weapons.

They sharpened the stones and then fixed them to the front of the sticks with plants with higher toughness. In this way, a simple spear was made.

Of course, some people tied the planks and sticks with plant fibers to form wooden armor.

Fang Ze and others had more or less.

But generally they didn't tie too much, because there was too much moisture in the planks and small sticks, and tying too much would be too heavy and affect their movements.

But if the moisture is dried, the planks will become very brittle, and insufficient toughness will reduce the defensive performance.

Therefore, after weighing the pros and cons, Fang Ze and others proposed to let the front row be fully armed and the back row be lightly equipped.

In this way, the most primitive T was born.

But having a tank alone is not enough, there must be a remote OB that can kite monsters on the edge, right?

So, some people used Game mechanics, hoard a lot of small stones in the backpack, and use the stone throwing remote mode!

However, stones are heavy after all, and players can't walk at all with too many stones in their backpacks.

So the current situation of remote players is very embarrassing. They can only pull monsters and do a few OBs on the edge, but they can't output continuously.

In this way, the most primitive AD is also available.

Then there are warriors.

Warriors are the main output in the current version, and their weapon choices are also diverse.

Some choose to kill with a big stone, but because it is quite difficult to operate, and the attack pre-swing is too long, they rely heavily on the cover of teammates.

Most warriors still choose spears and sticks as weapons. One is long, the other is fast in attack frequency, and the ability to cooperate with tanks is also very good.

These are all summarized after their experiments.

Seeing that the fully armed ten-man team had gathered, Fang Ze waved his hand directly,"This is the first team battle. I don't ask for anything else. If I can ensure that one teammate is not dead and exchange a monster, it will be a good loss!" The remaining nine people heard it and immediately raised their weapons,"It's worth exchanging one, and it's a profit if I exchange two, damn it!"

"Must win!"

"To buy land!"


"Ahem, for our own home!"

"Set off!"


20 minutes later.

The first floor of the Sealed Tower!

"Hold on in the front row!"

"Don't let it come over!"

"Soldiers, stop it!"

"There are more monsters coming. Don’t attract other monsters from the back row!"

"Do you think stones are so easy to throw?"

"Aren't you very good at throwing stones?!"

Fang Ze, holding a spear, moved around in the team and rushed to the front in a moment!

Seeing a hound being held down by two front-row wooden shields, he took advantage of the gap and stabbed the hound's eyes through the gap between the two shields!


With the sound of flesh being pierced, the hound screamed and struggled even more fiercely!

""Follow up!"

Fang Ze shouted, then pulled out the stone spear and stabbed the hound's other eye fiercely!

Fly also quickly stepped forward with a spear and smashed it hard on the hound's skull!

"Take your grandfather's blow!"

The things in their hands are called spears, but their penetration power is not good at all.

If they pierce the monster's fur, they can only barely break the skin, and at most give the monster tetanus.

Unless you aim at the monster's eyes and other vulnerable parts like Fang Ze, you can achieve the piercing effect!

Otherwise, it is better to use the spear as a blunt weapon to hit the monster's head!

As the hound lost its vision and could only bite randomly, a group of people went up and poured in their output, and soon knocked down the first hound!


【Kill a low-level monster】

【Reward (1): A 'broken' ordinary soul essence (1/10)】

【Reward (2): 1 copper coin】

【Reward (3): Fame +1]

Suddenly, the same reward prompt popped up in front of everyone!

This was the result of the system's equal division!

Fang Ze saw this and came to a conclusion in his mind.

"The reward for killing a low-level monster is a complete ordinary soul, 10 copper coins, and 10 points of fame."

"In the team state, we can only get 1/10 of the reward, so if you want to buy one square meter of territory, you have to kill at least 100 low-level monsters."

"But if you are a lone wolf player, you only need to kill 10 low-level monsters."

"With the current equipment level of players, it is impossible for a lone wolf player to play low-level Warcraft alone."

"At least five people are needed to form a team, using a tactical strategy of two tanks, two tanks and one ranged player."

"This way everyone's income will be increased by half."

While Fang Ze was thinking, another group of monsters came rushing over!

"There are too many monsters, let’s retreat first!"

"Brothers, I'll moisten it first!"

"Damn, how can this guy run so fast!"


In the sealed tower, ten players collapsed to the ground the moment they were teleported over,"Fuck, those beasts almost bit off my kidneys!"

"Damn, brother, how did you come back alive?"

"Brother, if you are already like this, stop struggling and fix yourself."

"Damn, how can my situation be the same as yours? If I die, I have to wait for 24 hours!"

"Ah, it's Brother Watermelon, that's all right."

"I feel like I can still salvage it!"

"Brother Watermelon, please stop struggling. If it doesn't work, we brothers will give you all the soul essence, which should give you a year of soul life."


Brother Watermelon was bitten hard on the abdomen by the monster when he was retreating. The wound was so big that the bleeding could not be stopped!

But he still struggled to crawl back, which shows his strong desire to survive.

But there is a reason for this.

You know, this brother Watermelon is a ruthless person who committed suicide ten times on the first day of the server opening!

How can he play if he has used up all the resurrection coins as soon as the server is opened?

But fortunately, they killed a low-level monster, and they can synthesize a complete one by putting 10 broken soul essences together.

Although everyone is unwilling to contribute their one-tenth, there are only ten players now, and there will be no substitute if one dies.

Therefore, everyone can only donate their soul essence with tears.

Their soul essences are all white, which is ordinary quality, and the shape is similar to a flame.

When the ten flames gathered, a transparent sphere burning with white flames instantly appeared in front of everyone.

【A 'complete' soul essence]

Type: Soul/Consumable.

Quality: Ordinary (white)

Description: A soul essence of ordinary quality. After swallowing it, it can increase the soul lifespan by one year.

Note: (Low-level monsters have a soul lifespan of nearly ten years. After death, 10% of their soul essence will be swallowed by their predators, 20% will return to the heaven and earth, and the remaining 70% will return to the Hall of Returning Sound!)


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