The Ghostly Owl Lord... um... the legs are really white, oh no, the chest is... bah, what am I talking about?

Who on earth designed this?

No, I can't be the only one who suffers!

After some contemplation, Fang Ze and others directly announced the news of the Owl Lord and sincerely invited all players to defeat the Owl Lord!

At the same time, a photo of the Owl Lord was attached (laughs).

After seeing this photo, all players instantly lost their composure

"This... this girl is, is she the boss?"

"No, I don't believe it unless you let me see it!"

"Hey, brother, where are you doing?"

"Go to Tarifa to see the stars!"

"No, you went there to see the stars, I am too embarrassed to tell you"

"You're not going?"

"I... it’s nice to look at the stars, let’s do it together!"

"Look at the stars plus one!"


The next morning, a group of people rushed into the palace of the Lord of Owls along the rising air currents.

If nothing unexpected happens, there will probably be a hundred or eighty Lords fighting this time.

Fly looked at the players floating in the air like raindrops and said anxiously,"Um... when are we going in?"

Fang Ze smiled and said,"No hurry, and you don't have to hurry, because Shixuan said he would stick you into the soil to calm you down."

"So you don't need to read the strategy of the Lord of Hell."

Ye Qiu:"(laughing)"

Fly:"Shixuan, you are kidding, right?"

Fly:"It's... a joke, right?"


Ye Qiu:"(laughing)"


Inside the palace of the Guiwen Lord.

Ye Qiu and the others outside the palace did not go in, but stood in front of the gate waiting for it to open.

It is worth mentioning that the fly was not among them.

Because Ye Qiu had stuck him headfirst into the pile of dirt.

"I hope he can grow into a big tree soon and see through the mundane world as soon as possible."


Du Yuan's mouth twitched,"This sentence is a bit complicated. What do you believe in

, Shixuan?" Ye Qiu replied casually,"I don't know what I believe in. Anyway, I don't believe in gods or demons, and I don't worship Buddha or immortals."

"If I have to say what I believe in, I believe in myself."

"What about you guys?"

Du Yuan shrugged,"I only believe in my dad's fist, since the moment he beat me down when I came back from the army."

Zhang Qingyan didn't know much about these things,"I believe in whoever treats me well."

Fang Ze pushed the non-existent glasses on his nose,"I'm a materialist."

Good guy, there's not a single belief among the five of us.

No, is there one missing?

Du Yuan suddenly looked at Xigua,"By the way, Xigua, what do you believe in?"

Xigua smiled when he heard it,"I believe in Buddhism."

Du Yuan was a little puzzled,"Why?"

Xigua smiled and said,"Because I am a Buddhist and don't talk about money, only yuan. A total of 18,000 yuan, WeChat or Alipay?"

Du Yuan:"I was speechless."


At this moment, the door in front of everyone suddenly opened!

And what appeared in front of them was a floor full of corpses and a crying young girl.

Looking at the wounds on the corpses, everyone could guess that this group of people probably died in cannibalism like Ye Qiu and the others.

Looking at the bloody scene, Ye Qiu and the others looked at each other, and then stepped in.

The door behind them did not close, and the prompt that the Master of Guiwen had awakened did not appear.

Fang Ze walked up and looked at the girl carefully,"Well... no wonder flies can be so fascinated, if this woman were in reality, she would definitely be a beauty that brings disaster"

"To be honest, any man with a healthy mind and normal reproductive function would find it difficult to kill the Lord."

As he said this, Fang Ze directly drew out his two-handed battle axe.

"Of course, I'm studying forensic medicine."

Ye Qiu's mouth twitched, he felt as if he was implied by Fang Ze.

What does mental health mean?

What does normal physiological function mean?

Does it mean that I am mentally unhealthy and physiologically abnormal?

Just at this moment, Fang Ze suddenly turned his head and looked at Ye Qiu,"Of course, this is just a metaphor, not directed at anyone."

Upon hearing this, Ye Qiu directly drew out the violet gold sword,"Then let me, a mentally unhealthy person, do it."

Fang Ze stepped back and let Ye Qiu step forward,"Please."

Without saying a word, Ye Qiu raised the violet gold sword and chopped directly at the girl in front of him!

"Stop pretending, let me see your true face!"


There was a sound of sharp weapons colliding!

Watermelon suddenly rushed over with a shield and a bitter look on his face, directly blocking Ye Qiu's violet gold sword!

Ye Qiu's pupils shrank,"Watermelon, you!"

Watermelon's expression was very aggrieved,"No, it's not me... my body moved on its own, out of my control!"


Does the Lord of Owls have a 100% skill to let others help him block the knife?

Ye Qiu put away his sword and looked at everyone,"You all step back, the Lord of Owls should be able to control your bodies to help you block the knife!"

Hearing this, everyone hurriedly retreated to the edge of the hall, and even moved back as if it was not far enough.

It was as if they were afraid of being pulled over to block the knife if they were too close.

Ye Qiu took a deep breath,"This time, let me see who else can help you block it!"

Ye Qiu said and was about to drop a sword, but the girl suddenly raised her head and looked at Ye Qiu,"Your name is... Ye Qiu?"

Hearing this, Ye Qiu's hand suddenly paused!

He had never told his real name in the game, and this game did not have any real-name registration content!

But why did the Lord of Owls know his real name?

It's still in the game period, these disasters should not have the power to interfere with reality...


Ye Qiu suddenly thought of the scene he saw after his rebirth.

He remembered that it was in a coffee shop at that time, and he met a person who said a lot of inexplicable things to him.

And when Ye Qiu went to chase him, he disappeared directly.

It was like... teleportation!

No matter how he looked at it, Ye Qiu felt that the guy was not right.

How to say it... That person gave him the feeling of the twelve ghost generals on the sixth floor of the game!

Ye Qiu had doubts since then.

Has the erosion of the real world by the game world begun a long time ago, but they just didn't know it?

Combining the above information, Ye Qiu felt terrified when he looked at the Lord of Owls,"Do you know who I am?"

The girl suddenly stood up after hearing this, she wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and smiled at the same time

"I know everything. I can see the past and the future at a glance."

Ye Qiu frowned,"Can you see your own future?"

The girl suddenly showed a sad expression,"I will die.……"

Ye Qiu frowned even deeper,"Then can you see my past and my future?"

The girl's dark eyes brightened,"You have died once."


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