"You've already died once."

"You are older than you appear, and you have seen a lot, at least more than other people have seen."

"You know the scenery above the tower, you know what is hidden there, right?"

Ye Qiu was so surprised that he couldn't speak.

He was already surprised that the Lord could see his real name.

But he never thought that the Lord could see that he was a reborn person?!

How is this possible?!

Ye Qiu couldn't believe it, and at this moment, the girl in front of him suddenly opened her arms to him.

"You must be very tired, climbing up the tower and killing those beings that you can't possibly defeat."

"You know clearly what is up there. The higher you go, the more chaotic the world becomes."

"And you will eventually fail"

"You've tried it, haven't you?"

"But if you do nothing and just wait quietly, the end of the twilight will be postponed to the future."

"So, stop."

"Stop here, don't go any further."

Ye Qiu's eyes became more and more blurred, stop here...

Yes, as long as they don't move forward, the time for the disaster to come will be infinitely extended.

On the bright side, maybe they can live a peaceful life...

It's really too tiring.

Five years in the game in the previous life, eight years in reality, these thirteen years of battle have made him feel very tired.

Looking to the future, how many more years will they have to fight?

The time flow rate in the game has become 1:10.

Do they really have to waste 50 years here?

Of course!

Ye Qiu suddenly woke up and broke out in a cold sweat!

It was a close call, he almost fell.

The girl was obviously stunned for a moment,"Why are you struggling, am I wrong?"

Ye Qiu gritted his teeth

"Because I still have a mission that must be completed, and a reason why I have to climb to the top of the tower!"


At this moment, on the top of the tower.

A huge eye is silently watching everything.

(It is the eye on the cover of this book)

Chen Ye quietly observed Ye Qiu. To be honest, the Lord of Owls actually has no ability to predict the future, let alone the ability to see through the past.

What is omniscience, all-knowing, is pure nonsense.

The real ability of the Lord of Owls is to read memories and create illusions.

Simply put, the girl in front of them does not exist at all. All this is an illusion created by the Lord of Owls. What really stands in front of them is a huge night owl, mocking them with a face full of joking!

And when did this illusion start?


It has been clearly stated in the hint that it started when they heard a sound.

So what is this sound?

It's very simple, the girl's cry.

The moment you hear the cry, you have fallen into a fantasy like a mirror flower and water moon!

The door of the Lord of Owls' palace has actually been closed for a long time, but in their opinion... the door is still open.

In Chen Ye's setting, the entire first layer is related to only one god.

That is Loki, the god of fraud.

Fenrir is the offspring of Loki, and the Wolf Lord is the incarnation of Fenrir's heart, representing that Loki is good at deceiving.

The Snake Lord represents Loki's axis of good and evil, and the Owl Lord represents Loki's cunning.

Chen Ye introduced the setting of gods a long time ago.

Of course, it does not refer to the background.

It refers to the players!

Players can become gods.

There are many ways to become gods, but each way can only become one god at most.

After the player collects the three lock beast rings, he can open a door to the treasure house under the temple in the central area!

Hidden in it is a clue to the path to becoming a god.

And the corresponding god is Loki!


In the palace of the Lord of Owls.

When Ye Qiu woke up, he swung his sword and slashed at the girl!

The girl sighed and dodged Ye Qiu's attack with just a jump!

"I admire your unwavering heart at that moment, but I don't appreciate your stupid behavior at this moment, human."

The girl's eyes gradually turned blood red as she spoke,"You are out."

As soon as she finished speaking, Ye Qiu's body was suddenly hit hard, and the whole person flew backwards as if he was hit by something!


There was a loud bang!

Ye Qiu smashed directly into the wall of the palace!

""Ten spins!"

Du Yuan shouted, and then he switched weapons, using a two-handed sword and rushed towards the girl!

""Let's go together and kill the girl first!"

Du Yuan said as he jumped up, but soon, he was also hit hard like Ye Qiu!

The whole person was slammed against the wall of the palace by some invisible object!

Seeing this scene, Fang Ze's thoughts were instantly confused,"Instead of releasing the ability to make us kill each other, they just started fighting directly?"

Ye Qiu slowly slid down the wall, blood stains constantly flowing from the corners of his mouth,"There is something... there is an invisible thing over there!"


"Then let it show up!"

Zhang Qingyan said as he directly changed to a special arrow!

There was a small cloth ball at the front of the arrow, which was wrapped with some extremely fine dust!


The arrow suddenly broke through the air, and Zhang Qingyan's arrow was heading for the girl!

But just as the arrow was about to approach the girl, it was suddenly grabbed by some invisible object!

The dirt bag at the front of the arrow exploded, and countless dust scattered!

But to everyone's surprise, the dust did not reveal the invisible existence!

This is very strange!

If there is an invisible entity here, then the dust must be able to reveal that invisible existence!

"Unless it's invisible!"

"But if it is invisible, it can't take that arrow, let alone hurt us!"

Fang Ze tried to close his eyes, but found that he couldn't hear any sound of the other party's actions or attacks!

"Unless it is a ghost, it can neither interfere with reality nor have a physical body, otherwise……"

"Our eyes are deceived!"

Fang Ze thought of this and turned his head suddenly, and saw that the door behind him had been closed!

But when was it closed?

Why didn't they hear any sound, or even... no movement at all?

Fang Ze couldn't figure it out, and now he didn't have time to think about it!

At this moment, Fang Ze suddenly felt his body being pulled!


The next second, Fang Ze's body was directly torn into a ball of blood mist!

""Old Fang!"

Du Yuan gritted his teeth and had to wave his weapon around,"I don't believe it!"


Du Yuan's face was suddenly hit by some invisible object, and exploded into a ball of blood mist on the spot!

In a moment, everyone was wiped out again!

Fang Ze was right, their eyes did deceive them!

The girl in front of them was just an illusion, she didn't exist at all, and she didn't have any entity.

The real lord was wandering among the people, and taking their lives was just a piece of cake!



Ye Qiu:"Speaking of which, why do we have to be beaten up first every time we fight a boss?"

Du Yuan:"There is something wrong with what you said. It should be, why do we get beaten up every time a boss appears?"

Fang Ze:"Because there is a process."


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