More than a month passed in the game.

The number of teams that went to fight Xiao began to rise sharply. After testing by players, Xiao's skills were more than numerous!

There was no repetition at all!

Every time they thought they had seen through Xiao's skills, when they went to fight him the second time, Xiao's skills would change!

For example, the first time, the player mistook his teammates for the boss.

Then the second time, if Xiao used the same trick again, he would insert his real body in it to mislead the player.

It was difficult for the player to distinguish the real from the fake.

But if the player further saw through it, Xiao would use an invisible unit to easily wipe out the teams.

And then Fang Ze and others encountered many new tricks in their challenges.

For example, as soon as they entered and heard the girl crying, suddenly everyone was blinded, and then the girl disappeared.

There were three more Fang Zes in the venue.

But in the end, it was the same thing.

No matter how Xiao's skills changed, they were all evolved around illusions.

There were countless posts about Xiao on the Internet. Without exception, everyone guessed that Xiao's skill was to control the five senses!

Fang Ze and others concluded more.

In a month, they discovered how the owl controlled everyone's five senses.

That is the sound!

If the players did not hear the crying at the beginning, the owl would not have controlled their five senses!

So Fang Ze and others chose to put something in their ears to isolate the owl's illusion!

But soon, they found that they thought too simply!

No matter how tightly they plugged their ears, as long as the owl let out a howl, they would still be able to hear the sound.

And as long as they heard the sound, the owl would have countless ways to kill them!

Unlike the snake master.

If you are hit by the snake master's darkness, then you at least have room for resistance.

But if you are hit by the owl's illusion, then there is only death waiting for you!

And there is such a team, they adopted a more extreme and special way of playing! There are only two people in this team.

One of them is called the King of Hell, and the other is called Midnight Song.

I saw the King of Hell slowly take out a dagger and pierce the eardrum, directly destroying his two ears!


As two balls of blood flowed out of the ears, the King of Hell directly threw the dagger to the night song!

"If you want to be deaf, the best way is to become deaf."

Nocturne gritted his teeth as he watched the King of Hell do this. This guy is really crazy.

"For the first kill!"



Nocturne endured the pain and pierced his eardrum. The two of them gave up communicating and stepped into the palace!

The next second, the palace gate closed instantly!

———You woke up the owl———

【The Master of the Ghostly Text has awakened! 】

Seeing this scene, the two men in black robes took out their swords in tacit understanding.

However, this sword is not a weapon of death energy, but just an ordinary weapon.

Nocturne waved his right hand, and a ball of death energy instantly surrounded his right hand and covered the weapon!

It directly turned the sword in his hand into a black sword!

The next second, a huge black bird suddenly fell from the sky!

There was no girl!

Obviously the Master of the Ghostly Text also saw that the two had destroyed his ears, so it didn't say anything nonsense, and directly vibrated its wings and killed the two!


Looking at the oncoming Master of the Ghostly Text, Nocturne directly picked up the sword and rushed out quickly!



The attack of the Master of the Ghostly Text instantly intersected with Nocturne's weapon, and the fight between the man and the bird was evenly matched!

Seeing this, the King of Hell laughed,"Sure enough, without the Master of the Ghostly Text who controls the five senses, he does not pose any threat!"

"At most, it's just a high-level magic beast!"

After watching for a while, Yan Wang also picked up his sword and joined the battle! The death energy in the hands of the two people rushed into the body of the owl, causing every wound of the owl to suffer multiple injuries!


Nocturne thrust a sword into the body of the owl!

The owl jumped into the air in pain. Seeing this, Nocturne condensed a long spear of death energy with his other hand and threw it out!

"Want to run!"


With a sound of breaking through the air, the long spear of death energy whizzed out and hit the owl lord in the sky!


The owl lord's body trembled suddenly, and then fell down suddenly!

Nocturne sneered at this. This ability is really useful. It can condense the death energy into a weapon at will. It can be used for long-range and close combat, and it can also cause flesh and blood rotting when attacking living creatures!

The owl lord fell to the ground and closed his eyes after a while.

Soon, the huge body of the owl lord sank into the ground.

That's right, it sank into the ground!

The two saw each other and stepped back.

Suddenly, a girl emerged from the ground.

The girl folded her hands and prayed sincerely, which made the two very confused.

They had blocked their hearing, and it was impossible for them to see this again. A girl, because the other party was an illusion.

But now...

Nocturne raised his sword and stepped forward, ready to chop the girl in front of him first!

But just as he approached the girl, the girl's eyes suddenly turned blood red, and then she showed an extremely ferocious smile!

The next second, the girl's body began to become twisted and swollen, and she began to twitch violently!

Nocturne was startled by this sudden change!

But before he could react, the girl suddenly lowered her head, and an owl's head suddenly grew on her back spine!


Then two more blood mists exploded, and two huge wings suddenly grew out of the girl's back!

The girl's body was covered with feathers in an instant, and she suddenly turned into an extremely strange creature!

"Can’t hear it, they can’t hear it!"

The voices of a man and a woman suddenly echoed wildly in the hall!

The powerful sound waves seemed to shake the entire hall!

"They... can hear it!"

【The Master of Trickly Words has entered the second form! 】


At this moment, Nocturne and Hades suddenly heard an extremely strange sound!

The sound struck their souls, directly passing through their ears and forcibly entering their brains!

The two were caught off guard, and the next second, the Master of Trickly Words suddenly spread his wings and flew into the air!

""Deceiving the Wolf Lord, a thousand phantom bodies!"

As soon as the words fell, the body of the Owl Lord was instantly divided into countless pieces!

"Chaos Serpent Lord, Endless Darkness!"

After the words fell again, Nocturne and Hades went blind!

"How is it possible that the skills of Wolf Lord and Snake Lord are so powerful?!"

Ye Quju was stunned, with an incredible look on his face!

But Yan Wang didn't think so,"It's an illusion... The sound that strikes the soul makes us fall into illusion again."

"The skills of the Wolf Lord and the Snake Lord are just a trick"

"It controlled our eyes, allowing us to see countless Owl Lords, and then directly blocked our vision"

"It seems that this time, we lost"


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