If one team fails, there will naturally be another team to continue to challenge the Owl Lord.

Among them, there is a team led by Hai Laotou.

This internal test of 10,000 people allowed several people from the Zero Investigation Bureau to sneak in, and they formed a team with Hai Laotou. They also participated in the process of this crusade against the Owl.

They used the same method as Fang Ze, plugging their ears with something to challenge the Owl Lord.

As expected, they were also hallucinated.

But unlike Fang Ze's team, Hai Laotou and others actually saw the Owl Lord's body in a trance, not the girl!

This gave Hai Laotou and others a new guess.

Perhaps whether a person's willpower is firm will also affect the Owl Lord's control over their five senses!

Hai Laotou and others discussed the way of playing around this idea, and finally found that it is not only willpower that affects the Owl Lord's control!

The soul lifespan can also be!

If a person's soul lifespan exceeds 100 years, the Owl Lord's control over them will be greatly reduced!

Sometimes it can even make the Owl Lord's hallucination completely invalid!

But because of the long-term fight against bosses, most players now do not have a soul lifespan of 100 years.

Even if Fang Ze and his friends find time to kill monsters to replenish their souls, the average soul life span is only more than 60 years.

Other players have even fewer.

In addition, the currency income has been cut, and the number of teams killing monsters has also decreased. Most people go to mine or farm.

According to the season, it should be spring in the game now.

It is the right time to farm!

Some players have started to cultivate grass seeds a long time ago, and the types are very complicated.

To be honest, they don’t know what seeds these are, but anyway, they plant them first!

Most players choose to open land in marginal areas, and then find a few people to circle the farmland together.

Otherwise, when these things grow, it is hard to guarantee that there will be no players stealing vegetables overnight.

Now, the housing situation in the Sealed Tower is becoming more and more tense.

Because there are more players, the personal territories of players are also increasing.

In order to prevent the situation from being chaotic, several players who are good at planning have stepped forward to plan the land situation.

On this point, domestic and foreign players have reached a consensus.

First of all, there are two places in the game that cannot be circled.

That is the avenue opposite the Sealed Tower and the circular square surrounding the Sealed Tower.

These two plots of land are not allowed to be circled, so there is no need for planning.

And around this foundation, the players have divided a total of four roads!

(Just look at the concept map)

(The above pictures are for reference only and do not represent the actual size)

After the players have uniformly planned the four avenues, the players' houses should try to avoid the roadside.

The houses are mainly concentrated in the four directions of the Sealed Tower, northeast, southeast, southwest, and northwest.

There are just four avenues left for traffic in the southeast, northwest, and northwest. Players with strong productivity have begun to pave this part of the area with stone bricks.

Of course, this is definitely not free, it is a road that the players collectively paid for.

This plan was proposed by the people in the brick factory, and they have already stored a lot of bricks in their warehouse.

Just take this opportunity to sell them all!

It is worth mentioning that Zhang San, who returned from studying in Hobbit, also circled a piece of land and opened a blacksmith shop.

I remember that it was the first time Hobbit left the tower. He helped Zhang San build an iron felt and personally carried it to him.

This really made all the players dumbfounded.

Afterwards, Hobbit couldn't help but sigh, saying that he didn't expect the players to have developed the outside world to this point.

Then he shook his head and returned to the tower.

Afterwards, Zhang San began to recruit apprentices and teach forging skills for the start-up capital of the blacksmith shop.

Of course, he was not the only one who learned blacksmith knowledge from Hobbit.

A total of five people returned after completing their studies, but the other four did not have the idea of recruiting apprentices to earn start-up capital.

They chose to raise funds!

As for who to raise funds from?

For example... the richest man in this game, the rich brother in Fangze's union, Qian Daoren.

Everything is progressing in an orderly manner, and the progress of the Lord is also accelerating.

There are more and more strategy groups on the front line.

When there were fewer players before, the top strategy group was only Fangze and others.

But as the number of players increases, some T2 and T3 teams have gradually increased!

Among them, there are many teams of foreign players.

But the funny thing is that none of the top foreign players can play games in real life.

The most powerful team is led by an extreme survival enthusiast named Luo Er.

Luo Er often shoots documentaries about his survival in the wild and is known as a top survival master.

At the same time, he is also called a man at the top of the food chain by foreign players.

But if that were the case, this team would never have been promoted to a T2 team in such a short time.

Among the members of this team, there is also a heavyweight.

Muscle Tank, Johnson. The three-time champion of free fighting and the champion of underground black boxing, he was once disqualified from the final of the boxing championship after being reported for injecting drugs.

And their players are not good people either.

Of course, there are many new T2 teams, which are not listed here one by one.

Time flies and another half a month has passed.

A piece of news that surprised everyone instantly became popular in the game!

【Server-wide announcement!】

【Congratulations to the player: Yan Wang】

【Achieved the first kill of the Ghostly Man! 】

Teammate: Midnight Concert


"A team of two?!"

"Just two people, and they conquered the Master of Guiwen?!"

"Oh shit!"

"What kind of monster is this?"

"Isn't that the red-named player who played at midnight?!"

"Is that so perverted?"

"Who is this King of Hell?"

"I haven't heard of it. Is this the new guy?"

"Damn, the newcomers are catching up with the old ones!"

"There is no role for Holy Light Boss this time?"

"Since ancient times, the waves behind the Yangtze River have pushed the waves in front of them, and this wave in front of it was directly pushed to death!"

"A new T1 player is born"

"Hahahaha, what a muscle tank, what a man standing at the top of the food chain, in the end, it was still me, a Chinese player, who got the first kill of the Lord!"

"The King of Hell is awesome!"

"Now there are two more people on the celebrity list."

"I was wondering why I haven't seen that red-named player recently. Turns out he went to attack the Lord of Owls."

"From the perspective of being consistent with external affairs, I can support Nocturne!"



Inside the sealed tower.

The palace of the Lord of Owls.

The King of Hell grinned at the bird-head gold ring in his hand, then quickly put it away,"Sorry, it looks like the first kill is mine."

The wounded Nocturne spat out a mouthful of blood and phlegm.

Because his ears were pierced, he couldn't hear what the King of Hell said.

But soon, the King of Hell typed out his apologies, saying that he didn't mean to grab the first kill.

He hoped to get Nocturne's forgiveness.

But this time Nocturne paid a lot. He used his soul life to activate the power of the evil eye to control the Lord of Owls several times! He also took risks to take on the various skills of the Lord of Owls.

But in the end, the first kill was snatched away by the King of Hell!

It would be a lie for Nocturne to say he wasn't angry, but the King of Hell typed out and said

"I am willing to give you 70% of the profits from this time, and I will only keep 30%"

"After all, I already got the first kill, and it would be embarrassing to take so many rewards."

"Also, although your name is not on the first kill, at least your name is on the team."

"The players must have remembered you. No matter what, you didn't lose out this time."

Nocturne thought about it and it seemed to be true.

The first kill was just a title. It would be more practical to get more money and soul life.

The King of Hell also gave 70% of the profit to Nocturne as promised.

It seemed that the King of Hell lost out and only earned a title, but what about in reality?

He got a legendary ring, and Nocturne didn't know that the boss would drop such a thing, so he was secretly delighted.


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