Staring at the eyes of the stone statue?

Everyone was a little puzzled, but they still stared at the eyes of the stone statue as Ye Qiu said.

Half a minute passed like this, and nothing happened. Seeing this, Ye Qiu shook his head and was about to pull everyone away.

But the King of Hell on the side seemed to have noticed something.

The supplies had been distributed in front, but these people stayed for half a minute without saying a word.

Seeing them all staring at the stone statue, the King of Hell immediately noticed something strange and turned to look at the eyes of the stone statue!

But at this moment, the eyes of the stone statue in front of him suddenly ignited a ball of fire!

The next second, the ball of fire rushed out and instantly swallowed the King of Hell!

"What is this?"

The King of Hell widened his eyes. He looked at the raging fire on his body, but he didn't feel any pain.

Ye Qiu, who was about to leave, stood there in a daze,"Damn... why did it have to be this guy?"

Others may not know what happened, but Ye Qiu knows!

The King of Hell got Loki's inheritance!

Ye Qiu didn't know who got Loki's inheritance in his previous life, because no one reported the gods at that time.

So whoever got the final inheritance of the Temple of Loki was left unresolved.

Ye Qiu himself had no intention of getting Loki's inheritance, because the Norse pantheon could only rank in the middle of the pantheon in the entire tower.

Even Odin, the king of the gods, had very limited strength.

If he didn't have the artifact, the Spear of Eternity, then He was not even as strong as the ordinary gods of most pantheons.

And even if He had the Spear of Eternity, a monkey trapped under the mountain could beat eight of Him.

But then again, although Ye Qiu didn't want it, it would be good if Fang Ze and the others could get the inheritance.

But unfortunately, Loki didn't fancy them.

Instead, he took a fancy to the King of Hell.

Ye Qiu didn't know if it was fate or destiny.

"Let's go, there's nothing left to see."

Ye Qiu turned around and left. It was meaningless for them to stay.

Fang Ze saw that Ye Qiu looked unhappy and guessed something, but he didn't say it.

"Well, let's go back and have a meeting. Call all the other strategy teams. We can't delay the strategy of the first level guardian any longer."


Ye Qiu and the others left, but Yan Wang's consciousness entered a fantasy space.

Suddenly, a teasing and deep voice suddenly sounded in his ears!

But Yan Wang couldn't understand what he was saying. The language he spoke was very strange, and it didn't seem to be the language on Earth.

And the voice seemed to realize that Yan Wang didn't understand, and then suddenly changed to Green Dragon Language and said:

"Let me introduce you to the person in front of you, the supreme king of gods, Odin." As the voice fell, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Hades!

It was a man with only one eye, with white hair and two crows standing on his shoulders. He was wearing a golden armor, sitting on an eight-legged warhorse, and holding a uniquely shaped spear in his hand.

(AI capabilities are limited, just take a look)

The man's eyes were arrogant, and he looked down at Hades quietly,"Have humans now forgotten what God looks like?" As soon as the words fell, Odin's figure suddenly turned, and he turned into a blond man holding a scepter and wearing a blue-green robe.

The man looked very handsome, and there was always a playful smile on his face.

"Loki, Loki, why does the Green Dragon language of this word have such a strange pronunciation?"

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Loki. They said that my name means fire, which can bring benefits or disasters. I am the god of fire."

"Until later, they began to call me the evil god, the god of fraud, the god of mischief, the most treacherous god"

"But in my opinion, my brother, Odin, the greatest god king of Asgard"

"He is the most cunning and treacherous God. He will do anything to gain wisdom."

"At the cost of one eye, he drank the water of wisdom under the World Tree"

"But He was still not satisfied, and He used trickery to steal three cups of the wine of wisdom in order to obtain the true wisdom that no god could attain!"

"But after gaining wisdom, what did He do? He manipulated the victory of the war from behind and made all life serve Him."

"I once presented it with the Spear of Eternity, bringing to Asgard a priceless treasure forged by those dwarves!"

"And because I made a small mistake out of curiosity, He wanted to imprison me for eternity!"

"Let me suffer eternal pain!"

"Ah... Odin, my brother"

"Are you also like those timid gods, afraid of the coming of the Ragnarok as predicted?"

"Are you afraid that I will become the new master of Asgard as the prophecy says?"

"Hahaha, it's a pity that Ragnarok has not yet arrived, and you and I are both in the cage. Are you satisfied with this result?"

Listening to Loki's self-talk, the King of Hell did not interrupt, but kept analyzing while listening.


Asgard, Odin, Loki, dwarfs, Eternal Spear, Ragnarok... the amount of information is quite large.

Is this myth made up by the official game?

The King of Hell was thinking, and saw Loki's face suddenly come over,"Hey, are you listening to me, human?"

The King of Hell smiled when he heard it,"Of course, great God of Fire, did you summon me here?"

Loki's figure flashed, and instantly turned into a three-handed woman,"Of course, then guess why I summoned you here?"

The woman was wearing a golden robe and countless gold-like luxury items, but soon the clothes on the woman disappeared.

She exposed her body and began to flirt with others intentionally or unintentionally, as if she was intentionally teasing the King of Hell.

But the King of Hell was indifferent,"How can mortals guess the intentions of God? Is this your true body? It's quite beautiful."

Hearing this, Loki's body instantly turned back into a man,"Oh oh oh, of course... no"

"I am very satisfied with you. Are you interested in becoming a god?"

The King of Hell narrowed his eyes,"Can a mortal become a god?"

Loki shrugged,"Why not? As long as you want, you are a god."

"How about we play a game? If you win, I will make you a god?"

The King of Hell looked into Loki's eyes,"Excuse me, great God of Fire, what game do you want to play with me?"

Loki's figure flashed and appeared beside the King of Hell in an instant,"For example, if we start a war, which side will win?"

"No... it's too easy. Let's play nine games."

"If you win all, I will make you a god. If you lose, you will become my plaything. Do you dare to take a gamble?"The King of Hell smiled and said,"It is an honor for mortals like me that you are willing to give me such an opportunity."


【The test of becoming a god begins!】

【God's Test (1/9)]

Mission description: Loki will test you with nine games. You only have one chance. If you fail, you will lose your soul and body.

The first test: Use your rhetoric to provoke a war involving 500,000 people, and let your side win.

Mission conditions: The two sides of the war must be evenly matched, and the number of people on both sides must be equal.

Mission reward: Loki's praise.

Mission reward = None


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