When the King of Hell opened his eyes again, he returned to the treasury,"There is no reward, and you cannot fail even once."

"The punishment for failure is the loss of body and soul, is it... deletion of account?"

The King of Hell really couldn't think of any punishment other than deletion of account.

At this moment, a man behind the King of Hell suddenly said,"Second brother, the boss has been complaining these past two days, saying that you are becoming less and less dedicated to your job."

The King of Hell glanced at the man,"Not doing your job?"

"Tell him I'm making a lot of money."

The man quit the game instantly after hearing this, and his character fell to his knees on the ground, but stood up again after a while.

"The boss asked, how much money?"

Yan Wang:"It's more profitable than arms."

The man went offline again, and Yan Wang waited for a while.

The man came online again,"The boss said... give him the whole equipment."

Yan Wang:"Take off yours and give it to him."

The man's mouth twitched and he went offline again.

Then he never came online again.

Seeing this, Yan Wang picked up the sword and pierced the man's body directly.


The man's body fell to the ground, and Yan Wang didn't care anymore, but walked out of the treasury on his own.

Everyone can only have one account. If one person gives the equipment to another person.

The other person goes online not to inherit the body of this person, but to create a new body.

In other words, the owner of this body will never be resurrected.

Unless the original owner takes the equipment online.

Yan Wang looked at his two current tasks.

One is the task of the School of Necromancer to kill people, and the other is Loki's God's Trial.

The task of the School of Necromancer was easy, he just had to kill each of his mercenaries ten times.

The King of Hell just repaired the body of the mercenary to complete the task of the School of Necromancer.

It's just that Loki's God's Trial is a bit difficult.

There are only 100,000 players in the game now.

It is impossible to provoke a war of 500,000 people at this stage.

And even if there are 500,000 people in the game.

To mobilize them all and fight a battle on equal terms... tsk tsk.

The King of Hell shook his head,"Can you imagine someone standing up and saying, boys, you should split into two teams and fight a battle now?"

"We can then cheer afterwards, is that the kind of scene we're looking for?"


A few days passed.

The strategy team held a meeting on the zero floor of the tower.

There were more than 30 teams and more than 280 people in total.

"I said, if we keep on being wary of each other and no one wants to take action, then the second level will be a joke."

"We will always stay on Tier 1"

"What's even more stupid is that it's not that the government didn't come up with the second layer, but that we constrained ourselves."


"How should the boss reward be distributed?"

As soon as these words came out, the whole team fell silent.

This is a very serious issue, and also the most critical issue.

If this problem cannot be solved, it will be impossible for everyone to put aside their prejudices and work together.

There are many players now, and of course they are very mixed.

It is no longer the case when there were only two thousand people and Ye Qiu could convince them with Duan Ji's passionate speech!

These people are all stubborn and will not do anything without profit.

Everyone discussed this matter for several days, but there was still no solution.

If the strategy of whoever grabs it gets it, then things will return to the original situation.

No one wants to take action first.

The King of Hell looked at the silent crowd and suddenly laughed,"Well, why don't I make a suggestion?……"

Before the King of Hell could finish, a figure suddenly teleported out of the tower!

The man was wearing a set of violet-gold armor, holding a violet-gold heavy sword, and took a step forward with a rumbling sound!

"I have a suggestion. I will fight Larrick alone, and you guys just watch from the side."

The one who came was none other than Ye Qiu!

Seeing this scene, everyone present was either surprised, unbelievable, or angry.

"This is?"

"A set of violet gold armor?"

"How much does this cost?"

"Is it a question of money? How is he able to walk around wearing all this gear?"

"This set of equipment, plus the sword, must weigh more than 300 pounds, right?"

"I feel more than"

"I think should not be?"

"Haha, where does your confidence come from? Just because of this set of violet gold armor?"

"Shixuan, right? We have all heard about you. You are indeed very strong, but you want to fight against the guardian alone.……"

"I'm not looking down on you, but you should at least know your own limitations."

Ye Qiu smiled and pointed his sword at everyone,"Okay, then you can continue to discuss this."

"Anyway, after I get the first kill of the Guardian... you won't have to discuss it anymore."

Hearing this, everyone present frowned.

Although they didn't think Ye Qiu could beat the Guardian, there was always a chance of something happening.

What if?

Ye Qiu was a player who had killed a Chaos Watcher.

What if he created another miracle?

Everyone didn't dare to bet.

"Ahem, I think the most primitive way of rewarding bosses is to give the boss the reward."

"Right now, the first level is the most important thing."

"Yes, you don't need to mention rewards or anything."

"I also agree that we players should unite as one. It is a waste of time to discuss here for the sake of interests!"

"Yeah, me too!"

The King of Hell looked at Ye Qiu and his mouth slowly opened,"Interesting."

Looking at the teams responding to the call.

Ye Qiu couldn't help but sneer. He didn't know what this group of people were thinking.

He was deliberately provoking this group of people.

His chances of winning against Larrick were very slim.

Even in his best ideal situation, it would be a great challenge to win once out of a hundred challenges.

This battle can only be fought by the players working together.

So what kind of mentality did Ye Qiu use?

It's still the same sentence, the just in case mentality.

Players dare not gamble on this just in case, so they can only be forced by Ye Qiu. It

's a simple truth, isn't it?

If Ye Qiu can really beat it alone, then why should he waste time talking to them? Wouldn't it be better to fight it alone?

Just like that, the strategy group team gathered together again Gather in the core area of the first floor!

Fang Ze took out a violet gold helmet and put it on his head. He had to wear a helmet this time.

Because if the opponent hits him on the head, it will be a critical hit.

Of course, there is not only a helmet, but also a shield made of Chaos Watcher lens hidden in Fang Ze's backpack.

There are a total of twenty such small round shields, all of which have been bought by players.

Fang Ze got two, one for Du Yuan and one for Ye Qiu.

This round shield can resist Larik's long-range damage to a large extent, and its defense may be slightly inferior to the violet gold shield.

But it is light!

Ye Qiu's breathing is very rapid now, and his current load-bearing capacity has reached the upper limit of what he can bear.

So even though he wants to get another violet gold shield, he is powerless.

"Are you ready?!"




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