Time passed quickly, and more than a month had passed in reality.

But it was almost a year in the game!

The strong time contrast made many players feel dazed. They couldn't tell which side was the reality? They felt that they had been fighting in the tower for several months, but when they came out, they saw that only a few days had passed.

During this period, the game was updated several times in a row!

From 10,000 people to 100,000 people, and then from 100,000 people to 1 million people!

The ninth update so far has reached an astonishing 100 million people in the internal beta!

Seeing this scene, many players are shouting, what is this internal beta?

Other games don't have tens of millions of people when they are in the public beta, right?!

You have reached 100 million people in the internal beta, so we might as well just open the public beta!

Of course, Chen Ye thought so too.

Now his daily income index has reached an extremely exaggerated level, which is enough for him to start the public beta!

He can't guarantee anything else, but he can definitely produce enough login devices for 100 million people every day.

But this time it's not free.

Chen Ye looked at the official website on his computer, where he had opened a mall interface.

As of now, players can already start pre-ordering equipment.

Among them, there are not only head-mounted link devices, but also customized game cabin link devices!

The prices of these devices vary, and they can almost meet the minimum needs of all classes.

Of course, those who can't afford it will definitely not be able to afford it.

But to be honest, for those who have no food to eat, we should honestly find a class to attend.

Otherwise, if you starve to death while playing games, this hat will be put on Chen Ye's head.

Chen Ye is no longer short of indexes, and the demand for players will naturally begin to decrease layer by layer.

He did not intend to let all humans on the earth enter the game. Anyway, everyone will have the opportunity to experience it slowly after the advent.

But this time it is really 100% real.

It is so real that people will die if they are killed.

Everyone has only one life, and if they die, their account will be directly cancelled and the file will be deleted.

Is it real?

You know, in the Tower of Seals, many bosses are defeated by players through the human sea tactics of infinite resurrection!

But what if all this is put in reality?

Without the human wave tactics, players are no longer immortal gods of war, nor are they the so-called fourth disaster.

In this mode, if they can reach the fifth floor, it would be quite awesome.

Chen Ye has naturally thought about this situation, so he added a setting to enhance the players.

That is the talent setting!

After the game comes, each player will awaken a talent ability!

These abilities are strong or weak, and the quality varies, ranging from F-level broken to SSS-level myth.

But the awakening of this ability is not random, but is given according to the player's soul life value in the game. It's a very simple and easy-to-understand setting, right?

The strength of your ability depends on your own achievements in the game.

But it's too early to say this.

The so-called game coming is actually to use the index to bring all the mechanisms and all the contents in the game to reality! It's the same as Chen Ye creating the mask.

But Chen Ye has only made the first six floors of the Sealed Tower.

If the game is allowed to come, there will only be six floors.

So in order to make the game come to reality, Chen Ye needs to make at least all 100 floors of the Sealed Tower first!

Then you have to keep enough indexes in your hand so that you can modify the rules of reality at any time when you are out of control.

Then back to the game, in the year of the game world, players have always been fighting wits and courage with Larik.

Whether it is the human wave tactics or various evil playing methods, players have tried them all.

But they just can't beat Larik!

Even Ye Qiu, who is a reborn, is confused. When did Larik become so strong?

Was Larik in his previous life so awesome?

Why does he always feel that Larik seems to be getting stronger and stronger?

In fact, Ye Qiu's feeling is not wrong. Chen Ye has deducted several enhancement patches for Larik in the subsequent versions!

Especially the enhancement of large-scale skills directly abolished the undead human wave tactics that players are most proud of!

Many players secretly cursed the dog planner for being more and more inhuman!

Chen Ye said that if you don't accept it, you can bite me?

But who are the players? How can they give up because of this little difficulty?

Adhering to the belief of fighting to the end with the planner, players have almost been developing various operations and some underworld playing methods!

What drills his crotch and stabs his second brother! What

? He has ash in his mouth. Just rush up and blind him with one.

Some are even more perverted, playing human bombs directly!

There is a brother who successfully made black gunpowder in the game, and has continuously improved it. He has made several versions of explosives!

It is said that this seems to be sponsored by the Merchant Guild.

Players tied explosive packs to themselves and turned into self-destructing infantry, injuring 800 enemies and 10,000 of their own!

But they are too many!

Although Chen Ye discovered it in time every time and gave hot patch sanctions.

But the speed at which these people develop routines is outrageous!

In the time it takes Chen Ye to fix a bug, they can come up with 18 more ways to play!

Chen Ye wanted to use this to delay a little more time and strive to open the public beta when the players are still on the first level.

But this group of players is really too inhumane. Can all those hellish ways come up with people?

Players are a species without an upper limit, of course, a species without a lower limit.

They are not human, they are beasts!

Who is the idiot who could come up with such a hellish way of fighting by stripping Larik's shoes and then scattering nails on the ground to pierce his soles?

Chen Ye could only say, I can't protect you this time.

In the one year of game time.

Ye Qiu kept honing his physique and doing crazy weight training. He rarely challenged Larik again.

Instead, he turned around and killed small monsters, slowly accumulating soul life.

After having a school, it is unwise to use the reincarnation tactics to fight the boss.

If he continues to fight like that, he will become weaker and weaker.

Moreover, there are too many players now, and the monster refresh on the first floor can no longer keep up with the speed of players killing monsters!

At the same time, the housing situation outside the tower is becoming more and more tense.

Players' houses are almost built to the edge of the map!

Many players are calling for the official to remove the air wall, they want a larger map to build freely!

Chen Ye ignored this, just typed a draft by himself, and then waited quietly. After a while, a large number of posts suddenly emerged in the forum in front of him!

The content of the posts is almost the same, and the general meaning is only one!

【The first level of the guardian's strategy is successful! 】

Chen Ye smiled. Now he doesn't even need to observe the situation in the game.

He just needs to observe the forum.

No matter what the players find, or what new routines they study, they will post it in the forum as soon as possible!

Chen Ye started from this to crack the various underworld ways of the players.

As the saying goes, we are not afraid of planners not doing anything, but we are afraid of planners browsing the forum!

Chen Ye also found that it was much more convenient for him to read the players' posts directly than to watch the game himself.

First of all, because the time flow rate of the game and reality is different.

It seems that several days have passed when the players post in the game, but in Chen Ye's view, it is only a few hours.

Just imagine.

There is a post per minute, and it is convenient to summarize the game progress for you at any time.

Or is it more convenient for Chen Ye to go into the game and see it for himself for a year?

It must be the former.

"So, rejoice, our game is now in public beta!"


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