Players are really the best workers.

As long as they keep working hard to play the game, Chen Ye will become stronger and stronger.

But do players think they are working?

Obviously, no!

How can doing something you like be called working?

So, what is a win-win situation?

This is a win-win situation!

Chen Ye pressed the enter key abruptly. Next, our game will enter the public beta stage!

Maybe someone will ask at this time, what if there are too many people buying equipment for the public beta and there are not enough equipment?

Isn't that simple?

Isn't it better to just sell it out?

If it doesn't work, just say that the factory that produces graphics cards is burning... ahem.

Say that the factory that produces equipment is burning down, and the daily shipment volume is very limited.

When the index is enough, we will continue to sell, and if it is gone, we will just sell it out!

And the money from selling equipment will be transferred to a virtual account created by the system.

It will never be found out by anyone.

But Chen Ye doesn't plan to use it, because he doesn't need money at all now.

He can satisfy his material needs by himself, and money is just a string of numbers to him.

It doesn't make any sense.


At this moment, in the game, a group of players were sitting back to back, and countless players were lying on the ground in all directions.

"I've never had such a great fight in my life!"


"The first-level guardian is nothing more than that!"

"It doesn't seem difficult enough, will the authorities strengthen it again?"

Ye Qiu also sat on the ground with his sword, and the muscle car Johnson stood back to back with him. Both of them were panting and exhausted.

"It seems that the Chinese are not as weak as I thought. At least they have backbone. Of course, I admire you more."

"You are very strong, are you interested in a fight?"

Johnson said with a laugh.

Ye Qiu also smiled,"You are not weak either, but forget about the fight. We were lucky this time and got the first kill again."

Johnson shook his head,"Luck? You are really strong, I am not surprised that you got the first kill."

Johnson stretched out his fist directly behind him,"Anyway, it's very enjoyable to fight side by side with you this time. I hope I can have the opportunity to fight side by side with you next time."

Ye Qiu also stretched out his fist behind him and bumped it with Johnson's fist,"Me too, friend."

Johnson suddenly laughed,"Friends? Hahaha, good, friends!" Luo Er on the side couldn't help but sigh as he looked at the two people talking and laughing,"Who would have thought that we used to fight each other and fight each other on the Internet"

"Now they can gather together and talk freely. Friends of China, we admire your courage."

Can you imagine such a scene?

White people, yellow people, and black people all gathered together to have a long talk and laugh.

It seems that there is no hostility and distance between races.

Time can smooth everything and change everything.

A year of fighting side by side allowed everyone to put aside their prejudices and trust each other.

Otherwise, they would never be able to defeat Larik if they fought alone.

Only when everyone's mind is united can they send out a power of 1+1 greater than 2!

Some people shouted to cheer, and some people sacrificed themselves to help their teammates resist damage.

That battle was magnificent and could be called an epic battle!

This was also the most enjoyable battle that players have ever fought!

How miserable they were in the front, how happy they were to defeat Larik later!

It was an ultimate spiritual satisfaction!

Even the murderous player Nocturne received players after participating in the battle. unanimously agreed, after all, they really made an effort.

It can be said that everyone is crucial to winning this battle!

Ye Qiu's clone and Johnson and others acted as the front row and kept forcing Larrick back!

Zhang Qingyan and Nocturne kept releasing darkness and evil eyes to control Larrick!

Other players either output, or protect teammates, or step forward to suppress the boss with Johnson and Ye Qiu.

Everyone's existence is crucial.

Although Ye Qiu got the first kill.

But the guardian's reward is not calculated in this way! The guardian's reward can be given to all players who cause damage to the guardian!

Each person will receive 10 years of soul life, plus 1 silver coin, and 100 reputation.

Although this can only be regarded as a consolation prize, everyone is satisfied.

Many players are still watching the video of the previous battle over and over again,"Fuck, it's too exciting. Only one of me and my dad can survive today!"

"666, brother, you are so filial!"

"Haha, who shouted that"Fuck"? It's so fucking funny."

"Holy shit, you recorded this?"

"Did you record me?"

"I let you go in with a white knife and come out with a green knife, and then I stab your gallbladder. Is that you?"

"Yes, it’s me!"



Ye Qiu was also watching the video. At the last moment, Larik, holding a flaming sword in one hand, fell to his knees!

Then he smiled with relief,"The girl who likes Mu Chunhua... but no one can see Mu Chunhua's eyes."

"I, after all,……"


The moment Larik fell, Ye Qiu raised his sword and chopped off his head without even listening to what he said!

【[The Fall of Guardian Larik]

The original darkness bound by chains has been released!

Magical energy flows through the earth again, and there are two howls, one from under the sun and the other from under the moon!


After Larik died,

Ye Qiu received a tenfold reward, two legendary weapons and a letter.

This letter was what he cared about the most. Inside the letter was a dried specimen of Muchun flower.

Ye Qiu opened the letter, but the contents made him speechless.

"To you who are as cheerful as the spring flowers, I don't understand why people like things they have never seen. It was not until I fell in love with your eyes that I realized that they are the most beautiful because they are invisible.

I want to tell you that the spring flowers are not beautiful, but I know that they are the most beautiful in your heart.

You asked me what the sun is like and what the moon is like. I wanted to tell you, but you covered my mouth. You said that if you can't see it with your own eyes, then let everything be as beautiful as you imagine in your heart.

That day, I was silent for a long time, and finally chose to leave without saying goodbye.

I carried my bow and left the village. I shouted on the highest mountain, why is God so unfair?

Would rather create all things than give you a pair of eyes that can see things?!

I made up my mind to find a way to cure your eyes.

I set out on a journey from then on, asking people along the way.

Someone told me that the water of life of the elves can help people find back what they have lost.

But the elves are a group of evil cannibals. I know I am no match for them, so I had to go through untold hardships to join the battlefield school.

I hope to learn a few skills.

During this period, I met many friends, including the dwarf craftsman Hobbit, who had a bad temper like a stone, but we became close friends.

Gross, who was always silent, held his shield very steadily, and I really couldn't compare with him. Of course, there were many other friends, but unfortunately I was expelled from the battlefield school because of stealing.

But I turned a disaster into a blessing, and joined the archery school that was more suitable for me, and learned a lot of hunting skills.

I became a hunter again.

But this time, I hunted monsters.

I killed the trolls in the lava land and the dragons on the snow ridge. Well, it seemed to be just a cub.

Of course, I didn't forget my original purpose.

After I ate the heart of the troll and drank the blood of the ice dragon, I gained the ability to control ice and fire.

I knew that the time had come.

I went to the elves, and they were very polite to me because they had all heard of my name.

Legendary Hunter Larik!

Others call me that, but I didn't call myself that!

Afterwards, I asked them for the Water of Life, but the elves were unwilling to give me the holy water.

I didn't plan to waste time talking to these cannibals, so I killed my way to the Ancient Tree of Life and took the Water of Life!

But my actions touched the God of the Elf Tribe! The legendary God of the Elf, Til Sandrius!

That was the first time I saw God!

This was the first time I understood that the gap between humans and Gods was so huge!

In front of Him, my proud hunting skills were like a child's trick!

I was defeated, and defeated miserably.

I didn't ask Him to spare my life, I only asked Him to let me take the holy water back, and I would come back to die afterwards!

Fortunately, the God of the Elves agreed to my request.

But unfortunately, He had a condition.

He asked me to kill the Sun and Moon Wolves, and take the Sun and Moon Essences in exchange for the Water of Life!

I agreed, but I was too arrogant.

The Sun and Moon Wolves were a hundred times more powerful than I thought, and my attacks couldn't hurt them at all!

Instead, they killed several of my friends!

I knew that I needed something stronger.���Weapons!

So I found my best friend, the Hobbit, and asked him to forge weapons for me that could kill the Sun and Moon Wolves.

He readily agreed, and we began to travel around the world to collect materials.

Finally, in a volcano, we forged these two weapons.

The Hobbit named them:

Flame Sword and Ice Bow.

With these two weapons, I killed the Sun and Moon Wolves, and exchanged them for the Holy Water of Life from the God of Elves.

I can't remember how many years it has been. I only remember that I ran all the way back to the village happily, as happy as a child.

But I... didn't see you.

Until your father told me that you kept yourself forever at the age of 16, waiting for me to come back……"


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