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【[The Second Floor of the Sealed Tower]

When this row of subtitles flashed before everyone's eyes, everyone was extremely excited!

"Finally reached the second floor!"

"Why does the second floor seem to be bigger than the first floor?"

"How is that possible? The law of climbing a tower must be that the smaller the higher you go, the smaller it gets."

"Brother, don't say anything, look at the map first"

"This map is not yet open, no... What the hell?"

When a player opened the map, he was stunned.

Although the map was not opened and was still black, the outline was no smaller than the first layer, and it was even bigger!

This map is getting bigger as you go up?

This... this is too exciting!

Ye Qiu was not surprised at all. The map is indeed getting bigger as you go up.

Because this sealed tower is made up of countless continents piled up.

It can be said that each layer is equivalent to a small world.

Just when everyone was sighing, the official update announcement suddenly broke out!

Many players went to read the announcement.

After seeing the school and the expansion of the map outside, many players left the second floor directly. Explore the outside.

Fang Ze and others also went.

Ye Qiu was hesitating whether to look for the Death Eater's Sword on the second floor.

As a weapon that can grow, although the Death Eater's Sword is very weak in the early stage, it still has considerable potential.

But... where did the Death Eater's Sword come from?

To be honest, although Ye Qiu has a good memory, he is not a photographic memory after all.

The longer he was reborn, the more vague some things became.

Even though he took notes at the first time and wrote down most of the information he knew, there were still some omissions.

Ye Qiu thought about it for a long time but couldn't remember it after all, so he could only sigh,"Forget it, I can only try my luck."

The teleportation point on the second floor is at a junction.

As for why it is called a junction, it is mainly because the second floor is divided into two terrains.

One is a normal green land, and the other is a pale snow land.

These two lands each occupy half of the map.

They correspond to two countries respectively.

Yes, there are humans in the world of the second floor.

And they are humans who can communicate normally.

The city on the green land on the left is called Storm City, and the king of it is called White Emperor.

The city on the snow on the right is called Frozen City, and the king of it is called Black Emperor.

The two countries have been at war because of different philosophies, and they have been fighting for generations for who knows how many years.

This is the main theme of the second floor.

The war between the two countries.

Players can freely choose to join one of them, or wander between the two countries as a neutral existence.

Of course, the final result will inevitably end with the defeat of one of the countries.

This depends on the player's choice.

If they choose to support the White Emperor and destroy the Black Emperor, then this world will be ruled by the White Emperor.

On the contrary, if the player supports the Black Emperor to destroy the White Emperor, then this world will be ruled by the Black Emperor.

Everything depends on the player's choice.

But in Ye Qiu's opinion, most people should stand on the side of the White Emperor.

"After all, the White Emperor corresponds to the human side."


Outside the tower.

The players held a meeting and decided that they must do something for the upcoming beast tide!

Otherwise, the houses in the central area would be fine, but the houses of the players in the outer areas would be destroyed under the siege of the beast tide!

After some discussion, everyone decided to build a circle of walls to cover all the players' houses!

"At this scale, too many bricks and soil are needed."

"Do you have a better idea?"

"I don't"

"That's it."

"You have to know one thing, we players don’t have much of anything, but we have a lot of people!"

"Isn’t Xirang refreshed every day? Let’s all go out together and dig up the daily limit!"

"If we bring in another group of people to build dozens more brick kilns, this plan will definitely be feasible!"

"Well, let's say if 5 million people work together, there is hope."

"But what about the door?"

"Since we are going to build a city wall, we should first leave a gate, right?"

"Otherwise, you can't get out."

"That’s easy. Just use some iron nails and iron bars to make a reinforced wooden board, and then put two doors side by side to make a double door!"

"In that case, the door is too heavy. It would be better to use a zipline roller to hang a wooden board as a door."

"That's too fragile. If we really want to attack the city, it will break with just one poke!"

"How about we dig a moat?"

"No, if that happens, we will lose a lot of land. It's not like we can't use the land outside."

"It just means enclosing the existing houses, then slowly developing the outside, and then building the next circle of walls."

"Just expand outwards layer by layer, build the city walls higher and make them thicker, so that archer players can fully support offensive and defensive battles on the city!"

"Then should we use reinforced wooden boards for double doors?"

"I agree. Although it may be difficult to open and require more than a dozen players to push together, the advantage is that monsters cannot enter."

"Well, let's open four gates around the four main roads in the east, south, west and north. This will be more convenient."

"I agree"


"So bro, what do you do in real life?"

"Civil Engineering"

"Damn, it's not easy. It's rare to find someone who really knows about architecture."

"This... is not the case. Although I majored in civil engineering in real life, I usually don't have the opportunity to get started in real life."

"Stop talking, brother. Look at this brother."

"This guy is actually a concrete horizontal moving engineer, and he is considered a big shot here."

"Uh...a bricklayer?"



The life and architecture players over there are having a blast, while the combat players over here are all exploring the outer world.���

Although there would be monsters outside at night, they were too busy to grab those monsters, and they were not enough to fill their teeth.

After wandering around in the wild for a few days, the group found that the map in the wild was more than twenty times larger than the original map.

It was almost the size of two counties!


It was so exciting!

I could run around the map all day!

Later, some players found several schools and enthusiastically posted the map locations on the forum.

Fang Ze looked at the locations of the twelve schools on the forum and compared them. Finally, he found that the locations of these schools were actually regular!

The arrangement of the twelve schools is like the twelve points on a clock!

With the Tower of Seal as the center point, the entire map looks like a clock that is so big that it has no edges!

With this idea, it is very easy to find these schools.

After two days of wandering, Fang Ze finally found the Fiery School.

From a distance, these schools look like small cities.

There are guards in front of the gate!

The buildings of the Fiery School are all red and gold, and there are countless flags hanging on the walls.

There was a golden blazing pattern on the red flag.

Most of the NPCs of the Fiery School wore fiery red robes.

But these robes were different. Some people's robes were inlaid with gold edges, which clearly showed that their status was more noble.

They all had a badge on their chests, with a blazing pattern and a few stars on it.

These stars represented the level of Fiery Wizards they were.

The highest was nine stars.

The lowest was one star.

Fang Ze walked forward and saw two wizards stopping him directly.



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