The two wizards who stopped Fang Ze were a man and a woman, and they looked young.

Fang Ze smiled and said,"A local."

The male wizard frowned when he heard this,"Which family are you from, and what's your name?"

Fang Ze thought deeply for a moment, and he tried to think from another perspective.

Before the first floor was launched, what was the status of these NPCs in this circle?

If we look at it from the perspective of the game, they should not have existed before this new map appeared.

But if we take the background into consideration, it would be different.

These people may have multiplied here for countless centuries, divided into several families, and passed down from generation to generation.

Fang Ze thought of this and turned his eyes,"I am a local, but I am from the Black Tower."

Hearing the word"Black Tower", the male wizard was suddenly stunned, and he looked in one direction!

"Heita, which direction are you coming from?"

"The Sealed Tower……"

"I only heard it from my father, who told me about it, and so on."

"Even though no one has ever seen it, the story has been passed down from generation to generation."

"They all said that behind the invisible wall was a giant tower so tall that it could touch the sun and the moon!"

"You said you were from that tower?"

Fang Ze scanned the man's expression with one eye,"Yes, you can see it with your own eyes if you want, the invisible wall is gone."

The wizard frowned,"The invisible wall has existed for who knows how many tens of thousands of years, how can it disappear for no reason, you'd better not lie to me!"

Fang Ze looked directly at the man,"Why don't you go and take a look?"

The wizard's eyes were red,"Okay, but if you dare to lie to me, I will definitely burn your bones to ashes!"

"Tell me why you are here!"

Fang Ze opened his arms,"I hope to join the Fiery School and become a great fire wizard."

Hearing this, the male wizard slowly retracted his right hand,"I'll be frank, you are not suitable for the Fiery School, go find the people from the Water School, they will be more welcoming to you."

Fang Ze said firmly,"But what if I want to join the Fiery School?"

Hearing this, the male wizard snorted,"Humph, anyway, I have reminded you, and you can't regret it later."

"Everyone can only join one school, and those who betray the school shall be burned in fire!"

Fang Ze nodded, and finally stepped into the Fiery School resolutely.

It seems that everyone can only have one profession.

Fang Ze is not sure whether the Fiery School is strong.

But there is one thing he can be sure of, this is definitely the most suitable school for him at present.

The reason is very simple, because of the magic wand with fire runes.

Only the Fiery School can maximize the power of the wand.

This is what Hobbit told Fang Ze.

The metal made of the magic wand has a property called magic conductivity.

The higher the magic conductivity of the metal, the less magic power is consumed when casting.

This is like a water pipe. If the magic conductivity is not 100%, it means that the water pipe will leak.

In addition, the magic Conversion.

In theory, the magic wand can convert any magic power into the magic power required for the magic core.

But for example, if the water magic power is converted into fire magic power, the magic power consumed will definitely be doubled.

Therefore, in order to match this epic magic wand, Fang Ze chose to join the Fiery School.

He walked into the Fiery School, and along the way there were many wizards in flame robes looking at him curiously.

But no one came forward to talk.

Fang Ze walked all the way into the main hall, and saw an old man in a gold-rimmed flame robe talking to another old man.

Fang Ze's appearance ended the conversation between the two.

One of the old men turned his head and looked at Fang Ze,"No fluctuations in magic power, no potions, ordinary people?"

Fang Ze replied respectfully:"I want to join the Fiery School."

The old man looked at Fang Ze after hearing this,"A hundred years of soul... can reach the third level"

"What's your name?"

Fang Ze replied,"Holy Light."

The old man stepped forward with his hands behind his back,"Why do you have such a strange name? Where are you from?"

Fang Ze:"The Sealed Tower."

The old man narrowed his eyes, then turned his head and looked at another old man,"The Sealed Tower, he said the Sealed Tower... Haha, it seems that the day of prophecy has arrived."

"The Wall of No Path will eventually disappear, and the travelers from the Black Tower will uncover the secrets of this dusty land."

"I never expected that the prophecy would come true in our generation."

"Well, at least we can finally make up for the loss of potion materials for tens of thousands of years."

"Traveler from the Black Tower, are you sure you want to join the Fiery School?"

Fang Ze nodded,"Please let me join the Fiery School."

The old man raised his eyebrows,"The twelve schools have their own strengths and weaknesses, why choose us?"

Fang Ze replied,"I just chose the one that suits me best."

The old man nodded,"Although I feel that the Fiery School may not be suitable for you, but since you think so, I have nothing to say."

"Since you come from the Sealed Tower, you should not stay here to practice. I will give you a test."

"If you can finish, then come back here and I'll tell you how to become a fire wizard."

"But the materials needed to become a wizard can only be collected by yourself, and our stock is running low."

"And this is exactly the task we are going to give you."


【School mission activated!】

【School Mission: Entry Test]

The instructor of the Fiery School needs you to collect 20 Phoenix Tails, 5 Jin of Sulfur, 5 Jin of Lava Stone, and 10 Jin of Ash Soil for it. You can join the Fiery School after completing the test!

Mission Progress:...

Mission Reward: One Volume of the Fiery School!


For some reason, Fang Ze suddenly felt a lump in his throat.

Look, this is what an online game should look like!

Job transfer task, collect materials!

So touching!

Fang Ze clicked to accept the task,"I will complete it as soon as possible, but I have a request, can you show me some fire magic?"

The old man smiled, and he slowly stretched out his right hand, and a ball of constantly jumping flames instantly appeared in his palm!

The flames turned into a fire snake in an instant, and it expanded directly like pouring oil, and its size continued to grow!

The old man slowly waved his right hand, and the fire snake twisted its body and followed the old man's gesture to turn around in the sky!

"This is the Infernal Art - Fire Serpent, one of the three major branches of the Fire School."

"I am the Purgatory Mage Ogusius, proficient in all the Purgatory spells of the Fire School"

"If you want to learn the art of purgatory in the future, you can come to me."

The other old man seemed a little unconvinced,"The biggest advantage of the art of purgatory is just showing off in front of others."

"From the perspective of power, the Fire Curse is the orthodox branch of the Fire School!"

Ogusius was immediately angry,"You are talking nonsense, old man, you are really good at flattering yourself, your so-called Fire Curse has no aesthetic appeal at all!"

"Is there any difference between you releasing a fireball and you releasing a big fireball? If it weren't for the crappy medal hanging on your chest, people would have thought you were a one-star wizard!"

The old man was also angry,"You are talking nonsense, we in the School of Fiery Fire only pursue power, your flashy purgatory spells are meaningless in actual combat!"

"You fart!"

"You fart!"

"If you don’t agree, try it!"

"Just try it, old man, do you think I'm afraid of you?!"




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