I Married Taylor

Chapter 66 Children's Questions (For Subscription)

Looking at the anticipation in Chen Jiuming's eyes, Qin Sheng understood that Chen Jiuming should not live very well these years.

At least Qin Sheng can see that Chen Jiuming's mental state is not very good now, Qin Sheng always feels that Chen Jiuming is a bit like a shell without a soul now!

So Qin Sheng didn't hesitate at this moment, and immediately shared his business plan, intending to add vitality to Chen Jiuming's life!

After Chen Jiuming heard Qin Sheng's plan, he was a little disappointed at first. He originally thought that Qin Sheng came to him for some combat mission, but he didn't expect that it was just to start a business.

But after being disappointed, Chen Mingming thought that he could fight side by side with Qin Sheng's old comrades again, his eyes still lit up, and he happily agreed to Qin Sheng.

As for what Qin Sheng planned to ask him to do, he didn't think about it at all, and he didn't ask, everything was waiting to follow Qin Sheng's arrangement, anyway, he would fight wherever Qin Sheng pointed it out!

Qin Sheng had been paying attention to Chen Jiuming's expression, he knew what Chen Jiuming was looking forward to, and he also caught the disappointment in Chen Jiuming's eyes earlier.

But Qin Sheng is also very helpless, they have withdrawn from the team now, it is impossible for him to give Chen Jiu Ming that kind of passionate life.

What Qin Sheng can do is to give Chen Jiuming a sustenance, a chance to reunite with the brothers!

"The other guys, old cat, do you know their whereabouts?" Qin Sheng didn't make any entrepreneurial plans at this time, but asked Chen Jiuming about the whereabouts of the others

"Knife King is now working as a cook in a restaurant in Eastern Guangdong Province, the instructor is a teacher in a technical school in Southern Henan Province, and the old ghost is working as a contractor in his hometown in Northeast China. As for the shadow, you know, Boss, that guy wants to disappear. I can't find him either!"

After hearing Chen Jiuming's last words, Qin Sheng deeply agreed with him, and comforted Chen Jiuming with his eyes.

"Did you tell Sword King and the three of them that you came to Star City?"

"Well, Boss, of course you have to inform them that you are getting married, but I deliberately came over to see them first. The appointment for them is tomorrow, and they will all arrive tomorrow||!" Chen Jiuming laughed.

"Huh, the heart of a villain, old cat, you don't believe me, and you deliberately come to see it first. Could it be that I will lie to you about the boss? I think, I will leave a name for you." More appropriate!" Liu Yishou pouted at the side.

For Liu Yishou's attitude, Chen Jiuming didn't care, he seemed to be used to it, so he smiled slightly and said to Liu Yishou:

"You kid is too naughty, I don't know if you're playing tricks on me again, of course I have to come over to see if it's true or not, if your kid falsely preaches the imperial decree, I'll be able to stop the three of them from wasting travel expenses in time!"

From Chen Jiuming's words, Qin Sheng guessed that Liu Yishou should have cheated Chen Jiuming a lot these years.

"Stop talking nonsense, come on, brother three, have a few drinks today, and wait for those three guys to arrive tomorrow, and have a more enjoyable game!"

"it is good!"


After a meal of wine, although the three of Qin Sheng were not drunk, they stopped driving and took a taxi back to Country Garden.

"Hi sister-in-law!"

As soon as he entered the door and saw Taylor, Chen Jiuming even saluted.

"Hello!" Taylor was taken aback for a moment, then the polite Chen Jiuming greeted him, and then looked at Qin Sheng.

"Daughter-in-law, this is Chen Jiuming, you can call him Laomao, just like Yishou, he is my brother!" Qin Sheng understood and introduced Chen Jiuming to Taylor.

"Old cat? Hehehe... Each of your brothers' names is more interesting than the other!" Taylor laughed.

"I made my sister-in-law laugh. Although the names are weird, they were all named by the brothers. It seems kind to call them that way!" When Chen Jiuming was speaking, he glanced at Liu Yishou.

"Look at me, the old cat's name was chosen for you by the boss, and it's none of my business!" Liu Yishou said angrily.

Taylor smiled, and then she suddenly thought of something, and asked Qin Sheng curiously: "Husband, your brothers all have nicknames." What about you? Then what is your nickname?

"My nickname is Boss, don't you hear that's what they call me?"

Qin Sheng first replied to Taylor, and then turned to Chen Jiuming and said:

"It's a bit late now, old cat, you should sleep in the room on the first floor with Yishou today. I'll buy the house next door tomorrow, and your dormitory will be there by then!"

"Okay, everything is according to the arrangement of the boss!"

Chen Mingming had no objections, and even liked Qin Sheng's arrangement very much.

Liu Yishou seemed to have sensed Chen Jiuming's thoughts, and immediately asked Qin Sheng, "Boss, will my application to sleep on the sofa be successful?"


Qin Sheng smiled, then ignored the two of them, and walked to the second floor with Taylor.

Due to the presence of Song Chuchu and Melinda, Qin Sheng and Taylor have always kept sleeping in the same room, but Taylor slept on the bed and Qin Sheng slept on the floor.

After taking a shower, Qin Sheng turned off the light and lay down on the floor.

Maybe it was because he was so happy to see his long-lost brother, or maybe he was too refreshed after taking a shower, so Qin Sheng couldn't fall asleep for a while.

Looking at the dim ceiling, Qin Sheng suddenly remembered his mother's advice, and asked softly, "Daughter-in-law, are you asleep?"

Taylor hadn't slept yet, when she heard Qin Sheng's voice, she threw a bomb at Qin Sheng: "Not yet, what's the matter, husband, do you want to come up and sleep together?"

Qin Sheng quickly shook his head, not daring to think about Taylor sleeping.

"Uh... no, daughter-in-law, I can't sleep right now, and I want to ask you a question."

Taylor caught a glimpse of Qin Sheng's actions just now, and couldn't help but smile: "What's the problem?"

Qin Sheng took a breath, and quickly asked: "Daughter-in-law, it's about children. Do you have any plans for when you will have children?"

After asking this sentence, Qin Sheng thought to himself, Mom, this is the first time I ask a woman such a question, this is all for your sake, in the future, you must never ask you such a difficult problem again son did it! (got the money)

At this moment, Taylor couldn't help being slightly taken aback after hearing Qin Sheng's question. She didn't understand why Qin Sheng asked her this question suddenly, but she didn't hesitate, and answered Qin Sheng almost immediately.

"I haven't really thought about the issue of having a baby before, let alone a plan, but I think it's better to let things take their course, my husband, "What do you think?"

"I also think so. Regarding children's problems, there is no need to deliberately force them, and there is no need to deliberately avoid them. It is best to let nature take its course!"

After Qin Sheng said this, he didn't want to continue discussing with Taylor about having children.

He was worried that if he continued to chat, he might not be able to fall asleep even more.

So he deliberately yawned and said to Taylor:

"It's too late, daughter-in-law, I have to pick out wedding clothes tomorrow morning, go to bed early!

"Well, my husband, good night!"

"Good night, daughter-in-law!"

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