I Married Taylor

Chapter 67 Let Go Of The Past (Please Subscribe)

the next day.

Qin Sheng came to the sales center early in the morning, found the sales lady Chen Juan again, and happily bought the No. 7 villa next door from her.

Chen Juan was very happy, and naturally completed all relevant procedures for Qin Sheng as quickly as possible.

As for the previous sales lady who looked down on Qin Sheng, when she witnessed all this, she was filled with remorse, and her eyes were full of remorse!

Qin Sheng didn't see her expression, and even if he saw it, he didn't have any interest in having any interaction with her, not even the interest in ridiculing her.

After the house was bought, Qin Sheng gave Liu Yishou and Chen Jiuming the keys to tidy up the house by themselves [then Qin Sheng drove Huo Huo to pick out the wedding dress for the wedding.

And because it is necessary to change several wedding dresses at the wedding, the couple chose until the afternoon to decide on their respective wedding dresses.

When he got home, Qin Sheng felt as if he had experienced another war, and collapsed on the sofa as soon as he entered the door.

Taylor couldn't tell she was tired, and her mental state seemed to be better than before. When she got home from 210, she immediately started class with Song Chuchu.

Seeing Taylor like this, Qin Sheng couldn't help but sigh, why is there such a big gap between men and women in busying the wedding?

Thinking about it, Qin Sheng fell asleep just like that.

By the time Qin Sheng woke up, two full hours had passed.

Looking at the time, it was already six o'clock in the afternoon, Qin Sheng hurriedly got up and said hello to Taylor, and then ran to the newly bought No. 7 villa next door.

This villa is similar to the No. 8 villa that Qin Sheng bought before. They are all well-decorated and fully equipped with household appliances, so after half a day, Liu Yishou and Chen Jiuming have all tidied up.

The things that should be added, such as pots and pans, toothbrushes and bedding, are all added.

As long as you don't care about the auspicious time to move into the house, there is no problem at all if you move in directly today.

But Qin Sheng and the others really don't seem to care about good or bad times. They have slept in the dead before, so why do they care about this!

Qin Sheng glanced into the room and didn't make any comments. He just greeted Liu Yishou and Chen Jiuming, and they went out together.

Because there were too many people to pick up, Qin Sheng asked Liu Shou to drive the Rolls Royce this time as well.

First, Liu Yishou was asked to take them to the Hunan restaurant where they had dinner last night, and then Qin Sheng and Chen Jiuming drove the Wrangler Jeep, followed behind Liu Yishou, and the two cars drove quickly to Xingcheng Airport.

"Aren't the three of them in the same place? How could they arrive at the same time?" Qin Sheng casually asked Chen Jiuming in the car.

"I arranged it on purpose. I asked them to go to Jibei first. I thought that if this kid was left to play tricks on me, the four of us would gather in Jibei. If they didn't receive my email notification, they would come together. Star City!" Chen Jiuming replied.

Qin Sheng couldn't help laughing when he heard this, "Hehehe... What's the matter, old cat, have you been cheated many times by that kid who left one hand all these years?"

"Boss, you don't know that kid yet. He is used to being naughty, because he only knows my contact information, so he will tease me from time to time in the past few years. This time he said, Boss, you married a foreign daughter-in-law. I thought he was lying to me again, but I didn't expect you, Boss, to marry a foreign daughter-in-law, and you are an international star, you are worthy of being the boss, I admire you!" Chen Jiuming said.

"I never thought that I would marry a foreign woman before, but God's will is destined to make it like this, and there is nothing I can do about it!" Qin Sheng said with emotion.

The two looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

After a while, Chen Jiuming suddenly became serious and asked Qin Sheng:

"Boss, there is something I actually wanted to ask you last night, but I kept that kid here, so I held back. Now it's just the two of us (bhfa), boss, can you tell me why you also quit? "

Qin Sheng became silent when he heard the words, and after a long time, he said slowly and rather sadly:

"Actually, since you guys left the team one after another, I don't really want to stay there any longer. It's just that I still had a mission at the time, so I stayed two years longer than you. After the mission is completed, I return to the team. For those new faces, I feel that it is not interesting to stay any longer, and I am a little homesick, so in the end I simply asked to leave!"

Chen Jiuming asked suspiciously: "Boss, you are so good, how could your superior let you go?"

"There are many people who are better than me. What's more, I still ask to leave on my own. If I don't want to be there, it will be counterproductive to force me to stay. It's better to let me go!"

After listening to Qin Sheng's words, Chen immediately stared at Qin Sheng's face thoughtfully.

"Boss, this is not like you. Based on what I know about you, you are definitely not someone who can let go of the team so easily. I guess it must be because you really can't understand the face of someone above, and our brothers have retired from the army. That's why I complained about the injustice, please leave the team!"

Qin Sheng smiled wryly: "Hehe... half and half, when you were dismissed one by one, I, as the boss, could only watch you leave helplessly. At that time, my heart was actually cold, and I also I really miss home, now that those things are over, we should stop mentioning them in the future!"

Chen Jiuming's fists were clenched loudly at this moment: "I knew it was that shameless guy who tripped you up, and I will definitely get back to him when I have a chance in the future!"

"Forget it, old cat, let's put the past aside, he's gone!" There was no emotion on Qin Sheng's face.

"Not here? Could it be that he's dead?" Chen Jiuming asked in surprise.

Qin Sheng nodded: "Well, on the day I left the team, he sacrificed himself to save a newcomer!"

Chen Jiuming was silent.

After a long time, Chen Jiuming let out a sigh: "Well, it's interesting enough for him, then I'll forget about it!"

Qin Sheng knew that Chen Jiuming had really let go of the past at this time, and he was very happy for Chen Jiuming. He didn't want Chen Jiuming to continue to carry the burden of yesterday on the road to the future.

Before I knew it, the airport had arrived.

After parking the car, Qin Sheng patted Chen Jiuming on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Let's go, go and see what the hell those three guys have changed in these few years?"

Chen Jiuming let out a long breath at this time, as if he had just unloaded a heavy backpack.

"Hehehe... Boss, you said the wrong thing, the old ghost doesn't need to change, he just looks like a ghost

Chen Jiuming smiled and nodded to Qin Sheng, and then the two got out of the car and met Liu Yishou, and the three of them walked slowly towards the airport exit side by side...

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