I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1109 He Didn't Die This Time!

In the spiritual world.

The golden flame fell into the spiritual world through the spiritual barrier, and then turned into a vortex of flames to wrap around the evil Ultraman who was pinching Baili Yuan's neck.

The ultimate flame can suppress so many evil behemoths and block the evil behemoths in this space, which proves that the ultimate flame has a strong ability to restrain evil.

But now, the golden flame fused with ultimate flame and sacred power is even more powerful against evil.

This golden flame has divine power, and the purification of evil is from the outside to the inside, from the body to the mind.

The evil Ultraman who was pinching Baili Yuan's neck in the spiritual space let go of his hand, trying to break free from the golden flame, but he could only be purified helplessly.

Shan's avatar hurriedly caught the falling body of Baili Yuan.

"What's going on here?" Baili Yuan coughed twice and looked up at the golden flame above.

"I don't know, but...it doesn't seem to be a bad thing." Said the avatar of goodness.

"Stop looking, hurry up!" the evil clone shouted, and rushed up with the remaining clones.

Baili Yuan's body also reacted, struggled up, and then the clone of He Shan rushed up again.

The golden flame didn't hurt Baili Yuan and his clone.

Facing the burning of the flames and the gang fights of Baili Yuan and clones.

Finally, the Ultraman of Evil exploded!

Then the six black energy clusters inside were exposed. These six energy clusters wanted to escape, but in front of the golden flames, they were like heavenly restraints. Then it turned into energy and dissipated in Bailiyuan's mind space.

at the same time.

Six black beads were also exposed from the body of Ultraman Evil that melted outside, and these six beads also weathered and disappeared.

The Ultraman of Evil melted into black mud, and then gradually dissipated.

Both the system and Shazi stared at the direction where Ultraman of Evil melted.

"Yuan!" The system saw sternly, "Flame Chicken, it doesn't matter what you do, Yuan is burned by you!"

The system rushed out of the survival compartment, and then rushed towards the direction where Bailiyuan melted.

But even faster is Shazie.

Shazi suddenly appeared at the place where the black mud dissipated, and then spotted a spot, stretched out her hand, and pulled out a figure from inside.

It's Bailiyuan's body!

Although still in a coma, he was breathing steadily.

Seeing Baili Yuan's figure, Shazi's face softened a little, and then she hugged Baili Yuan carefully in her arms.

The system felt relieved when it saw Bailiyuan's figure appear, and then found Shazi.

"It's that dark little girl..."

The system whized back to the survival cabin, but Shazi couldn't find it anyway.

And the huge flame chicken turned back slightly, saw Bailiyuan being rescued, nodded, and then the light on his body dissipated, and his figure kept getting smaller.

Finally, when all the light dissipated, the figure of the giant flame chicken disappeared.

The flame chicken was not surprised. He knew that his state just now was temporary, the remaining power after the ultimate flame was extinguished, but his potential was different from before. He believed that as long as he was given time, he would be able to grow to the level just now. Degree.



The fire chick, less than half a meter tall, looked around.

"Jiujiu??" (What's going on?)

The flame chicken has degenerated? !

Huozhiji was a little flustered, the last degenerated frog seed had not yet evolved again, so he degenerated again?

And what's different from the Frog Seed is that the Frog Seed still has its level after degeneration, but it doesn't have the ability to turn into a half monster, and his degeneration this time...he found that his level seemed to be cleared directly!

Huo Zhiji suddenly realized a problem, that is, the power left by the previous extreme flame seemed not for him to fight, but for him to digest and absorb, and then get through the initial period of no power!

Only in this way can we have the power to protect ourselves.

But this power has been used up by him.

Huozhiji hurriedly ran towards Bailiyuan.

However, the appearance of the fire chicken is a little different from the normal fire chicken. The normal fire chicken has flame-like hairs on its head, but his hair-like flames!

When Shazi saw Huo Zhiji running towards her in a panic, she blinked and hugged Huo Zhiji in her arms at the same time.

The turkey's body was warm.


Shazi raised her head and looked at the top made of solidified magma above.

The space has quieted down.

So here comes the problem.

How should they go up?

Shazi couldn't sneak into the shadows and bring everyone up because of a problem with her dark domain.

At this time, a voice sounded from above.

Rumbling Rock and Heavy Armored Tyrannosaurus finally found their place.


in mind space.

At this time, the mental space has returned to normal.

It was transparent and bright, very warm, but Bailiyuan found that there was something special in his spiritual space.

There are two imprints floating in the spiritual space, one is a golden flame imprint, and the other is a needle-shaped purple imprint, no, it should be called a poisonous thorn imprint.

It was the first time for Bailiyuan to come to his mind space, but he knew the situation of these two imprints.

The golden flame mark represents the flame chicken!

Stinger Sigil represents the Big Needle Bee!

"It's bondage evolution! I didn't expect that when the bondage reached a certain level, it would be able to engrave a mark on the mind." Baili Yuan reacted.

When Bailiyuan was amazed, the good avatar on the other side suddenly exclaimed from above.

"Ontology, come here quickly."

"What's wrong?"

Baili Yuan flew up, and without the avatar of Shan saying anything, he discovered why the avatar of Shan was so panicked.

On the spiritual barrier above the spiritual space, a small hole appeared!

He panicked even more when he thought that what the woman in the bamboo hat said earlier would cause serious problems if the spiritual barrier was broken.

At this time, Bailiyuan remembered that Yamato Nadeko and the woman in the bamboo hat had left at some point.

But soon Bailiyuan remembered what was going on with this hole.

That group of light fell from here before, although I don't know who sent the light in, but...

"It doesn't make sense, that's my light..."

"The light is your light, but at that time the spiritual barrier is out of your control." The evil avatar flew up and said.

The corner of Bailiyuan's mouth twitched.

Indeed, at that time, his spiritual barrier had been assimilated by evil, and he couldn't get out of his own. Just trying to get in, he could only destroy a hole.

"Then what should we do now? Can we bet on this hole?"

"We all have the same memory, what do you think?" The evil clone asked back.


"Don't worry, we can also appear in your spiritual space. If there is nothing wrong, we will stay here. If there are enemies who want to invade your spiritual space, we will take action." The good clone comforted.

"It seems that this is the only way to go." Baili Yuan nodded and said, then looked at the hole, "I hope it can heal itself."

"I can help, but..." the evil avatar suddenly said, "This spiritual space belongs to you, you should be able to imagine something, then get us something to play with and eat first, otherwise it would be too boring to just stay there gone."


At the same time, the avatar of mourning lying below looked at the three people above his head, blinked, and then knocked his hand.

I didn't die this time? ? !

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