"Shall we try it?"

"Master Orochimaru, what wish do you wish for?"

"What, of course it purifies my soul."

Orochimaru said as a matter of course: "I have actually achieved immortality, and with the addition of cloning, I don't need to find others, and self-sufficiency is no problem.

"What restricts me now is the soul."

"I am sinking more and more, even if Naruto helped me, there is still a tendency to sink, this is not the real perfect eternal life.

"The eternal life I want is perfect, not what it is now."

"Master Orochimaru is right."

Yakushi Kabuto raises his hands silently: Shall we go now?"

"Of course, the wishing ball is restored, so why not try it to see the effect."

Orochimaru smiled lightly with his hands behind his back: "Perhaps, I can become even stronger." Zero Four"

There are only a few things that have restricted his strength all the time, and among them is the aspect of the soul.

Illusion was too much for him.

it's good now,

He sees hope.


Yakushi Kabuto had no choice but to keep up with seven Dragon Balls.

The present era is an era where technology and ninjas coexist.

In addition to some unconstrained thinking every day, the ninja has a variety of Eight Gates, and everything is available, and the battle between ninjas is more colorful.

But now because Naruto is gradually unifying.

The five big countries have surrendered, how can those small countries stop it.

Now it is subtly merged, which is silent but visible.

Under the strength of Naruto and the others, some diehards are like a mantis' arm and a car, and they are overwhelmed.

Solve it easily.

In short, the current ninja world has become better and better, and it has been changed to the name of the earth under the unconscious spread of Naruto.

Don't say it, it's really apt.

"Come out, Shenlong!"

In a deserted place, Orochimaru cast a spell.

Suddenly, there was a strong wind, lightning and thunder.

The sky darkened for an instant.

The sky in the positive film is pitch black, with only one ray of light going straight into the sky.

Suddenly, a divine dragon appeared in front of Orochimaru and Yakushi Kabuto.

Looking at the majestic dragon, Orochimaru and Yakushi Kabuto stared blankly, unable to recover.

Is this the four-legged snake that Jiraiya said?



As expected, Jiraiya is still the mouthful of train guns, and she is reliable at all.

Although it's because the power of God hasn't recovered yet, isn't there such a big difference?

"Call my predestined person, please tell your wish, I can fulfill one of your wishes.

Hearing the majestic voice of Shenlong, Orochimaru felt uneasy, but still said loudly: "Please restore the purity of my soul.


Shenlong's eyes suddenly turned red, and Orochimaru instantly felt that his soul had been washed.

got evolved.


"It's so scary."

Orochimaru's scalp was numb, and Naruto could even take it out.

While the scalp is numb, the heart is excited.

These seven Dragon Balls are really good things.

"Why is it getting dark?"

Many people were surprised, Jiraiya stood on the street and looked not far away, shaking her head slightly.

This Orochimaru didn't know what wish was granted.

But he didn't worry too much.

Naruto said that there is a limit to the improvement of strength, and it will not surpass the creator.

Shenlong's ability is very good for support, but it is really not good for combat.

So he is not worried.

"I'll just go ahead and finish my kiss heaven.

Looking back, Jiraiya chuckled: "I have to say, now that there is a big tree like Naruto on it, we are much more relaxed."

"I can see the world now. Although it has not been a long time and the changes have not been great, but because of Naruto's will, the world is moving toward relative peace."

He suddenly thought of what Naruto said back then.

Peace, perhaps, can only be relative peace, because people have infinite desires and selfish desires, so they cannot satisfy everyone.

But restraining them within a certain range almost created an era of peace.

Sometimes Jiraiya thinks that Naruto has seen peace.

Although I am not confident in what I say, but what I am doing now......

tut tut!

Don't look at Naruto as if he has nothing to do, but he does everything he should.

And it will give power.

Because in the face of absolute strength, even if you mess around, if he is dissatisfied, he can push it all over again...

This is the confidence of Naruto.


Jiraiya shook her head in admiration, and walked out of the village leisurely.

In the current world, he no longer needs to worry about it.

What Great Toad Sage said is indeed correct, isn't the boy who played with the tailed beast Uzumaki Naruto?

But he far exceeded their expectations.

"It's just too enviable in one way."

Jiraiya's envious voice floated.

[You have successfully aroused Jiraiya's envious emotions, the critical strike is 70 times, and you have obtained the complete works of intimacy in heaven. 】

Naruto: "..."

What does this Jiraiya envy?

Haven't you envied enough after so long? Really convinced.

"Konan, how do you feel here?"

"I think it's okay, every place has its good and bad."

Konan thought, shaking his head slightly: "But this time you just take me out, is it really okay?"

"Is there any way, they are busy people, only you can use this opportunity to come out. 11

"It won't happen if you get on the right track in the future, and then I can take time out to accompany you."

Konan is as gentle as water.

After many times of nourishment by Naruto, she now feels younger and younger, and she doesn't know if it is an illusion.

Naruto laughed: "It's okay, in this era, it's still very fast to pass the time. 3.9"

This is no nonsense.

There are a lot of games now, and talents with careers are more attractive.


Konan pursed his lips and smiled.

I don't know who is like what at night, full of energy.

"where is this place?"

In a corner of the Northeast, a green man wandered around, looking confused: "Who am I, where am I, and what am I doing?"

Soul three tortured, he was silent.

He doesn't remember the past at all, only the present.

I only know that I came in that spaceship, but I don't know exactly where this place is.

"Hey, why is your face so ugly, are you sick?"

Someone noticed this strange person and couldn't help asking cautiously......

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