I, Naruto, Become Stronger With A Critical Strike

Chapter 287 What The Hell Is This?

"By the way, you look really strange."

The villagers looked at the strange man in front of them and laughed: "But it's nothing, the world was underdeveloped before, and I didn't know the outside world."

"But when we know the outside world, everything feels strange."

"Hahaha, I'm not afraid of your jokes, we really didn't know that ninjas can also look weird."

"Look at that Orochimaru, who sticks out his tongue all the time, we're used to it now."

"You don't have to be shy, there's nothing wrong with you."


"By the way, I think you are really sick. I have medicine at home, do you want it?"

"Well, what's your name?"


He was at a loss: "Yeah, what's my name?"

"Ah! Amnesia?"



"I think you are very powerful, so you can stay at my house when you find your family for you."

"By the way, I heard from Naruto that there was a green-skinned man named Piccolo, and I think your future Bibbe is your predecessor when you remember.

"Pick? I'm 29 called Piccolo!"


"From now on, I will be Piccolo!"

After visiting Cloud Shinobi Village, Naruto went to several other prosperous villages, even the capital.

But now there is only one country, which is Konoha Village where Naruto is located.

no way,

It's that willful.

Who says a country has to be big?

The place where Naruto is located is the capital, and it is Lotto, there is nothing wrong with it.

"With so many stores, does your grocery store have that much stuff?"

Konan is skeptical.

[You successfully aroused Konan's suspicion, the critical hit was 35 times, and the endurance +1 was obtained]

"You actually doubt me."

Naruto raised his brows, his expression solemn: "Family care.

Konan's expression changed wildly.

Family law?

is that one.……


Konan screamed, but still couldn't stop Naruto's claws, and was taken to the house to serve him.

"Well, the ninja world has really become very different."

"Everything has changed for the future I predicted."

Mount Myōboku,

The Great Toad Sage squinted his eyes and watched TV, in a good mood.

He likes this ninja world.

At least it was harmonious and peaceful.

Of course, there are all kinds of birds in the big forest, and Naruto has not been in charge of the ninja world for a long time now.

Many things can only be done step by step.

Don't be too anxious.

"Great Toad Sage is not sleeping now,"

"Didn't I say it last time? The future is too scary. Every now and then the planet explodes. Immortals feel that there is something wrong with their dreams."

cough cough!

I am speechless.

This is indeed strange.

How could a planet explode so easily.

Anyway, he has never seen a planet explode since he was a child.

There must be something wrong, just don't know if Naruto knows it.

Probably, maybe, should know.

This man is amazing, even now the Great Toad Sage can't see through him.

"Haha, I really look forward to the future."

"Yes, looking forward to the future."

Time flies, time flies.

In the blink of an eye, five years have passed.

This year, Naruto is in his twenties, and he has grown into a handsome guy, and he has become more and more cynical.

These five years,

A lot happened.

Finally on this day, the entire ninja world completed the strategy of unification.

On this day, the founding ceremony.

Everyone stays next to the TV, stays next to the computer to watch the live broadcast.

For this exciting one.

From ancient times to today, the Ninja world has developed for many years, but there has never been a pattern of dominating the world.

And now,

Uzumaki Naruto did it.

What a colossal feat.

This day, all eyes are on.

This day, destined to be recorded in the annals of history, will never be obliterated.

"I heard that he is very strong?"


Hearing Piccolo's inquiry, passerby A nodded: "He is the strongest existence in this world."

"And Konoha Village is also our favorite place."


"Yeah, I heard that there is also a Ruyi Golden Cudgel that has not been pulled out until now, and many people think that no one can pull it out.

"And you know that Kalin Tower, it is said that it is the place where the gods live, and I heard that there is another place on it, the place where the gods live."

"I really want to meet you."


His heart moved, and he was also very strong. He didn't know how he compared with this Naruto.

Really want to try it.

"Do you want to challenge Boss Naruto?"

"What's wrong?"

"I advise you to die of this heart."

That is to say, Piccolo didn't see it, and when he saw it, he didn't think about challenging Naruto, because it was too strong.

Once a person is strong enough to a certain level, he will form a lonely situation.

Because no one is your match.

Piccolo didn't say a word, he thought he could defeat Naruto, and then go to that temple to have a look.

[You have successfully aroused Piccolo's warlike emotions, the critical strike is a thousand times, and the repair ability is +1]

Naruto "???"

While enjoying the worship of all living beings in the ninja world, such a sudden critical attack directly made Naruto bored. 157

I rely on!

What cattle and horses?


Are you kidding me?

Naruto was speechless in his heart, but cheered quietly on his face.

The history of the ninja world has been completely reversed, and it has come to the era in which Naruto is in charge.

"Nation of Naruto, what the hell name?"

Recalling the quarrel of those people a few days ago, over the name of a country, Naruto spread his hands helplessly.

He originally wanted to talk about Da Qin, but after thinking about it carefully, he decided to forget it.

The name of a country is not very important to him, what is important is that this time another wave of critical attacks has ushered in.


Naruto had a smile on his face, very excited.

"Looking at Naruto's excitement, I really thought he didn't care at first, his feelings were all faked.

Below, Kakashi pouted.

He and Naruto are also familiar, this guy has a poisonous tongue.

Every time he speaks, it shows that there is going to be a problem. Fortunately, he hasn't said anything recently, otherwise it would be interesting if there is a problem.

"I do think he's excited about other things."

"I think so."

The three of Tsunade stood together.

Orochimaru thought: "I think he was waiting for this moment, he was not so excited before.

Excited now?

It doesn't make sense.

There must be other benefits.

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