"Then, next, I'll throw a power ball. Do you think what I'm saying is true or false?" Takamura jolted the tennis ball.

As tennis went up and down, so did Irie's eyes.

Irie was silent.

Comprehensive use of micro-expressions, psychology, and acting, to analyze everything about Takamura, even Takamura's breathing.

true and false?

Irie wasn't sure either. Can't see it at all.

At this moment, Irie was discouraged for the first time for her acting skills.

Then, still super-fast serve, score again.

Irie was completely helpless.

Irie serve, this time, he wants to treat others with the way of others.

"So, senior, let's guess, what will I do next?" Irie smirked-.

"A lob, a high serve, or a spin? Irie has bad intentions.

"I guess it was a lob.


Irie was horrified because that was what he thought.

(coincidence? Or rather...)

Irie was shocked, and the game with Takamura greatly reduced her confidence.

"Just kidding, how could I guess what ball you're going to play?

(Damn, he guessed it.)

Irie's face was cold.

Toss, jump, swing.

"Post the earth." Takamura's words rang out.

(Impossible.) Irie was horrified.

With a flick of his hand, the original perfect stick to the earth, with defects, can no longer be parallel to the ground.

Instead, it flew upwards, directly in front of Takamura.

Naturally, Takamura would not miss a good opportunity and break serve directly.

"It seems that my luck is very good."

Takamura's smile, in Irie's eyes, was so hateful.

"The next ball, where do you think I'll hit it? In what way?

(Damn, this is another trick, using words to disturb my mind.)

Irie's face was gloomy and she didn't pretend.

Irie knew Takamura's plan and knew that she should concentrate without any interruption.

But, Irie just couldn't help it, listening to Takamura's noise.

Because, confidence in one's own acting skills is also conceited.

(Where is it, where would he fight? If I were him...)

With a swipe, the ball quickly slid under Irie's crotch, and Irie didn't respond.

"Irie is going to lose." A steady voice suddenly sounded.

Mature face, fierce expression, and long hair.

The current U17 strongest player, Oni Jujiro.

He also came back.

"Irie's heart is messed up.

Like the ghost said.

Irie, seeing it for the first time, sees herself completely through her opponent.

Whether it's acting, camouflage, or mind, all see through.

It was as if the whole body was completely hidden, all exposed, and there was no secret at all.

The strength is not as good as people, Irie doesn't care, he knows that he has a gap with Byōdōin Hōō, Oni Jujiro;

It doesn't matter whether it wins or loses, Irie knows that whether or not she has used all her strength.

However, when all her actions were exposed to the sun and her hidden heart was exposed, Irie Kanata's heart was in chaos.

This is, on its own tennis path, the reaction to being completely defeated.

"Your heart is messed up."

Confused, Irie was in a mess.

Speed, strength, technique, all are greatly affected.


A lot of balls that could have been easily received were easily lost.


"Irie Kanata, did you know that from the beginning, I saw you as a clown, acting out there. 35

"The performance is really good, like a monkey show.

Irie clenched her hands, pale hands with blue veins showing.

Last ball.

Irie was knocked into the air, and the strong force and pain made Irie hunched and fell to the ground.

After 10 seconds of slowing down, finally, he spat out a lot of sour water, and then he was relieved.

However, what hurts more than the body is the doubt about oneself.

Is your tennis so weak?


Irie Kanata failed miserably.

"It's me down here." Oni Jujiro walked onto the field.

Step by step, everyone felt their hearts beating and their bodies trembling.

That's the instinct that life feels threatened.

Oni Jujiro was already on the verge of anger.

"You shot too hard."

"Ruthless?" Takamura was dumbfounded.

Later Byōdōin Hōō was even more ruthless.

It's all for the scumbags.

Takamura just kicked people out, and the blood was flowing, and it was already merciful.

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No bones were hurt, no matter how miserable it was, it would be fine to keep it for a few days.

'Oki Jujiro, I challenge you.

Behind him, a huge black shadow appeared, and just appearing, people couldn't help but tremble.

The terrifying breath is like a god in legend.

Weak people can't even bear the pressure.

"What the hell is this?" Many people were talking.

Only a few people like Irie Kanata know about it.

The other dimension of ghosts - ghosts and gods.

"Another dimension? Interesting? Takamura is a little interested.

Another dimension is the first time Takamura has encountered.

The brain is fully functioning.

Environment, venue, Kijujiro's emotions, psychology, playing style...

Soon, the optimal solution is given.

Again, Takamura gave up.

Onigirijujiro is best at power.

Well, Takamura hits with force.

The power of Takamura is also extremely strong.

Touch, just hit the ball, it will cause waves in the air.

The rippling shock wave shattered the glass in the distance.

"Good shot." The ghost yelled.

Without showing weakness, he counterattacked immediately.

"Black battle axe.

The ghosts and gods behind them did the same thing, but unlike ghosts, they were powerful forces that created the world.

It is also a direct hit on the spirit.

(If hit, the body will be severely injured, and the willpower is weak, and it may even become an idiot.)

Takamura secretly.

Ignorance, spirit, and attack at the same time.

To deal with, can only resist.

Takamura fought back the first time.

The same power explosion, the same destruction.

As for the mental aspect, Takamura is also not bad.

In terms of spiritual power and strength, practising India's highest inheritance "The Supreme Veto Sutra", Takamura will not lose to anyone

Bang bang bang.

Bang bang bang.

As if it were a battlefield, there was a loud noise, like a bomb exploded.

Playing on the ground, the tennis made potholes, with a little more focus, and the playing field flew around.

'Get out of the way. ’ Irie Kanata said.

The showdown between the two is not for everyone to watch.

Just a splash of walking stones can blow people's heads and blood.

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