I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 105 Ghosts, already abolished

The surface made of special materials is as hard as reinforced concrete, but in the duel between the two, it became bumpy.

With one blow, the ground rumbled, creating a pothole.

Hit back, and the mud was scattered.

Everyone retreated. Don't dare to watch.

Even so, there were still two or three unlucky people who were affected and injured their elbows.

It made everyone look terrified.

Immediately, everyone retreated further.

With a bang, the tennis ball landed again and exploded.

After the duel between Takamura and the ghost, tennis has long been overwhelmed.


Oni Jujiro scores.

"Not bad." Takamura exclaimed.

Especially Kijujiro's power.

Oni Jujiro has a very high physical fitness. With just his strength, he can warm up with several tons of boulders.

Moreover, Oni Jujiro not only has extremely high strength, but also has high "August 13" super skills.

Technology, strength, speed, and the impact of different dimension ghosts and gods on spiritual power, there is no blind spot in all directions.

"You can too." Kijujiro said.

Besides Byōdōin Hōō and Tanegashima Shuji, Makoto Takamura was the first to push him to such a degree.

(Who the hell is he?)

"Unfortunately, the one who won is me." Takamura turned his head and changed the direction.



"Cut, you should first find a way to defeat the ghost." Qiuting Hongye said.

He is friends with Oni Jujiro, and he unconditionally believes in his friends.

The strongest man in his heart, Kijujiro, is undefeated.

"Yeah, ghosts can't be defeated.

The crowd joined in.

Seeing the true strength of Kijujiro, even if Takamura's strength is extremely strong, no one thinks that Takamura can win.

Because, the ghost Jujiro, the victory over NO.1 Byōdōin Hōō, spread.

Even the peerless overlord of the constant pressure I lost, Takamura, the attacker who appeared out of nowhere, would not be the opponent of Oni Jujiro at all.

"The ghost will win." Qiuting Hongye said.

"Hmm." Irie Kanata nodded, confident.

But in my heart, I was really helpless.

Irie Kanata, who faced Takamura, knows that Takamura is far from using his full strength. In desperation, he could only spread the news of the defeat of Byōdōin Hōō to give everyone confidence.

(Ghost, be very careful, the other party is not a fuel-efficient lamp.)

"Now, it's time for you to lose the battle." Takamura said lightly.

"Don't talk big, use your strength to prove it." The ghost shot back, causing a huge shock again.

Black battle axe.

The ghosts and gods behind him roared in the sky, slashing the mountains and slashing the moon, and even the sky was wrinkled.

Space, powerful ghosts and gods, even the space has been split.

"Hi." Everyone took a cold breath and contributed to global warming.

How can a ghost that can even affect space lose?

Takamura is indifferent, Oni Jujiro, has fallen behind.

Takamura holds the racquet.

He will use his strength to defeat Kijujiro from the front.

In terms of power, after training in the "Supreme Veto Sutra", Takamura has already made up for the shortcomings, no less than anyone, even the talented Oni Jujiro.

But this is not enough.

Cells start.

The intellectual brain moves at full speed, and the huge computing power turns into silk threads to control cell changes.

Increase arm strength and increase body strength.

Increase bone hardness, enhance cell activity, reduce fatigue; strengthen cell renewal, enhance resilience...

Soon, under the cover of clothes, Takamura's body structure has changed.

This is the form of power developed by the control cells.

Grip the racquet and hit the ball hard.

Boom boom boom.

A sonic boom flashes. The resulting air wave erupted into a powerful shock wave.

Just the shock wave caused can blow people away.

One power down ten sessions.


The harsh sound of sound shells sounded, causing everyone to cover their ears unconsciously.

The weak man has already fainted.

The high-definition camera was shattered immediately.

"Bastard." Kikuchi and Shu cursed.

Without the camera, he couldn't see the situation on the court at all.

You can only call the distant camera to take a look.

Just look at the crowd.

As for going to see it live?

Kikuchi and Shu are not so stupid yet, aren't they courting death?

He is weak, but he can't hide the aftermath of the game.

"You can only wait for the news, ghost, you must win. My future lies with you. Kikuchi and Shu stomped their feet, anxiously waiting for the news.

The ghost was shocked.

The power contained in tennis, he is most aware of.

He didn't move, watching the tennis balls fly by.

Because, can't take it.

If you force it, you are more likely to be injured.

Rumbling, the barbed wire was smashed, and the tennis ball continued to fly.

The tree was broken in the middle, the wall was punched with a one-meter hole, and four walls were broken in a row, so that the tennis could be stopped.


Everyone was shocked.

With such inhuman power, can ghosts really defeat them?

For the first time, everyone was at a loss.

"You are stronger than me, but I won't admit defeat." Oni Jujiro said solemnly.

He not only has strength, but also technique.

Racquet leaned and slammed the ball back.

After landing, the tennis ball becomes 5 points and flies in all directions.

"Looks like you gave in." Takamura laughed.

Using technology, Oni already believes that, based on power alone, he is no match for Takamura.

The ghost doesn't answer.

The power to lose is to lose.

However, the game is not over yet.

"It's useless.

In an instant, 5 figures appeared, all over the place, doing different actions.

Swing the racket at the same time and hit all the impossible tennis balls back.

And, tennis is split again.

From 5 to 7.

"I'm not bad either."

Ghosts also separate afterimages.

7 figures, swinging the racket at the same time, hit all the balls back.

Oni Jujiro has always been strong, fast, and skillful.

Soon, in the dazzling sight of everyone, the tennis ball was completely invisible, and there were only many figures, 1.9 strings scattered around.

"They really play tennis?"

Suzuki Tao was surprised.

"Of course." Irie Kanata didn't think twice.

"But..." Suzuki Tao stopped talking.

It can only be said that the gap between people and people is sometimes bigger than the gap between people and dogs.

Boom, in the end, Takamura is superior.


"You can't compare to me in terms of strength, and even less so in terms of skills.

The ghost was silent and continued to serve.

And Takamura, don't want to have any more.

He already knew about the power of ghosts.

Powerful, but that's it.

After the battle with Byōdōin Hōō, Kijujiro took a completely different path.

Byōdōin Hōō is getting stronger and stronger, and has completely surpassed Kijujiro.

And ghosts, willing to be ordinary, have been abolished.

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