I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 106 Three Mifūne Nyudō Three: Go and invite Takamura Buddha


Hit the ball again, and it's a terrifying tennis ball that can almost penetrate the space.

The ghost wanted to avoid it, because just looking at the power, he couldn't catch it.

However, the power of terror has given tennis the ultimate speed.

By the time the ghost wanted to avoid it, it was too late.

Ghost, can only be hard-connected.


The ghost covered his arm.

A powerful shot that breaks the right hand.

The absolute disparity in power makes the ghost helpless.

As long as you catch the ball, you will be injured.

Oni Jujiro finally felt the feeling of others facing him.

That is, the feeling of powerlessness.

"you lose,"

The last ball also knocked the ghost away. Blood flowed.

The score, 6:1.

"Kid Jujiro, I thought you were strong, but it turned out to be nothing more than that. 35 Takamura said regretfully.

He is really sad.

The original ghost can completely reach the level of a professional player.

But now, it is no longer possible.

Unless, he can break the constraints and get out of the small world of the Japanese U17.

"Team Japan, it seems that's not the case.

"Bastard, don't be complacent." Ban Li couldn't help it, and shot directly.

"Don't. 39 The ghost yelled.

Once shot, Takamura has a reason to shoot.

But 27 is too late.

Just waving the pat, that huge force has already knocked the accompanying force into the air.

And unabated, the companion force is also embedded in the wall.


Ghost hate.

But just endure it.

Otherwise Takamura shot, the whole U17 can't stop him.

He couldn't, giving Takamura a reason to shoot.

A reason to abolish people.

"Before making a move, it's best to measure the gap between the two sides."

"Otherwise you think, why didn't others stop me?

"You're not brave, you're stupid."

All are silent. No one refuted.

Because it's a loser, whatever Takamura does, it's normal. Because no one can stop it.

"I lost, I lost." Kikuchi and Shu collapsed on the chair, feeling cold all over.

The U17 base in Japan has no power to fight back, so I can only pray that Takamura has a good heart and abolishes a few people.

If you are a little cruel, it is possible to destroy everyone.

So, my future...

Kikuchi Kazuki thought, no, he has to save himself.

It's not that our army is incompetent, it's that Makoto Takamura is too powerful.

That's right, Makoto Takamura is awesome.

has reached an unimaginable level.

That's it.

"Thank me, my merciful me, I have decided to spare you once."

Hearing ghosts and others want to hit people.

Unfortunately, I can only endure it.

Stepping on the plaster flag a few more times, this group of hot-blooded youths swept their eyes to U17 and the others, and Takamura left in the eyes of everyone's hatred.

Only the unwilling U17 people are left.

"Huh, I'm saved." Kikuchi and Shu wiped off their cold sweat.

Fortunately, the worst didn't happen.

Enemy, what a benevolent man.


Kikuchi and Shu, have been preparing to worship God these days.

A day later, the expedition who lost the game returned.

At a glance, I found the smashed door and the listless crowd.

"How's it going?" Byōdōin Hōō asked.

"I..." The ghost opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

Lost, this time, U17 lost completely.

It was picked by one person.

"So, you lost?" Byōdōin Hōō said coldly.

Endless domineering, tyranny emerged.

The momentum alone caused the trees to tremble.

Since France's World Cup fiasco, Byōdōin Hōō has changed.

Become tyrannical, become violent, become cruel.

Ghost speechless.

Whether the opponent is strength, speed, or skill, they are all above him.

Moreover, the ghost also faintly felt that if Takamura didn't want to see his strength, I am afraid that he would not even get a game.

Lost, there is no room for rebuttal.


Light hit the ball, you can hit the light hit by the reinforced concrete, and hit the ghost directly.

Mourning its misfortune and angering its indisputable.

As the only player in the U17 who has ever beaten him, the choice of ghosts, and the progress, are really disappointing to Byodoin.

The present ghost, and Byōdōin Hōō, are no longer on the same level.

The ghost was severely injured again and vomited blood. Ribs all broken.

"Byodoin, it's not that we are incompetent, it's that Makoto Takamura is too powerful, he's simply not a human being, Kikuchi Kazuki explained.

The Equal Council simply ignored it.

Not only the ghosts, but all the people who stayed there, even the assistant coach Kazuki Kikuchi, took a hit.

Two of his sternums were broken.

Did not escape in the end.

The only smart Irie Kanata, I don't know where to go.

So far, the U17 is full of wounded soldiers.

"Makoto Takamura, it's interesting, don't let me see you." Byōdōin Hōō, murderous intent.

In the world, no one can walk out of Japan U17 safely.

"Makoto Takamura?" Head coach San Mifūne Nyudō San mused, he'd heard the name before.

is it him?

Originally, San Mifūne Nyudō San was already desperate.

The World Cup fiasco, the U17 base being picked, and basically, three Mifūne Nyudō three being sacked is a foregone conclusion.

The Japan Tennis Association is now meeting to discuss the current situation.

Once the new head coach is signed, the three Mifūne Nyudō will have to get out of the way.

Mifune himself was desperate, and he was mentally prepared.

Ready to fuck off.

However, after hearing the name of Makoto Takamura and thinking about what happened today, especially the injuries of Kijujiro and others, it is not serious.

The most serious injury was beaten by Byōdōin Hōō himself.

Mikasa was thoughtful.

Maybe, thanks to the Makoto Takamura incident, he can keep his handsome position?

Mifune had an idea.

Once they had a clue, U17's huge intelligence network immediately sent 813 to play, and within an hour, Makoto Takamura's information was placed on the table of Mifūne Nyudōsan.

"Sure enough, it's him. Michuan smiled, and he felt a little more confident in his heart.

Tokyo, a club that Takamura frequents.

Three Mifūne Nyudō three, changing from the inattentiveness of the past, has been waiting at the Zhongju Club for four days.

During these four days, he lived like a year.

Go to Rikkai and find no one.

Go to Takamura's house, Takamura's parents, and travel to Europe.

Takamura's other frequented places are nowhere to be seen.

It was as if Takamura knew someone was looking for him and avoided him on purpose.

Fortunately, it is said that Takamura has been seen by the middle-class club.

Three Mifūne Nyudō three, can only run over again Baba.

"Takamura-kun hasn't come yet?" San Mifūne Nyudō San couldn't help asking.

"No." Zhongju Yangxiang, chairman of the club, said.

Even some contempt.

Before, I strongly recommended Takamura to Mifūne, but as a result, Mifūne Nyudō Sanyi had a terrific expression and said that not everyone can enter the U17.

As a result, in less than a few months, the three Mifūne Nyudō three ran over.

This is still the head coach of U17? I can be.

Of course, these are Zhongju Yangxiang's inner thoughts.

On the surface, Zhongju Yangxiang still respects the three Mifūne Nyudō three.

How could Mifune not see Yang Xiang's idea of ​​living in the middle?

However, he didn't bother to pay attention.

Without him, the current three Mifūne Nyudō three are really overwhelmed.

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