I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 107 Face Slap III Mifūne Nyudō III

Kikuchi Kazuki, all the responsibility of u17 being picked, all shirks to three Mifūne Nyudō three.

It was said that he took away too much of the main force of U17, so that the base did not have the slightest resistance.

Also, Kikuchi and the tree are blowing Makoto Takamura.

Blow Makoto Takamura's powerful, invincible.

Made San Mifūne Nyudō's nose crooked.

But the three boats have not been able to refute.

The power of Takamura is visible to the naked eye.

Tanegashima Shuji, who also arrived in France, did not appear, which became the Achilles heel of San Mifūne Nyudō San.

How does Mifune explain this problem?

Said he kept his strength and hid information in order to achieve better results?

If Mifune dared to say so, the leaders of the Tennis Association dared to slap him in public.

Who was eliminated in the first round? Japan ranked more than 30, France top four, where did you hide your strength from your face?

If it weren't for the three Mifūne Nyudō three who had an idea and said that he could pull Makoto Takamura, a U17 master, into the U17, I'm afraid that now, the three Mifūne Nyudō three have already gone.

Makoto Takamura, is San Mifūne Nyudō San's only hope for now.

Makoto Takamura joins U17, three Mifūne Nyudō three can keep the coaching position;

Don't join, three Mifūne Nyudō three fuck off.

It's that simple.

(Makoto Takamura, since you want to join U17, you should have said it earlier, I will definitely pay attention to such a genius as you.) San Mifūne Nyudō San looked out the window anxiously to see if Takamura was coming.

"Sir, Takamura-kun is here." Nakaju Yangxiang said.

"Haha, good." San Mifūne Nyudō laughed.

As soon as Takamura entered the club, he was invited to the VIP room, where he met three Mifūne Nyudō three, who were unshaven and full of alcohol, and Yang Xiang, the middle man in suits and leather shoes.

"Hello, Takamura-kun, we met again, and I'll introduce you to me.

"This is, the head coach of Japan's U17, Mr. San Mifūne Nyudō San."


"Is something wrong?" Takamura said calmly.

"It's like this, I know that Makoto is Japanese and his strength is also very strong, so I want to invite Makoto to become a member of the U17 team and play on behalf of the Japanese team. Mifune goes straight to the point.

"So, what's in it for me.||?"

Three ships:???

Mifune was stunned.

This reaction is not right.

According to Mifune's understanding, knowing that Makoto Takamura of the U17 representative team, after receiving his invitation, he should accept it immediately.

This is U17. There are the best coaches, the best training facilities, the best teammates, and the best ability to improve the players.

For tennis players, the U17 is heaven.

Joining the U17 represents playing for Japan, and it also represents the supreme glory.

Moreover, Takamura picked U17 alone, he is Japanese, and he didn't kill the ghost and others.

He even revealed his name in public.

The implication of this, in the eyes of San Mifūne Nyudō San, is that Takamura wants to join U17, but he is worried that he will not be valued, so he shows his strength, chooses U17, and asks U17 to take the initiative to invite him.

That's the whole picture.

As a result, Takamura, who received the invitation from U17, was not happy, but wanted benefits. This……

Mifune frowned.

From this, it can be seen that Makoto Takamura has no loyalty to Japan.

Moreover, their own thoughts may be wrong.

Makoto Takamura, seems to have no intention of joining the U17.

"Kid, do you know that you are about to face a big disaster." San Mifūne Nyudō San changed his attitude.


"Breaking into the U17 training base, injuring the U17 players, provoking the coaches, and being lawless towards the U17s. From a serious point of view, you have committed treason; the crime of the country." Three Mifūne Nyudō three preempted.

Must be wearing a big hat.

Takamura raised an eyebrow.

"so what?"

"Are you going to convict me of treason?

"Do you have this qualification? 39

"Hey, this is a cell phone, do you want me to call the police for you, Coach Mifune?

Three ships:

He has a fart qualification, holding chicken feathers as arrows.

Zhong Juyang slandered in his heart.

As for San Mifūne Nyudō, his face is so awesome, and I look amazing, he has long been unhappy.

What is the U17 for a talented player like Makoto Takamura?

Can any country's U17 team join? Have to hang on Japan? Do you really think the national team coach is awesome?

What is the air, the World Cup is not a fiasco?

Moreover, you are only the head coach of U17, the head coach of the national team has not spoken yet, how old are you in three boats?

Zhong Juyang thought so in his heart, and his face hurriedly smoothed out.

"Misunderstandings are all misunderstandings, that's not what Mifune coach meant.

Saying that, he hurriedly slapped San Mifūne Nyudō.

San Mifūne Nyudō sank in his heart and reacted.

I am now asking for help, and I desperately want Takamura to join.

And Takamura is different, the strength is strong, the world can be taken anywhere.

Since Takamura is not keen on Japan, it becomes unrealistic to use national justice to oppress people.

If so, then-

San Mifūne Nyudō San changed his attitude again and smiled.

"Of course not, it's just that Chengjun is so powerful that it's a pity not to serve the country.

""I would love to serve my country,"

Mifune was overjoyed.

"But the country can't have hungry soldiers, can it? 35

"So, what's in it for me, and privileges?"

Three Mifūne Nyudō Three analysis is right, Takamura does plan to join Japan U17.

But he wouldn't volunteer himself.

There is a huge difference between actively joining and being invited.

With Takamura's current strength and ability, the help U17 can give him is not great.

So, it's no good who joins U17.

Mifune thought for a while.

Takamura is different from Byōdōin Hōō, these hot-blooded young people, just use a few ideals and righteousness, and they can be fooled into giving up their lives and forgetting to die.

Mifune has a feeling that Makoto Takamura in front of him is an old fox who eats people and doesn't spit out bones.

For him, don't rectify those false ones, only real interests.

They are all adults, ideals are worthless at all.

"U17NO.2, vice-captain, you don't have to obey anyone's orders except mine. (Good money)"

"Anything, you can respond directly to me."

"10 million yen per month for living expenses, and one more place. 39

"You can recommend anyone to join the Japanese U17 spot. Mifune stared closely at Takamura.

"You should know the significance of the U17 quota.

"This is my last condition.

Takamura was slightly surprised.

It seems that the three Mifūne Nyudō three are also in a hurry.

The U17 World War I put a lot of pressure on the three Mifūne Nyudō three.

"I disagree.

"What?" San Mifūne Nyudō narrowed his eyes slightly.

I was a little angry.

He has given in so much, why doesn't Makoto Takamura know what's wrong?

"It's not enough, we have to add more.

The atmosphere cooled down.

Staring coldly at Takamura, San Mifūne Nyudō San was furious.

He really wanted to slap Takamura in the face, but couldn't.

"Let's talk, conditions." Word by word came out.

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