I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 109: Gensokyo Far From Earth

"Let's start the real fight." Takamura was not to be outdone.

Use the intellectual brain in your head to consider all the factors around you.

Temperature, light, venue, humidity, wind direction, the opponent's mentality, the characteristics of the game, the style of playing in autumn... All these are taken into account, and the ultimate meaning is obtained.

The Twelve Profound Truths, ~ Omniscient and Almighty, activate.

"This is?

Everyone was shocked, as if they felt something-.

That is the breath of being spied on.

Then, many people showed a look of fear towards Takamura.

The spiritual power school is the most mysterious and powerful school.

"Come on." Irie raised her spirits,

It was this feeling, after Takamura made this move, he seemed to be completely seen through, and he had no ability to resist at all.

What kind of skill, Irie has to observe carefully.

"Small tricks of carving insects." Byōdōin Hōō was disdainful.

Under the different dimension, Byōdōin Hōō's strength has risen to another level. The basic strength is greatly increased.

The tennis ball landed again, and instantly separated 24 ball shadows, shooting towards Takamura like a sharp sword.

Moreover, the pirate captain behind him also advanced at the same time, and the sharp sword in his hand was killing people.

Pirates of the world.

"It's useless.

Under omniscience and omnipotence, everything on the court is under Takamura's perception.

Whether it was the 24 ball shadows, the attacking pirate phantoms, or the actions of Byodoin, Takamura had expected them all.

Move fast, use the best way to move, the shortest distance, dodge the attack,

The temperament is elegant, not like a game, just like a leisurely stroll.

Between the idle clouds and the cranes, the weakness of Byodoin was discovered.

(Where, the weak spot is on the left.)

Takamura hit a backhand with great speed and broke the Byodoin defense.


Soon, Byodoin found that his every move seemed to be predicted by Takamura.

Weaknesses in ball skills, direction of action, preparation for play, everything seems to be predicted by the opponent.

"Byodoin is in trouble." Tanegashima Shuji, heavy for the first time.

This move is also very restrained on oneself.

A touch.

Takamura scored again.

The score was 1:0.

Takamura broke serve.

Surprised many people.

Byōdōin Hōō's serve bureau was broken.

Takamura serve.

The Equal Council is waiting.

Zero serve.

Byodoin laughed.

Very slow serve, what's the use?

The only thing to be commended is the spin on the ball.

Waving the racquet, Byōdōin Hōō is going to give Takamura a hard blow.

The tennis ball landed, and instead of bouncing, it rolled slowly on the ground.

"What?" Byodoin was shocked.

Even the others were surprised.

This trick.

"It's not easy.

the ghost cried.

"Well, it's really hard to crack, Byodoin, what would you do?" Tanegashima Shuji said.

At least for now, Tanegashima Shuji has no clue.

Byodoin was silent.

Silently watched Takamura serve four times in a row.

Not moving, racquet didn't bother to wave.


"It turns out that, after serving four times, Byodoin saw it.

"Intense spin, how many times do you hit?"

The burden is too heavy, which is the first weakness of zero-style serve.

Moreover, the Byodoin already has a solution to it.

Byodoin served again, and this time, his momentum was even greater.

Spanish bullfighting.

Same trick.

different effects.

If the first Spanish bullfight can break the wall, then the current Spanish bullfight is the supreme stunt that can really break the space and defeat the black hole.

The same Egyptian phoenix, tennis is like a real phoenix, come alive. Sitting and exercising irregularly all the time.

Rising rapidly, flying to the blue sky; galloping down, Mount Tai topped.

"Can't catch the ball."

Under the omnipotence and omnipotence, everything in the court is in Takamura's control, so Takamura also directly understands that Spanish bullfighting must not be accepted.

Boom, a pit with a depth of 2 meters appeared in the court.

Smoke rumbles.


Byodoin is ahead.

"You can predict all my actions, but can your body keep up?

"In order to conquer the world, I came back from hell, what are you, what qualifications do you have to compare with me? Byodoin shouted.

Tennis is massive, and endless power is gathered in tennis to destroy everything in the world.

Light hits.

A stunt created by Byōdōin Hōō.

There was a bang, and a big pit appeared again, and the splashing sand and gravel scattered, making people unable to resist.


"If you only have the strength you have now, then lose. Byodoin's momentum is even higher.

strength, once again.

...... Ask for flowers...

Takamura found that with the development of Byodoin's strength, the stronger the momentum, the stronger the Byodoin would rise accordingly, and the opponent would be greatly suppressed under the endless domineering momentum.

And Byodoin's momentum, according to Chinao's analysis, can rise without limit.

That is to say, if the rhythm of Byōdōin cannot be interrupted and the momentum of oppression of Byōdōin Hōō, Byōdōin Hōō, will continue to increase without limit.

Although in the end, his enhancement was minimal.

In addition, a large number of magical skills such as American pirates, as well as the powerful blessing of different dimensions.

A good overlord Byōdōin Hōō, worthy of being Japan's NO.1.

(Although I really want to see how far Byōdōin Hōō can improve his strength, this time, I will defeat him with absolute strength. I cannot give him any hope of victory.)

Making up his mind, Takamura's eyes narrowed.

The first is to break the rhythm of Byodoin.

"Byōdōin Hōō, I must praise you, but, this is the end, I am you, the insurmountable gap."

Head start.

A strong aura poured out from Takamura.

(Chapter 108 is related to the work)

"Let's do it first.""

Russian nesting doll.

One by one, tennis balls from big to small, one by one. In the end, the tennis ball was only a finger wide.

The PLUS version of the round table swipe.

"Break it for me."

The second step is to break the trick and attack the self-confidence of Byodoin.

Only by breaking his self-confidence can the momentum of Byodoin be broken.

The operation of the intellectual brain is fast, and it rises again.

One part continues to be omniscient, the other part

A comprehensive analysis of Byodoin's ball skills.

Twelve Profound Truths, far from the fantasy land of the world.

At the moment when the opponent plays tennis, use the super computing power of the intellectual brain to conduct a comprehensive analysis.

Including temperature, wind direction, gravitational acceleration, rotation, angle... So that Takamura can break all the tricks in the world in an instant.

Of course, under the condition that the strength gap is not big.

Because of the speed of computation, everything in the world, except Takamura, seems to stand still.

And, since all the tricks can be broken, it is impossible for any tennis ball to cross half a meter in front of Takamura, as if there is an invisible line dividing the court into two spaces.

The combination of time and space forms the strongest defense and destroys all stunts in the world - away from the world of Gensokyo.

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