I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 110 Defeated Byōdōin Hōō

Matryoshka doll, broken.

"Then look at this. Luo Byōdōin Hōō is not discouraged.

Pirates of the world.

"It's useless." Takamura closed his eyes.

In an instant, Takamura has analyzed all the secrets of the world's pirates.

With a quick swing, all the pirates in the world were stopped.

The skeleton captain's mental attack collapsed under Takamura's actions.


Captain Skeleton is the materialization of Byōdōin Hōō spirit, the skeleton disappeared, and Byodoin was hit hard.

The third step, attacking the spirit, is done.


Spanish bullfight with light hits.

Absolute attack, absolute power.

The space began to shatter inch by inch. That huge force, even the space can't bear it.

"So strong." The ghost exclaimed.

Even with all his strength, he couldn't beat it.

Tanegashima Shuji's face was heavy.

"August 13" has no, it can be blocked.

However, he didn't know how many times he could block.

Moreover, it can only be under the crotch, it is impossible to attack.

As for Irie, there was no smile on her face.

The gap is too big.

"It's useless."

Far from the world of Gensokyo, I have long seen the weak point of tennis.

Speed ​​ball, technical ball, split ball, spin, can see through the weak point.

Power balls, of course.

(0.31mm at the bottom left of the tennis center, when applying 9 times of rotation, using the elasticity of the racquet and the anti-shock force of the tennis ball, where is the weak point. It can save 59% of the force.)

Break it.

Cell control is not even used.

It was a desperate attack, and it was already broken.


Wallace's Big Bee.


Egyptian phoenix, broken.

American pirate, broken.

All the tricks of Byōdōin Hōō were broken.

In addition to the omnipotence and omnipotence, the Byodo-in Temple is completely at a disadvantage.


"The boss's ultimate trick, actually..." Kimijima sucked in the air and couldn't believe it.

That magical skill that was regarded as perfect, unexpectedly, was completely broken?

Spanish bullfighting.

Takamura played the stunt of Byodoin, and used his own way to return to him. Taking advantage of the reason why Byodoin was stunned, he scored another point.


The form is increasingly unfavorable to the Byodo-in.

Takamura serve.

Toss the ball, take off.

Zero-style serve action.

(That trick again? You are courting death.) Byodoin grinned.

It is impossible to use the same move on him a second time.

Byodoin is about to go over, use racquet to blow air, and crack the zero serve.

But in the end, there was indeed a flash of light, passing by the eyes of Byodoin.



"You think I don't know, can you crack the zero serve?" Takamura smiled.

Byōdōin Hōō, is different from its previous opponent.

Byōdōin Hōō was even more furious.

The fifth step is to provoke the wrath of Byodoin.

Make him unable to concentrate.

As long as the momentum of Byōdōin Hōō is broken, there is nothing to worry about.

Serve again, this time with Mach serve.



Yuezhi Yueguang opened her eyes in surprise.

Can't be wrong, that's his stunt.

But, faster than him.

Pirated versions are faster than genuine ones.

What is the principle?

"Mach serve, it doesn't work for me." Byodoin yelled.

Hit back quickly.

Takamura strikes again, this time, using absolute power.

Control cells, increase tissue muscles, and increase your strength.


Just swinging the bat will cause a sonic boom.

(Cannot pick up.)

Byōdōin Hōō's hair exploded, and he felt the danger.

Dodge quickly.


Takamura, actually completely suppressed Byōdōin Hōō.

The crowd shouted.

"Why do I think the boss might lose." Kazena hesitated.

"Idiot, the boss will not lose." Tohno Atsukyo retorted.

"I know, but..."

U17, for the first time, started to mess up.

Because, they seem to have seen the shattering of the invincible myth.

Three Mifūne Nyudō sighed three times.

He could see clearly that the rhythm of the game was under Takamura's control from start to finish.

And Byōdōin Hōō, from the beginning, lost his sense of normalcy.

He wanted to teach Makoto Takamura a lesson too.

(Perhaps, this is also a good thing, the Japanese team can be stronger.) Three Mifūne Nyudō thought three.

Life is like that, since you can't resist, you can only accept it.

Thinking of it this way, it is a great thing for a powerful monster like Makoto Takamura to join.


"Asshole, bastard, bastard..." Byodoin yelled.

The violent anger made him reach the peak again.

Strength, breakthrough again.

Let Takamura all have some differences.

Fighting will not die, the overlord is undefeated.

different dimension,

Pirates of the world.

Byodoin's strongest stunt.

Also the strongest attack.

Sword, from 24 to 56. To penetrate Takamura thoroughly.

"This trick doesn't work for me.

Omniscient and Almighty plus Gensokyo, which is far away from the world, the combination of the two, the power generated is unimaginable, and the strongest defense is born.

Far more than Tanegashima Shuji's self-destruction.

Takamura, is truly undefeated.

"Break it for me.

A full retaliation, all invalid.

"Looking at this.

Takamura fights back.

Just defensive, is undefeated Byōdōin Hōō.

Only an attack, an unparalleled attack, can defeat the Byodoin.

Control your cells, change your body structure, and make yourself more powerful.


The place where the slap was swung, the powerful force, even the space began to distort, and even the light was shot in all directions.

Boom, the tennis ball moves through the court with unparalleled power.

"Don't think about it.""

Byodoin also felt something had happened, and exerted all his strength. Do your best to stop it.

The moment he touched the ball, the endless use of force made Byōdōin Hōō suddenly change color.

Can't stop it.

But Byōdōin Hōō did not let go.

Overlord, will not drop 1.9 without a fight.

Cracked, broken bones.

The overwhelming power made Byōdōin Hōō not even able to stop him.

The tiger's mouth trembled, and blood was flowing.

"It turned out to be..." Byodoin couldn't believe it.

The strongest one was broken, Byodoin's momentum was greatly reduced, and its strength was also greatly reduced. No more troubles for Takamura.

Although Byodoin was still thinking about using the best of three time, Takamura was running out of energy and was fighting back.

But his momentum has been vented, and his dominant hand is injured, which is not enough to be afraid of.



Two consecutive 6:0, said the result.

The audience was silent.

No one thought that the undefeated king, the peerless overlord Byōdōin Hōō, would lose.

"Losing." Three Mifūne Nyudō sighed three times.

Depressed heart.

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