I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 111 Conquering U17

Although it was already seen that Makoto Takamura would win, San Mifūne Nyudō San couldn't help sighing when it really happened.

Because, U17, things are going to change.

"Boss. 33 Kachi Kazena was speechless and didn't know what to say.

Tohno Atsukyo still didn't want to believe his eyes.

He didn't believe that the boss, whom he respected like a god, actually lost.

"Makoto Takamura, where is the sacred place?" Kimijima, his mind has been activated.

"I lost. 35

For Byōdōin Hōō's defeat, some people are happy, and some people are also worried.

There is also a hint of shame.

Because, this is the failure of all Japanese U17s.

The best high school student in Japan, riding on top of a junior high school student, is a shame for all high school students.

"Then, from today, I will be the No. 1 U17." Takamura announced.

All are silent.

Watch quietly.

Some people disagree.

Tohno Atsukyo, is the most dissatisfied. However, looking at Takamura's strength, one can only shut up.

Because he is not an opponent.

If he really wants to play, he probably won't be able to catch a single ball.

Violent tennis 27, is also the most enveloped of the law of the jungle.

"I agree." Byōdōin Hōō began.

To lose is to lose. ,

If you lose, you have to fulfill the bet.

Moreover, with the addition of Makoto Takamura, Japan's U17 performance will become even better.

In a sense, Byōdōin Hōō, is the one that Takamura most wants to win.

"Then, I am now announcing the first order, in order to enhance the strength of the U17, outstanding middle school students can also join the U17.

The audience was shocked.

No one could have imagined that Takamura would implement such drastic measures as soon as he became No. 1.

U17, as the name suggests, only young people under the age of 17 can join.

And because they are 17 years old, most of them are high school students, and the closer they are to 17 years old, the stronger the players are. Therefore, most of the U17 players in various countries are high school students.

"Is this..." Mifune frowned.

The funding of U17 is fixed, and the number of members recruited is also fixed.

Because the cost is too high.

3 Mifūne Nyudō 3 doesn't know that he wants to recruit more students? Why doesn't he add more students?

First, for competition, the smaller the number, the more precious;

Moreover, high school students are just that talented.

On the other hand, countries are also dragged down by the exaggerated cost of training. If they want to have an extra place, they must hold a special meeting of the Tennis Association.

Soon, someone responded to this question.

Takamura's answer is exceptionally straightforward

"U17 doesn't raise waste.

"Those who are at the bottom of the ranking, get out of U17 voluntarily.""

U17 also has a lot of assholes.

In Takamura's view, except for the top 20, the rest, one counts as one, are all waste.

Wouldn't it be better to train Tezuka, Yukimura, etc. in advance than to waste resources on some scumbag high school students?

"What do you mean? Someone is unhappy.

Such as Kota Dou.

They are in the second and third grades, they are older, but their strength is not very good.

After training in U17 for one to two years, in a short period of time, he was easily beaten by the first grades such as Byodoin.

Most of them are at the bottom of the ranking, as well as the weak first graders.

In the entire U17, there are currently 120 people and 120 high school students, and it is conceivable how many of them are full.

"Do you know how to respect seniors?"

"How old are you, even if you are No. 1, you have to obey the head coach.

The crowd shouted.

Interested in Yuguan, who cares about his Takamura's strength.

As for the top rankings, many are also frowning.

Or think that Takamura is too domineering, or feel that the rabbit is dead and the fox is sad.

"What do you think? Coach Mifune?" Takamura half-smiled.

Three Mifūne Nyudō three frowned.

I cursed Makoto Takamura in my heart.

I want to refute Takamura, but Takamura's strength is too strong, and he has something to say.

In case of conflict with Makoto Takamura, listen to Takamura.

This made the three Mifūne Nyudō three extremely uncomfortable.

"Boy, I know what you mean, but a big tennis country needs a lot of strong players. 55

Three Mifūne Nyudō three whispered.

The first army is a strong player, but Japan needs tennis masters, not 10 or 20, but one hundred or two hundred.

Only when the base is large can Japan's tennis develop more vigorously.

But what about Takamura?

Takamura just wants to get the World Cup and strengthen the U17s. As for the development of tennis in Japan, what about Takamura?

"I also agree with Takamura, U17 don't want to be trash."

Byōdōin Hōō speaks.

There is no room for change.

Three Mifūne Nyudō three sighed.

"You announce it."

Instantly, much older.

He could feel that the days of the U17 were about to change.

"I don't agree, U17 is directly under the jurisdiction of the Internet and the Association. What mistakes did we make, and we should be fired?" Koda Hao refused to accept it.

"I'm going to Wang and Xie Na to sue you. 35

With a bang, the tennis ball like a cannonball slammed into Koda Yao's face, making him bloody and his teeth loose.

"Idiot, do you think your worth is as good as me, Coach Mifune and Byodoin?" Takamura stepped out.

Every step made the backward tremble.

He hit the ball.

Management, we must pay equal attention to both honor and prestige.

"A person can't compare to you, I don't believe that a group of us can't compare." Someone in the crowd instigated.

813 But he was smart and hid in the crowd, thinking Takamura couldn't spot him.

"Sure enough, there are a lot of idiots," Takamura sneered.

He was too lazy to start.

Sure enough, a light hit directly knocked Takeshita Kaito upside down, vomiting blood, and his sternum collapsed.

For a strong army, no one can escape their eyes when they speak.

Takeshita Kaito doesn't even know the abilities of the First Army, so what is he not an idiot?

"Who else has an opinion?" Takamura asked again, looking around.

"I am the first to support the leadership of Takamura-kun. 33 Kimijima is extremely active.

Rapid betrayal and change.

"Me too, from the first time I saw Takamura-kun, I knew that Takamura-kun was a natural leader." Assistant coach Kikuchi Kazuki took a beat and hurriedly followed. In my heart, I yelled at Kimijima for being shameless.

"He's the leader who guided the U17s to victory.

For a time, the voices of support came one after another.

Obedience to the strong is the instinct of the Japanese nation.

The students at the bottom of the ranking can only look bitter.

U17, it seems to be over.

Change their ruthless bullying, the more ruthless the abuse, the higher the awe in the heart, and the better the obedience.

It's like the American father beats the devil's son.

For throwing down two harmonious eggs, Japan would also be grateful to Dade, saying that it was a lost second.

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