I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter One Hundred and Twelve The Shock of Middle School Tennis

"I am also very kind. At present, there are 120 high school students in the entire U17. The bottom 20 will compete with middle school students this time. The winner will get the U17 spot."


Many people's eyes lit up.

They are all students in the lower ranks.

20 people, say more and say less, if you are in the last place, then you will be eliminated, and you can't blame others.

For a time, the cheers for Takamura were also much more sincere.

Mifune shook his head.

In just a few words, it can be seen that Takamura has a grasp of the heart.

If Takamura is showing some kindness in the future, then U17 will really be mastered by him.

Compared with the blind pressure of Byodoin, it is much stronger.

Byōdōin Hōō, it is not wrong to lose.

"Then the matter of choosing middle school students..." Mifune.

"Of course I decide," Takamura said without thinking.

"It's just based on this individual competition.

Mifune smiled wryly.

This is where he is looking for a player, he is clearly looking for an uncle.

On the first day of entering the U17, I was about to empty myself as a head coach.

But he still can't have a seizure.

"Well, it's up to your opinion.

Everyone was shocked.

Except Byōdōin Hōō, everyone was overwhelmed.

No.1's right is big, but Makoto Takamura's right, isn't it too big?

Moreover, looking at the expression of Byodoin, it is not surprising at all.

For a time, many people's hearts set off a storm.

The importance of Makoto Takamura, the first year, may be far beyond his imagination. ,

So, more respect for Takamura.

Even the thorn head of Tohno Atsukyo did not dare to stab.

meeting room.

Takamura wrote down several names.

Tezuka Kunimitsu, Seiichi Yukimura... Atobe Keigo, Chitose Senri, Tachibana Yoshihira, Shiraishi Kuranosuke, Akutsu Jin...

All are first-year students.

After thinking about it, Kite Eishirou's name was still not written down.

Kite Eishirou, this guy, is out of his mind and can't use it.

"These are.||?"

"Genius middle school students, replace those trash high school students. 99

Takamura explained.

The World Cup is so important.

So why not start training from the country, no, even from an early age?

Even if Tezuka and others cannot participate in the U17, but after three years, the junior high school students led by Tezuka have grown up, and the probability of success is far better than the old students, right?

Anyway, the results of the Japanese team are third-rate, it is also possible to temporarily give up the two World Cups.

Mifune smiled and didn't answer.

Simple, because of strength.

Middle school students, no matter how strong they are, they are also limited. When the talent gap is not big, time is the biggest gap.

The coaches of the World Cup are all workers, and they don't know if they will be fired for the next World Cup.

In this case, it is understandable to concentrate all the power on the high school students and cultivate their immediate combat power.

It's not that they don't know that cultivating the talents of middle school students in advance and sacrificing one or two World Cups can make the Japanese team have a big breakthrough.

Everybody knows.

But no.

The pressure of grades is placed here.

For poor grades, the head coach, including members of the Tennis Association, should be held responsible.

If one is not good, one should take the blame and resign.

A few years later, the results came out, and it was the younger generation who enjoyed the honor. What's the matter with them planting trees?

Who has such a great and selfless spirit?

Anyway, Mifūne Nyudō didn't have three, and neither did the Tennis Association.

There is no spirit of selfless dedication, only the dream of promotion and fortune.

Therefore, U17, there are only high school students.

Mifune was silent for a long time before speaking.

"I want to hear the truth. How do you feel about the results?"

"With me here, the Japanese team's performance will not be bad.

Three ships:

Don't talk too much.

I think the same about this World Cup.

The result? It wasn't the result of being pulled home by a stick.

"I was serious."

"I'm serious too. 33 Takamura looked serious.

Mifune was stunned, shocked by the confidence in Takamura's tone.

This is a stock that even he and the entire older generation in Japan do not have—


Except for Echizen Nanjiro.

Mifune is very envious, because this is only the golden generation, the real power can be cultivated.

No less than anyone's confidence.

"I will give you the bottom line. In the next World Cup, the semi-finals will be guaranteed, and there is a great hope for the championship."

"Really?" Mifune didn't believe it.

(How old are you, do you know how wide the world is.) Three Mifūne Nyudō was full of slander in his heart.

I think Takamura is just talking big.

And Takamura also despised Mifune in his heart.

Is the world wide?

2 years later, your Japanese team is about to take on the world coalition, you tell me the world is wide?

Do you want such a big face?

"You can agree on a target with the net. The top four are guaranteed.

The three boats were turbulent in their hearts.

Guaranteed Final Four, Takamura Seriously?

Looking at Takamura again, Mifune's expression changed drastically.

"Really?" He swallowed.

"believe it or not.

Takamura leaves.

After a long time, Mifune smiled wryly.

Being old, in the end, he can't compare to a young man.

With courage, trust in the players, and self-confidence, all three boats were lost.

At this moment, all Mifune's resentment towards Takamura, all anger, all disappeared.

I can't compare to him. Mifune sighed.

The national middle school individual competition is divided into singles and doubles, and the players participate in their own name.

After a month of competition, we have reached the finals.

The two sides in the final were Rikkai's Tezuka Kunimitsu and Seiichi Yukimura.

But not only that.

The top four, also from Rikkai's Sanada Genichiro and Niou Masaharu.

Top 8, Mōri Juzaburō, Yanagi Renji, Marui Bunta, and a solitary Atobe Keigo.

Rikkai, (good money) almost swept the top 8.

Moreover, if it wasn't because Daisuke Naizuka was eliminated by Sanada, but he was in a group with Atobe, I'm afraid Atobe is also very dangerous.

After seeing the top 8 list, the entire Chinese tennis world was shocked.

It's no wonder that Rikkai was so powerful that he won the championship.

It turned out that their strength was already so strong.

Solo top 8, 7 seats, almost all the top players are in Rikkai, how else do the others play?

At this time, many people admired the foresight of Inoue Mori.

"Inoue, great.

"As expected of Inoue-senpai.

This time, the reportability and authenticity of Tennis Monthly have soared, and sales have also increased significantly.

As for the National Competition Organizing Committee, it was held overnight.

Just for Rikkai's strength.

The situation of a dominant one is extremely unfavorable to the development of the national competition.

After discussions, the contest announced several measures.

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