I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 113 Changes in the pattern of the middle school

(Chapter 108 is in the works related, free.)

First, starting from next year, all games must be played in five games.

Even the lowest regional qualifiers.

This is to increase the number of games and prevent Rikkai from going straight to a 3-0 sweep.

Reduce competition revenue.

Second, create gods.

There is fierce competition, there is fierce competition in publicity, and there is a way of publicity in which one major has a major.

Makinofuji, Shitenhouji, Hyotei, Shile Music and other major powerhouses are too far behind Rikkai to catch up.

Since Rikkai's hegemony has been difficult to stop, let's create a god.

A tennis star, on the altar of the tennis team, will certainly greatly enhance the attention of the national competition.

Just like Jordan is to the NBA, Messi and Ronaldo are to the Champions League.

Even, the organizing committee even thought about the next slogan.

"The best ever? Who can take a point from Rikkai?"

"The strong has its own strong hand, the strongest Rikkai, who is the strongest person in it."

It can be said that because of the results of the individual competitions, the National Competition Organizing Committee passed the above resolutions at the fastest speed.

The final venue was crowded with people.

Atobe sat silently in the audience, just to see the strength of Tezuka.

In the quarterfinals, he lost to 813 Seiichi Yukimura.

It was, a game that made him desperate.

Overall, he had no chance of winning.

"Let me see the strength of the top of the country. 59

"Where is that bastard, Makoto Takamura?" Akutsu looked around, wanting to see his old enemy.

"Don't look, he's not here." Atobe said lightly, looking at Akujin with admiration in his eyes.

After failing to challenge Rikkai, he felt that Hyotei's strength was too weak, and Atobe had a hard time. In addition to doubling his training, he was recruiting.

To recruit major Japanese masters.

Akujin is the master Atobe discovered from the street court.

At first, Akutsu was disdainful.

However, the ability of banknotes is so powerful that almost no one can resist.

By the way, Atobe at the time was flirting with girls.

"Cut." Akutsu turned around and left.

He wants to train.

Inui Sadaharu shook his head silently.

There is absolutely nothing to do with Akutsu.

Inui Sadaharu, Oishi Syuichirou, Kikumaru Eiji and Kawamura Takashi, were also recruited by Atobe to Hyotei.

With Akutsu, for a while, Hyotei's strength greatly increased.

"Let's go, this is a good location." (chbj) Fuji laughed.

At this time, Fuji had already transferred to Shitenhouji.

Shitenhouji's atmosphere is relaxed, humorous, and united, which he likes a lot.

"Then sit down." Watanabe felt a headache.

Because he knew that Fuji's talent was still above Shiraishi.

But, to give Shiraishi a pair of golden wristbands, he wasted his entire fortune;

So what is it for Fuji? You can't help but say it, right?

But I have no money...

Thinking of this, Watanabe's eyes drifted to Shiraishi's left arm.

Shall I melt the golden bracers and split them in half?

Tachibana Jihei, Chitose Senri also arrived, with Tachibana Apricot; Kite Eishirou with eyes sneaked into the venue while the security was not paying attention;

Futetsu and Mitsuya Akuto...

Almost all the players with names and surnames in the country came.

Just because they also want to see the strength that stands at the top of middle school students.

And how far is it from myself and the apex.

Because, unlike the original, they both also participated in singles.

Without exception, all are failures.

Mostly, they were eliminated by Rikkai's people.

Now, it's a match between Tezuka Kunimitsu and Seiichi Yukimura, with both sides guessing first. said the referee.

"The day has finally come." Yukimura sighed.

"I'd love to have a fight with you.

"Me too," Tezuka replied.

Although the two often played against each other, in just half an hour, the winner could not be determined at all.

The two knew very well that the whole Rikkai, except Takamura, could be their opponents, only each other.

Not even Sanada.

Nioh does have this potential, but there is still some time to go.

"Who do you think will win? Sanada?" Yanagi Renji squinted.

"..." Sanada was silent.

"do not know.

"It's not surprising who wins and who loses." King Nio said.

Five to five.

This is recognized by Rikkai, who understands the strength of the two.

And in the audience, there were a lot of scouts.

Some are Japanese and some are foreign.

"Heydrich said that Japan has produced a peerless talent, it seems to be Makoto Takamura, 35 Heinkerz looked at the list in his hand.

Very suspicious.


"No matter what, you have to observe carefully," Loew said.

He is also a scout in Germany.

On the order of the head coach of the German team, come to investigate.

Just came to Japan.

They have already found out that Makoto Takamura has joined the Middle-School affiliated with Rikkai University.

More coincidentally, the opponent in the single-player final was Rikkai's player.

Both are.

"Coincidence?" Heinkerts wondered.

"I don't believe in any coincidence. Find out all the footage of Rikkai's previous games, and I'll watch them tonight. 35

After speaking, Heinkerts smiled at Loew.

"Now, let's appreciate the Japanese genius."


Loew laughed too.

What kind of genius can Japan have?

Except for Makoto Takamura, Japan's so-called peerless talent, in Europe, he is just an average player.

Still a genius?

Laughed to death.

Tezuka serves first.

Both of them are well-informed and do not need to be tempted.

Tezuka tossed the ball and started swinging.

Familiar movements, familiar swings.

Zero serve.

Yukimura didn't move, watching Tezuka's movements silently.

"What's the matter? Many people are surprised.

Tezuka was already swinging, but Yukimura still didn't move.

Big heart, or something else?

"No." Heinkerz's eyes flashed.

Having seen many geniuses, Heinkerts has a very old-fashioned vision, and instantly saw that the rotation in tennis is not simple.

The tennis ball landed, instead of bouncing, it rolled slowly on the ground.


The audience was shocked.

"Impossible." Atobe stood up.

Tennis not bouncing?" Mitsuya Akuto wondered.

55 Doesn't that mean there is no solution?" Ju Xing exclaimed.

"Yeah, there is no solution. Tachibana Jihei said solemnly.

He couldn't think of a way.

Almost everyone who knows the rules of tennis is aware of this problem at the same time.

Zero-style serve, how to crack it?

Even Heinkerts opened their mouths wide.

It's not that I haven't seen unsolved tennis like zero serve, it's just the age of Tezuka Kunimitsu...

Glancing at each other, the two previous contempt were all swept away. Dare not to report any carelessness, the camera in his hand is activated at full power.

Heinkerts had a hunch that he might have caught a big fish in this game.

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