I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 114 TezukaVS Yukimura

At the beginning of the game, the two of Tezuka gave everyone a dismay.

"It's really not easy," Yukimura exclaimed, "every time I see a zero-style serve, I'm amazed.

"So what, if it's an old-fashioned zero-style serve, you've already cracked it. Tezuka said calmly.

Yukimura smiled slightly.

Not just the old-fashioned, new-style zero serve, he's going to crack too.

Yukimura is not just standing, but his mental power has turned into a sharp sword, constantly attacking Tezuka, attacking Tezuka's spirit.

The new version of zero serve, which has been improved by Takamura, has become perfect.

The rotation is greatly increased, and the force exerted is extremely strong, which makes the weight of the tennis ball greatly increase. After landing, it is completely attached to the ground, and the gap of 0.1 mm does not exist.

The tackle is useless.

Also, as the weight of the tennis ball increases greatly, the rotation is broken by the airflow alone, thus allowing the ball to bounce, breaking the zero-serve approach, Takamura can do it, but ~ Yukimura, absolutely not.

His strength is not enough.

Finally, there is the burden.

The new zero-style serve reduces the burden −.

After Tezuka's training, he could barely use a game.

(Since the zero-style serve cannot be cracked, the person who cracks the serve. Let Tezuka make a mistake.)

Spiritual power continued to attack.


Tezuka's face changed, and he felt the shock of his spirit.

The banshee howled, dispersing Tezuka's energy; the sharp sword transformed into spiritual power flew up and down, constantly attacking Tezuka's spirit.

From time to time, inexplicable hallucinations will appear in front of me...

In an instant, Tezuka understood Yukimura's plan.

(It's not that easy to get me wrong.)

Stay calm and block all attacks.

Toss again, sounds, fantasies, all ignored.

Perfect action, perfect serve.


Yukimura was unmoved.

He knew Tezuka's strength.

The attack of spiritual power is not for the present, but for the future.

In the first few rounds, it was impossible for him to break through Tezuka's defense, and it was impossible for Tezuka to make mistakes.

But after the game is anxious, especially tiebreak, any advantage may become the weight of victory or defeat.

(Continuously launching mental attacks, Yukimura, how long can your mental power last?) Tezuka said silently.

(The serving interval is widened to prevent the arms from getting too tired, and it can also make the Yukimura consume more and prepare for the tiebreak.)

Tezuka and Yukimura, both made their own plans, and they both bet the outcome on tiebreak.

Four goals, Tezuka scored.


Yukimura serve.

The technology of serve is extremely clever, and its strength, speed, and rotation are extremely powerful, but compared with the zero-style serve just now, it is a lot worse.

The crowd sighed.

It seems that the champion this time is undoubtedly Tezuka Kunimitsu.

A few people except Rikkai.

Tezuka took it seriously, because he knew that any of Yukimura's skills would be terrifying.

Sure enough, Tezuka soon discovered that Yukimura's ball was hitting his weak spot.

In contrast, it is the most difficult place to counterattack.

Using Yukimura's eyes that can see the essence of all ball skills, develop and strengthen it, and become eyes that can see all the way of the ball.

Kingdom of Yukimura.

That's right, it's the trick of pirating Atobe.


Tezuka catches the ball quickly.

Apply strong spin to the ball.

supreme realm.

The nemesis of Yukimura domain and all weak point attacks.

A total of triple spins.

The first weight makes the ball return to its surroundings, the first weight makes the ball fly out of the court, and the last weight makes the strength, speed and rotation of the tennis stronger.

Although, Tezuka can only increase the strength by 3 times at present.

"Come on then.

Not to be outdone, Yukimura cracked the spin by seeing the nature of the game.

A heavy spin, crack.

Tennis doesn't fly like Tezuka anymore.

Double spin, crack.

The tennis ball flew back into the court.

Triple spin, remove spin.

Bang bang bang bang bang.

Both sides fight.

Speed, power, technology, let everyone amazed.

"So fast." Oshitari Kenya was surprised.

He has always thought that the speed of middle school students is the first. For the first time, he discovered that there are others who are faster than himself.

"Not just speed, but power." Ishida Gin sighed.

The strength of each of the two's balls is above his wave ball.

So, is my strength really the strongest in the country? Or are the two of them actually power players?

Ishida Gin wondered.

"Technology is also very high, at least, I can't match." Fuji Syusuke opened his eyes wide and watched the game without blinking.

· · Flowers ·

He needs to evolve.

The faces of the coaches of other teams changed dramatically.

Because, it is just the foundation, the simplest foundation, which cannot be handled by the players at home.

No matter how good a skill is, it will be broken one day.

But the foundation, the strong foundation, is always impeccable.

"It seems that Rikkai's dominance is hard to shake." Yamabuki Middle-School's companion sighed.

He really couldn't find Rikkai's flaws.

Shitenhouji's Watanabe repair also sighed in the sky.

That's a desperate disparity.

There is no hope of victory.

German scouts Heinkerts and Loew were shocked.

The zero serve didn't shock them so much.

"Love, your thoughts should be the same as mine, right? 35 Heinkerz's eyes were gleaming.

"Yeah, it should be the same.

After 3 seconds, the two spoke at the same time.

"Yes, the two of them, can come to Germany.

Touch and the tennis ball flies out.

Yukimura scored.


And the time of this game is half an hour.

Because the two of them didn't want to give each other every ball, and every ball was played as a decisive ball.

"How long can their physical strength last?" Atobe murmured.

2 hours, 3 hours or 4 hours?

Even with his physical strength, it would be difficult for him to sustain such a fierce competition.

Tezuka serves again.

Four more zero-serves, scoring again.


Yukimura serve, and the two seesaw again.

Finally, Yukimura's fangs began to appear.

Using the constant return ball to make the opponent fall into YIPS, the powerful mental power is also constantly spreading in Tezuka's body.

Destroy the five senses.

"Touch, go away.

Tezuka lost touch.

"Hearing, sight lost. 35

Smell and taste, Yukimura is not deprived.

Because Takamura told Yukimura long ago.

After eliminating the five senses, one's spiritual power will be greatly improved, but it will increase the success rate of cracking the five senses.

On the contrary, the retention of unrelated taste and smell will make taste and smell more sensitive and interfere with each other's judgment.

Are taste and smell helpful for playing tennis?

Obviously not.

In this way, the chance of the opponent breaking the five senses is greatly reduced.

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