I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 124 The real main force of Japan

Four games in full swing.

Jiazhi Kazena and others are very confident, how can they be their opponents when they are small middle school students?

The world is big.

They are in the world, and the middle school students in the country are two completely different worlds.

But as the game progressed, Kazena and others were shocked.

Because, the four Tezuka, not as they imagined, have no counterattack power at all, but have a relationship with themselves.

Even, because they underestimated Tezuka and others, they only used 60% of their strength, and as a result, they fell behind.


The ball flies fast.


lagging behind.

Kimijima laughed~, laughing dangerously.

Take a look at Byōdōin Hōō's face.

The four looked cold.

Unconsciously, Jiazhi Kazena and others, continue to improve their strength. Until, full force.

"Waste." Byōdōin Hōō was dissatisfied.

In the competition with the junior high school students, he even used all his strength. Tohno Atsukyo and others really lived to the age of the dog.

And Fuji and others are full of envy.

Although I have already seen the strength of Tezuka and others.

But once again, it still shocked Fuji et al.

The gap is too big.

As for the high school students, they were completely stunned.

The first army, the unattainable first army, actually used all its strength in the competition with the middle school students.

Matsudaira Chikahiko wanted to slap himself.

Middle school students did what they didn't do.

Now he's really become a waste.

Migihashi Itarou sighed.

The Ida man smiled bitterly, as for the companion force, forget it, not to mention it.

Once again, they felt the talent gap.

The lounge is luxuriously decorated, occupies a huge area and has advanced facilities. It can be regarded as a high-end hotel.

At this time, there were only three Mifūne Nyudō three and Takamura in Nuoda's lounge.

"I admit that people like Tezuka Kunimitsu and Seiichi Yukimura are very strong, but is it too early for them to fight with Kazena and the others?"

Mikasa was a little puzzled.

"Byodoin doesn't know why it's crazy, and it even agrees with your opinion."

"Do you think Tezuka and the others can't win?""

"Of course." San Mifūne Nyudō San didn't hesitate.

"My students, I know for myself, each of them is talented and is the golden generation of Japanese tennis.

Tezuka and the others, it is impossible to beat Thno and the others now. 35

Tezuka et al, outperform Kazena et al, for sure, it's just the time factor.

But now, the time is still too early, just the situation of physical development is a great disadvantage.

Takamura smiled.

"If it is Yuezhi Yueguang first-class, Tezuka and the others are certainly not opponents."

"But if it's Tohno Atsukyo them, not necessarily.

Japanese tennis is indeed the golden generation now, but the leading figures have always been Byōdōin Hōō, Tanegashima Shuji, Oni Jujiro, Irie Kanata, Tokugawa Kazuya and others,

There's also an even scarier Echizen Ryoga in particular.

These people are the real main force of Japan and the confidence to fight against the world.

At most, add the moonlight.

The current Japanese army, including Kazena, is far less powerful and talented than expected.

Otherwise, after three years, how did the top middle school students catch up or even surpass Kazena and others?

Moreover, the most important thing is that Kazena and others have only been training in U17 for more than half a year. Although their strength has been reborn, compared with two years later, their strength is still a world of difference.

Tezuka and others have been training under their own for a long time.

After coming and going, coupled with the crushing of talent, there is an opportunity to smooth the gap.

Now, is Tezuka their only chance to challenge.

If it's half a year later, don't think about it, it's definitely not an opponent.

The training effect of U17 is so amazing.

"Wait and see.

San Mifūne Nyudō San frowned, not sure what Takamura meant.

Everywhere on the battlefield, the style of play became more and more intense.

Yukimura encounters a formidable enemy like never before.

Speed, power, and the first overall fall into the downwind.

Especially Tohno Atsukyo's violent style of play, swiping away at people's bodies.

"Interesting, so interesting." Yukimura's blood was boiling.

Zero Sense Tennis.

Weaken your sense of smell, taste, touch... Eliminate all your superfluous senses and enhance your own strength in all aspects.

See through the eyes of the essence, keep watching the path of the ball, see through the weaknesses, and see the path of the ball clearly.

Vigorously level A and hit the ball back.

YIPS, keep launching.

·For flowers·

Mental power turned into a sharp sword, constantly attacking everywhere.

To deceive Tohno Atsukyo's vision, deviating Tohno Atsukyo's hearing, from time to time, the spiritual sword pierces suddenly, attacking the brain.

And dodge.

I must not let Tohno Atsukyo's tennis ball hit me.

Tohno Atsukyo's strength is strong, and the ball is very tricky, but as long as you see the ball clearly, it will be fine.

After all, Tohno Atsukyo is violent tennis, and if you can't hit people, the threat of Tohno Atsukyo is nothing.

Hit people, after all, is inferior. Is the lack of hard power.

Yukimura was happy, Tohno Atsukyo was angry.

His own execution of thirteen strokes, no matter how he fought, was stopped by the opponent.

From the beginning to the end, his tricks are useless, as if all his tricks are expected by the other party.


To make Tohno Atsukyo even more angry, Seiichi Yukimura slipped and didn't let go.

Spiritual power is constantly attacking, causing myself to be blinded from time to time.

Moreover, all five senses were deceived, obviously he was hitting the baseline, but when he turned around, he realized that he was playing out.

"Asshole, bastard," Tohno Atsukyo exasperated.

Especially when he remembered how others laughed at him—

Not even a middle school student can beat it.

"Then go to hell. 99

Tohno Atsukyo opened wide.

The strongest move is to hang the head.

The ball goes straight to the head.

Then, the tennis ball slid through Yukimura's head.


Tohno Atsukyo laughed.

Then, realized it wasn't right.

cross head?

When he realized it, it was a picture of the ball hitting the ground.


Yukimura scored.


"Looks like, it's almost there," Yukimura raised her head, "The five senses are eliminated, it's about to start,"

"are you ready?"

...... Tohno Atsukyo, the uneasiness in his heart widened rapidly.

Kimijima, very depressed.

While negotiating with Tezuka, he kept attacking.

The art of negotiation, the deep mind, the negotiator on the court, that's Kimijima.

The stunt of negotiation is to use mental power to interfere with the other party, and to influence the other party unconsciously through the way of conversation.

Kimijima, is also a strong spiritual school.

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